Artur 'CookieStyle' Glanowski  id: 2551708
[ Match Ratings ]
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FIFA 20 (One) Ekstraklasa Games - Kwalifikacje Zagłębie Lubin
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11.02.20 rafcio1908 Detail
FIFA 20 (One) PZPN eFutbol - Kwalifikacje #3
created from rating comment match
30.01.20 14636907 Detail
FIFA 18 (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
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31.10.17 9480192 Detail
30.10.17 Dope Rich Detail
30.10.17 2466942 Detail
30.10.17 11841118 Detail
Hearthstone League of Explorers Tournament #27 Europe
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24.03.16 9731493 Detail
Hearthstone 1on1 Play4Fun #30 Poland
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20.02.16 6728944 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Europe Cup #26
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27.12.15 9625276 Detail
Hearthstone 1on1 Christmas Cup 2015
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22.12.15 4131845 Detail
Hearthstone 1on1 Play4Fun #23 Poland
created from rating comment match
20.12.15 9165182 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Europe Cup #25
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20.12.15 9687640 Detail
Hearthstone 1on1 Play4Fun #22 Poland
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17.12.15 3245567 Detail
Hearthstone League of Explorers Tournament #4 Europe
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15.12.15 7182175 Detail
15.12.15 5029930 Detail
Hearthstone 1on1 Play4Fun #21 Poland
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10.12.15 Reliable Detail
Hearthstone 1on1 Play4Fun #20 Poland
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03.12.15 8665945 Detail
Hearthstone The Grand Tournament #22 Europe
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01.12.15 9200471 Detail
Hearthstone 1on1 Play4Fun #19 Poland
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29.11.15 7000215 Detail
Hearthstone 1on1 Play4Fun #18 Poland
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26.11.15 5711370 zmienił deck secret paladin na midrange paladin Detail
26.11.15 9578761 Detail
Hearthstone Open Last Hero Standing Ladder 1on1 Europe
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23.11.15 Django Detail
21.10.14 8501478 Detail
21.10.14 8245499 Detail
18.10.14 MILO Detail
15.10.14 4179534 Detail
12.10.14 KarteKpL Detail
12.10.14 7061665 Detail
12.10.14 7061665 Detail
11.10.14 5936677 Detail
08.10.14 8288465 Detail
08.10.14 6998486 Detail
Hearthstone 1on1 Play4Fun #17 Poland
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22.11.15 lihens_1stCav Detail
Go4Hearthstone Europe Cup #21
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22.11.15 8699647 Detail
CS:GO 1on1 Aim Weekly Cup #27 Europe
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10.06.15 Trolu Detail
Tt eSports Autumn 2014 Challenge Cup #8
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26.10.14 8467831 Detail
Tt eSports Autumn 2014 Challenge Cup #7
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19.10.14 8474054 Detail
19.10.14 6683380 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #48
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18.10.14 7061665 Detail
18.10.14 8436717 Detail
18.10.14 8138047 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #47
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15.10.14 8636268 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Monday Draft Cup #3
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13.10.14 8667828 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #46
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11.10.14 Sachi Detail
11.10.14 8412305 Detail
11.10.14 7064199 Detail
11.10.14 6408282 Detail
11.10.14 4763851 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #45
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08.10.14 7510103 Detail
08.10.14 8467831 Detail
08.10.14 7061665 Detail
08.10.14 5140330 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Monday Draft Cup #2
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06.10.14 8348681 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #43
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01.10.14 8467390 Detail
Tt eSports Autumn 2014 Challenge Cup #4
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28.09.14 5629642 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #42
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27.09.14 5653455 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Late Night Cup #10
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26.09.14 4918081 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #41
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24.09.14 foreo Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #40
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20.09.14 7061665 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #39
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17.09.14 8408734 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #38
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13.09.14 8595761 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Late Night Cup #9
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12.09.14 8272679 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 ESL Series
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11.09.14 8519355 Detail
21.08.14 8028713 Detail
20.08.14 8575949 Detail
