eMizZ  id: 2244983
[ Match Ratings ]
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MSN Games Solitaire 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
17.04.09 z PP' Detail
15.08.08 z PP' Detail
10.08.08 1792366 Detail
10.08.08 3158117 Detail
10.08.08 Gamf Detail
10.08.08 2616373 gg ! Detail
09.08.08 Lexanii gg Detail
09.08.08 2620259 Detail
09.08.08 BERLiN unfriendly Detail
09.08.08 2590550 Detail
09.08.08 2275370 Detail
30.04.08 3008598 Detail
28.04.08 2275370 Detail
10.04.08 1870454 gg Detail
10.04.08 BadAdmin Detail
09.04.08 2181394 Detail
09.04.08 1651956 gg Detail
09.04.08 2399356 Detail
09.04.08 3148864 Detail
09.04.08 2275370 Detail
09.04.08 2590550 Detail
07.04.08 1996914 Detail
07.04.08 Sheeper Detail
05.04.08 3008598 Detail
01.04.08 2172419 gg Detail
01.04.08 2145150 Detail
31.03.08 2440281 Detail
31.03.08 Bella 3rd round i can\'t do anything,not fair :( Detail
31.03.08 2275370 Detail
24.03.08 2172419 gg Detail
24.03.08 3008598 Detail
20.03.08 1996914 Detail
02.03.08 STEFFi Detail
09.02.08 2440281 Detail
26.01.08 2440281 bad game % player Detail
25.01.08 iReLeXt nice player, nice match Detail
24.01.08 2986370 Detail
19.01.08 Antek - ? for what? - - ! Detail
19.01.08 2440281 Detail
16.01.08 daVe Detail
09.01.08 1792366 Detail
07.01.08 2104356 Detail
26.12.07 2888374 Detail
16.12.07 2172419 gg Detail
10.12.07 2440281 Detail
08.12.07 1209406 Detail
08.12.07 2172419 gg Detail
08.12.07 2888374 Detail
02.12.07 2440281 bad player Detail
02.12.07 2172419 gg Detail
01.12.07 1792366 Detail
01.12.07 2198921 Detail
29.11.07 1106975 gg Detail
29.11.07 2429548 Detail
28.11.07 1096232 Detail
25.11.07 2440281 Detail
24.11.07 2172419 gg Detail
24.11.07 2186668 what a big kiddy, all games he gave - - if he loose ur a crapy nap kid. go home. Detail
MSN Games Solitaire 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
15.08.08 z PP' Detail
11.08.08 3427484 Detail
11.08.08 3427405 Detail
09.08.08 3424379 Detail
09.08.08 3424364 Detail
09.08.08 3424348 Detail
09.08.08 3424341 Detail
09.08.08 1775294 Detail
09.08.08 2820848 olalalalalal grosgros skilllllll solo Detail
08.08.08 2172419 gg Detail
10.04.08 2470668 Gay Gay ^^ Revanche un de ces 4 :) Detail
10.04.08 1977693 Detail
10.04.08 2172419 gg Detail
10.04.08 1775294 gg Detail
10.04.08 2172419 gg Detail
09.04.08 Asty gg Detail
09.04.08 1651956 gg Detail
08.04.08 2943049 il faut arreter de strecé rela mec Detail
08.04.08 2532145 gg Detail
07.04.08 2596621 Detail
07.04.08 2399356 Detail
07.04.08 2298503 GG Detail
04.04.08 KrmS Detail
02.04.08 1527875 Detail
10.02.08 2172419 gg Detail
10.02.08 2172419 gg Detail
25.01.08 2637972 Detail
20.01.08 2172419 gg Detail
16.12.07 2172419 gg Detail
15.12.07 EleFunK Detail
08.12.07 2172419 gg Detail
02.12.07 1713457 Detail
02.12.07 1650971 Detail
01.12.07 2596621 Detail
01.12.07 2172419 gg Detail
29.11.07 HrN gg Detail
25.11.07 2431583 Detail
25.11.07 2429548 Detail
24.11.07 2172419 gg Detail
21.11.07 2195310 Detail
21.11.07 2136233 Detail
21.11.07 ArweN1etzsche Detail
21.11.07 1989987 gg Detail
20.11.07 KrmS Detail
20.11.07 2689711 Detail
20.11.07 937257 Detail
19.11.07 2580711 gg Detail
ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
10.08.08 1947430 Detail
10.02.08 2172419 gg Detail
27.01.08 2205215 play like a german Detail
27.01.08 789881 Detail
25.01.08 HuT Detail
23.01.08 1368593 Detail
23.01.08 2417136 gg Detail
