FreQuenz  id: 2735078
[ Match Ratings ]
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OMGPOP Cups Weekly Cup: Booya #3
created from rating comment match
13.08.12 7041205 Detail
Achtung, die Kurve! 1on1 Powerups Cup #4
created from rating comment match
09.08.12 3745095 Detail
OMGPOP Cups Weekly Cup: Fourplay #1
created from rating comment match
08.08.12 6900272 Detail
08.08.12 3094266 Detail
OMGPOP Booya 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.08.12 5194376 Detail
04.08.12 3252475 Detail
04.08.12 Reaper gg++ Detail
26.07.12 4552656 Detail
26.07.12 5288797 Detail
26.07.12 5279101 Detail
23.07.12 6081799 Detail
21.07.12 3451185 Detail
19.07.12 5288797 Detail
16.07.12 6095949 Detail
15.07.12 5008289 Detail
15.07.12 6231740 Detail
15.07.12 CrazySchumi Detail
15.07.12 hrx GG Detail
15.07.12 5279101 Detail
10.07.12 4935631 Detail
10.07.12 5288797 Detail
10.07.12 6254011 Detail
09.07.12 Geronimo Detail
03.07.12 Socksz Detail
15.06.12 6616624 Detail
14.06.12 5191094 Detail
01.06.12 3252475 Detail
30.05.12 1677771 Detail
22.05.12 5983417 Detail
22.05.12 M4cKoPL Detail
21.05.12 bequiet Detail
19.05.12 5909124 Detail
19.05.12 eDiii GG Detail
19.05.12 ENDRIT Detail
18.05.12 5967414 gg Detail
18.05.12 6331470 Detail
14.05.12 4630351 Detail
Achtung, die Kurve! 1on1 Powerups Cup #3
created from rating comment match
31.07.12 h y p e R R Detail
League of Legends EU West 1on1 Proving Grounds #4
created from rating comment match
17.07.12 6408728 Detail
17.07.12 5519749 Detail
OMGPOP Cups Weekly Cup: Fleet Fighter #2
created from rating comment match
11.07.12 3588800 LIAR !!! Detail
11.07.12 3429983 Detail
League of Legends EU West 1on1 Proving Grounds #1
created from rating comment match
03.07.12 Lil kidZZ Detail
03.07.12 6558626 Detail
League of Legends EU West 1on1 Clash of Legends #14
created from rating comment match
12.06.12 4394547 Detail
Tetris Friends 1on1 Good-Bye Cup
created from rating comment match
30.05.12 Stallki Detail
PokerTH Cup Blitzcup #20
created from rating comment match
30.05.12 2551723 Detail
OMGPOP Cups Weekly Cup: Booya #2
created from rating comment match
14.05.12 MacGyver Detail
Curve Fever 1on1 Night Cup #1
created from rating comment match
06.05.12 6796028 Detail
Achtung, die Kurve! 1on1 Opening Cup
created from rating comment match
06.05.12 2451851 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Qualifiaction Cup #1
created from rating comment match
01.02.12 Fatales Ende netter und guter Gegner Detail
PokerTH Cup Turbo Cup #15
created from rating comment match
25.01.12 928388 Detail
OMGPOP Cups Weekly Cup: Balloono
created from rating comment match
23.01.12 Staylox Detail
23.01.12 3588800 Detail
23.01.12 3053618 Detail
PokerTH Cup Coinflip Cup #3
created from rating comment match
22.01.12 1487571 Detail
OMGPOP Cups Weekly Cup: Booya
created from rating comment match
16.01.12 2953826 Detail
16.01.12 6396885 Detail
16.01.12 2608283 Detail
16.01.12 3056954 Detail
OMGPOP Cups Weekly Cup: Tonk
created from rating comment match
09.01.12 2961223 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Winter Cup 2011
created from rating comment match
08.01.12 eLo Detail
PokerTH Cup Blitzcup #15
created from rating comment match
27.11.11 Philipppowitsch Detail
27.11.11 4938597 Detail
OMGPOP Mixed 1on1 Sommer Cup
created from rating comment match
25.07.09 2635265 Detail
25.07.09 1894461 Detail
24.07.09 1674568 Detail
22.07.09 chris177 Detail
20.07.09 bast1 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Map Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
16.07.09 SUNSHINEx3 Detail
16.07.09 3080771 Detail
16.05.09 2405485 Detail
13.05.09 3155268 Detail
13.05.09 fucign troll <3 chat <3 luck :) geh bitte pool spielen Detail
13.05.09 3583317 Detail
12.05.09 3322053 Detail