16.06.14 zjomek Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #37
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10.09.14 Unreal Detail
Tt eSports Autumn 2014 Challenge Cup #1
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07.09.14 8609906 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #36
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06.09.14 6075670 Detail
06.09.14 7775530 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #35
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03.09.14 7359460 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #34
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30.08.14 Unreal gg wp Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Late Night Cup #8
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29.08.14 7035954 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Hero Cup #9 (Kapłan)
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28.08.14 7061665 gg Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #33
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27.08.14 8209873 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Tt eSPORTS Summer Challenge Cup #13
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24.08.14 7164127 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Cup #32
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23.08.14 7095010 Mielismy grac do 3, ale powiedział, że idzie do pracy Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Hero Cup #8 (Mag)
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21.08.14 8022354 Detail
21.08.14 7305934 Detail
21.08.14 8576422 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Tt eSPORTS Summer Challenge Cup #3
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15.06.14 8349018 Detail
FIFA Online 1on1 Jesienny Puchar
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21.10.10 1937674 Detail
FIFA Online 1on1 Beta Ladder
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20.10.10 4134505 Detail
FIFA 10 1on1 Mix ladder
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02.05.10 3684503 Detail
25.04.10 4480430 placz off Detail
14.04.10 2859230 gg++ Detail
14.04.10 4483164 Detail
27.03.10 4497577 Detail
27.03.10 4497577 Detail
23.03.10 2859230 gg++ Detail
21.03.10 1712649 płacze po meczu ... Detail
16.03.10 4483164 Detail
11.03.10 3064574 Detail
16.02.10 burdzio Detail
15.02.10 MILO Detail
15.02.10 3684503 Lag... Detail
14.02.10 RAD1X Detail
12.02.10 2836954 Detail
05.02.10 1536134 nie potrafi przegrywać. Detail
03.02.10 2785972 Detail
03.02.10 2929736 Detail
29.01.10 4466665 Detail
24.01.10 3158710 Detail
23.01.10 4671558 Detail
09.01.10 2836954 Detail
08.01.10 4452708 Detail
02.01.10 4449137 Detail
22.12.09 4670481 Detail
22.12.09 4483164 Detail
22.12.09 3673342 Detail
22.12.09 2862235 Detail
14.12.09 4605552 Detail
14.12.09 4425067 Detail
30.11.09 Bartas Detail
28.11.09 2929736 Detail
26.11.09 1008740 Detail
24.11.09 Trowi Detail
23.11.09 2929736 Detail
23.11.09 1536134 Detail
22.11.09 4479265 Detail
15.11.09 2162296 Detail
14.11.09 4479265 Detail
14.11.09 3064574 Detail
12.11.09 Barrybarista Detail
12.11.09 Orzel Detail
11.11.09 2218562 Detail
10.11.09 4483164 Detail
10.11.09 2759380 Detail
10.11.09 Kamil3k Detail
09.11.09 2836954 Detail
06.11.09 Baszczyk Detail
06.11.09 4466665 Detail
06.11.09 4449137 Detail
06.11.09 KarteKpL Detail
03.11.09 2256833 fart i tylko fart Detail
02.11.09 1930857 jak to Matt... Detail
01.11.09 4060834 Detail
01.11.09 4467653 Detail
01.11.09 3532110 Detail
01.11.09 3158710 Detail
01.11.09 2113035 Detail
29.10.09 3744446 Detail
29.10.09 3317914 Detail
29.10.09 3562512 Detail
29.10.09 Badi Detail
29.10.09 4466665 Detail
28.10.09 857577 Detail
28.10.09 1587632 Detail
FIFA 10 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
01.05.10 4320956 Detail
01.05.10 4081978 Detail
14.04.10 1561415 Detail
09.04.10 4555427 Detail
08.04.10 2850331 I was better! Detail
07.04.10 Renas Detail
07.04.10 3713046 Detail
07.04.10 502093 Detail
07.04.10 1356958 Detail
06.04.10 3730668 Detail
06.04.10 Vector Good conn Detail
06.04.10 4972379 Detail
28.03.10 1561415 Detail
27.03.10 InfinitYn Detail
27.03.10 1425944 Detail
19.03.10 4555427 Detail
19.03.10 4823693 Detail
02.03.10 1712649 Detail
25.01.10 Renas Detail
25.01.10 3967462 Detail
14.01.10 Zawisza Detail
08.01.10 4645865 Detail
08.01.10 2412464 Detail
FIFA 10 1on1 Slovakia Cup
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01.04.10 Bartas Detail
FIFA 10 1on1 Eliminacje World Cup
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20.03.10 3743077 Detail
18.03.10 2929736 Detail
FIFA 10 1on1 Turniej o wyzwanie do reprezentacji #1
created from rating comment match
07.02.10 Zi0m zalosne zachowanie Detail
03.02.10 3866851 Detail
FIFA 10 1on1 League Series Season I
created from rating comment match
23.01.10 2186252 Detail
23.01.10 4459354 Detail
20.01.10 1930857 placze po meczu dzieciaczek Detail
14.01.10 3280719 Detail
11.01.10 1557490 Detail
05.01.10 2935590 Detail
29.12.09 3562512 prawie jak skill Detail
27.12.09 4483164 po meczu raczy napisac tylko \"nara\" Detail
26.12.09 1671882 Detail
24.12.09 1587632 Detail
14.12.09 2975508 Detail
04.12.09 3509938 Detail
30.11.09 3546120 Detail
FIFA 10 1on1 Eliminacje do RP FIFA10
created from rating comment match
08.01.10 3158710 Detail
08.01.10 3158710 Detail
05.01.10 3317914 Detail
05.01.10 3317914 Detail
05.01.10 Buki Detail
05.01.10 Buki Detail
FIFA 09 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.07.09 2113035 Detail
25.07.09 3693092 Detail
20.07.09 1712649 Detail
08.07.09 2955623 Detail
06.07.09 3658293 Detail