22.01.08 2633446 Detail
20.01.08 n1c Detail
20.01.08 nash Detail
20.01.08 1069569 Detail
20.01.08 1807812 Detail
20.01.08 2172419 gg Detail
16.01.08 1634429 Detail
12.01.08 1876972 Detail
07.01.08 1839074 Detail
10.12.07 2172419 gg Detail
10.12.07 2226290 Detail
10.12.07 2093144 -- Detail
10.12.07 magix can\'t loss, i love it :) Detail
10.12.07 Ace very unfriedly Player, Flame..Flame..Flame Detail
09.12.07 1218669 Detail
09.12.07 1974023 Detail
09.12.07 736393 Detail
09.12.07 2756306 Detail
09.12.07 2225671 Detail
08.12.07 pT Detail
08.12.07 s1ght schade das man nicht beleidigen darf =/ Detail
25.11.07 1690442 Detail
24.11.07 1816409 Detail
24.11.07 2172419 gg Detail
24.11.07 eypi Detail
24.11.07 Avril GG Detail
24.11.07 2129096 Detail
24.11.07 1931187 Detail
20.11.07 937257 Detail
19.11.07 2258049 Detail
18.11.07 1980150 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.08.08 EleFunK Detail
07.04.08 Spymach1ne gg Detail
02.04.08 2494402 Detail
01.04.08 3068169 Detail
31.03.08 FrederiqueVW Detail
31.03.08 2806851 gg, les gun et he étaient pas authorisée, mais c\'pas grâve, j\'en prend pas compte. ;) gg Detail
12.12.07 2653624 Detail
12.12.07 1964701 Detail
12.12.07 2594044 GG Detail
10.12.07 2847707 Detail
MSN Games 7 Hand Poker 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.04.08 2520901 Detail
11.04.08 HelmcheN negativ? why because i was offline after the match? lol? and you are admin ... poor Detail
10.04.08 2637972 Detail
10.04.08 2920186 Detail
10.04.08 2103131 Detail
10.04.08 2298832 Detail
10.04.08 3148864 gg m8 Detail
10.04.08 ELstringer Detail
10.04.08 1436987 good gamer Detail
10.04.08 719233 gg Detail
MSN Games Solitaire 1on1 MSN Solitaire Cup v1
created from rating comment match
10.04.08 1870454 gg Detail
Counter-Strike PraccNation 5on5 1on1 Aim V10
created from rating comment match
09.04.08 EleFunK haahaha Detail
Counter-Strike PraccNation 5on5 1on1 Aim V8
created from rating comment match
09.04.08 EleFunK hiihii Detail
ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
09.04.08 1782882 Detail
26.01.08 Exter ++ Detail
26.01.08 Exter GG Detail
25.01.08 1023045 je rouge, tu rouges, il rouge, nous rougons, vous rougez, ils rougent Detail
21.01.08 Exter Detail
21.01.08 fox1j Detail
21.01.08 1023045 :) Detail
21.01.08 1023045 bisous poto Detail
21.01.08 1023045 je prefere le rouge :) Detail
15.01.08 1479296 Bloc/boule+no fair play Detail
05.01.08 1690753 Detail
05.01.08 Exter parce que il le vaut bien Detail
03.01.08 Exter Only Blocked the balls no skill Detail
20.12.07 Exter Tu c PK Detail
17.12.07 1023045 bim bim Detail
17.12.07 1023045 ahaha Detail
11.12.07 1023045 Detail
11.12.07 1023045 gg Detail
11.12.07 1023045 gg Detail
08.12.07 2172419 gg Detail
08.12.07 2172419 gg Detail
02.12.07 2066256 Gg ! Detail
01.12.07 2172419 gg Detail
01.12.07 Exter Good Game et Good playeur Detail
29.11.07 1023045 Detail
29.11.07 1023045 Detail
24.11.07 2172419 gg Detail
20.11.07 2172419 gg Detail
MSN Games Poker 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
09.04.08 2382770 gg Detail
08.04.08 l apach Detail
27.01.08 1425034 Detail
Counter-Strike Aimmap 1on1 ESL Masters Series 1v1 Qualif1
created from rating comment match
06.04.08 1287353 Detail
MSN Games Dames 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
08.12.07 2172419 gg Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.12.07 2066256 gg mec Detail