inharZ  id: 2624088
[ Match Ratings ]
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Dawn of War Soulstorm 1on1 "Darkiz wanted a cup"-cup
created from rating comment match
09.09.09 3181339 Detail
Dawn of War Soulstorm 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
22.06.09 3677135 Detail
18.06.09 3232014 very very good player(but leaver XD) good fair play,wP me friend^^ Detail
16.06.09 4176419 Detail
07.05.08 2388121 Detail
06.05.08 3204461 Detail
29.04.08 1402939 gg Detail
18.04.08 2813753 Easy to set a time and fun to play vs/with Detail
11.04.08 CarBoNo Detail
11.04.08 1561999 Detail
05.04.08 2579752 Detail
05.04.08 2579739 Detail
04.04.08 2298281 Detail
31.03.08 2174044 nice & fair player ! GG\'s Detail
28.03.08 2140799 Detail
27.03.08 2264600 n1 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder2
created from rating comment match
12.06.09 3820105 wen partido Detail
19.05.09 AaronidaZ bien jugado ;) Detail
19.05.09 3908289 ++ Detail
26.04.09 3876447 Detail
26.04.09 NoixeN Detail
18.04.09 3876447 Detail
08.04.09 3876447 bien jugado Oxy ;) Detail
28.03.09 3899475 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 AWP Ladder2
created from rating comment match
10.06.09 3980356 Detail
17.05.09 2308865 Detail
21.04.09 4051948 Detail
20.04.09 3913917 gg Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
28.03.09 3980356 el amo! Detail
28.03.09 Chacal Bien jugado Detail
Dawn of War II Beta 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
26.01.09 3160397 Detail
24.01.09 Texaimian Detail
23.01.09 MaRTe Detail
Dawn of War Soulstorm 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
18.07.08 2359946 Detail
28.04.08 3166213 Maricona Bujarra xD Detail
27.04.08 2359946 Detail
23.04.08 2579739 Detail
20.04.08 2357284 Detail
19.04.08 3180555 Detail
14.04.08 3166127 Detail
13.04.08 Lunatico Detail
13.04.08 2709605 Es un crack Detail
13.04.08 2626572 Detail
12.04.08 2140799 Detail
12.04.08 1527933 Detail
Dawn of War Soulstorm 1on1 Biggest Beard Cup
created from rating comment match
13.07.08 1342534 gg Detail
Dawn of War Soulstorm 1on1 Opening Cup
created from rating comment match
14.04.08 2489129 Detail
Dawn of War Soulstorm 1on1 Opening cup #4
created from rating comment match
01.04.08 1337726 gg wp Detail
Dawn of War Dark Crusade 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
23.03.08 2264600 keep on Detail
11.03.08 2813753 Good player nad nice guy! Detail
02.03.08 1623123 Detail
02.03.08 epIx ggs Detail
01.03.08 1562548 Very good games Detail
24.02.08 Lunatico Detail
17.02.08 1623123 Detail
08.02.08 2152905 Detail
04.02.08 1604390 Detail
27.01.08 1330118 Detail
20.01.08 2264600 gg Detail
02.01.08 2661850 Detail
16.12.07 1623123 Detail
15.12.07 2156114 Detail
14.12.07 2140799 Detail
09.12.07 2264600 gg man, thx for games Detail
02.12.07 Lunatico Detail
01.12.07 2173788 Detail
30.11.07 2140799 Detail
25.11.07 NesC9fE gg Detail
20.09.07 2133144 Realy good player Detail
15.09.07 1731021 Detail