12.05.09 3289004 Detail
25.04.09 2924063 Only w8 Detail
21.04.09 papeR Detail
21.04.09 2252825 Detail
21.04.09 insaneee Detail
15.04.09 4045109 Detail
15.04.09 3416169 Detail
10.04.09 3915286 Detail
02.04.09 THIRTY SIX Detail
02.04.09 1907731 l0w =)..flamt =) Detail
02.04.09 2234331 Detail
30.03.09 fabi0 Detail
30.03.09 1818369 Detail
30.03.09 Krusty Detail
OMGPOP Balloono 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
16.07.09 972594 Detail
09.07.09 syKe unfreundlich ... vllt. beim nächsten mal besser Detail
08.07.09 1087086 Detail
08.07.09 uNglaubLich_ Detail
08.07.09 Twipp23 Detail
08.07.09 syKe Detail
07.07.09 nightf4ll Detail
07.07.09 1942422 gg Detail
07.07.09 Saive Detail
07.07.09 nightf4ll Detail
07.07.09 2286618 Detail
07.07.09 1360067 Detail
06.07.09 nightf4ll Detail
06.07.09 ex3c Detail
06.07.09 986641 Detail
06.07.09 2286618 Detail
06.07.09 syKe Detail
06.07.09 bequiet Detail
06.07.09 1360067 Detail
06.07.09 stfn Detail
06.07.09 986641 Detail
06.07.09 bequiet Detail
06.07.09 Twipp23 Detail
06.07.09 2922795 Detail
06.07.09 syKe Detail
05.07.09 2672537 Detail
05.07.09 986641 Detail
05.07.09 2922795 Detail
04.07.09 2635265 Detail
04.07.09 kxn gg Detail
03.07.09 Babysmile GG Detail
03.07.09 1766306 luckt sich einen zu recht Detail
03.07.09 DJKnuffel Detail
02.07.09 Böhmroth Detail
02.07.09 TORNADOMARTIN Detail
02.07.09 mikeLbraH Detail
02.07.09 mort Detail
01.07.09 ex3c Detail
01.07.09 ex3c Detail
01.07.09 1858390 Detail
01.07.09 2363179 Detail
01.07.09 3196991 gg Detail
30.06.09 1552903 Detail
30.06.09 2891579 Detail
29.06.09 2173943 Detail
29.06.09 986641 gg Detail
29.06.09 2891579 Detail
29.06.09 ex3c Detail
29.06.09 3358081 Detail
29.06.09 475417 Detail
29.06.09 Grizzly gg Detail
OMGPOP Mixed 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
13.07.09 syKe Detail
09.07.09 1248767 Detail
JamLegend 1on1 GuitarJam Normal Ladder
created from rating comment match
01.07.09 1241852 gg Detail
22.06.09 xNs gg Detail
22.06.09 2696579 gg knapper gehts nich Detail
19.06.09 1899593 Detail
16.06.09 3028095 Detail
15.06.09 syKe Detail
14.06.09 3719319 gg++ Detail
10.06.09 3125807 gg++ Detail
08.06.09 3174403 Detail
05.06.09 syKe traurig Detail
04.06.09 3011499 Detail
30.05.09 2482252 Detail
28.05.09 2908064 gg Detail
24.05.09 3518800 ; ) neutral weil GB Flame :P ansonsten nett Detail
24.05.09 1708958 Detail
24.05.09 CHR1ZZ Detail
23.05.09 4034348 Detail
23.05.09 1826390 Detail
23.05.09 1926188 Detail
23.05.09 Shox gg Detail
23.05.09 1870837 gg++ Detail
23.05.09 1241852 gg Detail
23.05.09 2472657 Detail
JamLegend Cups NightJam 4 - Normal
created from rating comment match
23.06.09 syKe Detail
23.06.09 3834850 gg Detail
JamLegend Cups NightJam 2 - Normal
created from rating comment match
23.05.09 3180620 gg Detail
23.05.09 2993454 Detail
23.05.09 Dansen Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
18.05.09 1049658 gg Detail
16.05.09 2426556 Detail
16.05.09 1398911 Detail
16.05.09 3384366 gg Detail
21.04.09 Tete Detail
21.04.09 ked Detail
10.04.09 idle Detail
02.04.09 2317871 gg Detail
02.04.09 2140814 sehr fairer spieler Detail
30.03.09 1857654 + Detail
26.02.09 2750162 Detail
25.02.09 ramonsa7 Detail
21.02.09 c e m b 9 t Detail
21.02.09 jP_ Detail
19.02.09 3006925 Detail
19.02.09 banana gg Detail
18.02.09 2898447 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 AWP Ladder
created from rating comment match
23.04.09 banana gg Detail
18.02.09 2019301 Detail
18.02.09 2710850 Detail
12.02.09 2689676 Detail
12.02.09 2588767 Detail
12.02.09 2373107 Detail
12.02.09 3318489 Detail
11.02.09 3391782 Detail
05.02.09 3107500 Detail
05.02.09 2055145 gg klasse gespielt Detail
04.02.09 dave Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 AIM Cup #5
created from rating comment match
19.02.09 2575775 Detail