N i d o k i n g  id: 2810294
[ Match Ratings ]
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FIFA 15 (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
21.05.15 8637043 Detail
11.05.15 Bubu Detail
11.05.15 CamaRo Detail
11.05.15 9092108 Detail
FIFA 15 (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 Germany
created from rating comment match
11.05.15 9100424 Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 1on1 Winter Final
created from rating comment match
27.02.11 5170054 Detail
27.02.11 Jeremy Detail
27.02.11 2071259 Detail
HaxBall 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
24.01.11 5559283 hahahaha ^^ Detail
19.01.11 5559283 gg++, lustig xD Detail
War Rock Cups Wintercup 2011
created from rating comment match
23.01.11 sunshine gg++ Detail
22.01.11 4450422 Detail
22.01.11 2892529 gg Detail
22.01.11 briiqht gg ++ Detail
HaxBall 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
21.01.11 3932989 Detail
19.01.11 BVBPOWER gg Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Winter Handguns
created from rating comment match
03.01.11 4669965 Detail
03.01.11 laserpistole Detail
War Rock Open Ladder 1on1 CQC Sniper Europe
created from rating comment match
27.05.10 4459232 One round the bomb bug while he was Derb and i didn\'t saw it => can\'t defuse and loose the rou Detail
19.05.10 2071259 Detail
08.05.10 4530781 Detail
05.05.10 4238136 Detail
22.01.10 3302204 Detail
07.01.10 psycho15 Detail
05.01.10 2915549 Detail
05.01.10 4646456 Detail
21.12.09 psycho15 Detail
21.12.09 4010854 gg Detail
17.11.09 3748887 gg Detail
17.11.09 3381294 Detail
16.11.09 irfandu69 Detail
15.11.09 3366200 Detail
19.10.09 4147220 Detail
19.10.09 4472668 Detail
14.10.09 4454674 Detail
12.10.09 4471816 We cant start khyber because we had both no prem Detail
Alliance of Valiant Arms Annihilation 1on1 Quick Ladder
created from rating comment match
12.05.10 4569325 Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
04.05.10 Prohunter gg Detail
04.05.10 3492327 gg <3 Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Handgun Ladder
created from rating comment match
20.03.10 K4y Detail
22.01.10 4011507 Detail
05.01.10 4636235 Detail
29.12.09 4547771 Detail
29.12.09 3372759 Detail
25.12.09 3954089 Detail
22.08.09 4010336 Detail
17.08.09 3462243 gg Detail
17.08.09 4337688 Detail
09.08.09 4308531 Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 FFA Night Cup
created from rating comment match
30.01.10 2892529 gg Detail
30.01.10 3946440 gg Detail
30.01.10 2549801 Detail
30.01.10 Clinton05x Detail
30.01.10 3367648 Detail
MSN Games Bowling 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
18.01.10 Thascrim gg Detail
12.01.10 3492327 Detail
11.01.10 4479464 Detail
11.01.10 1817069 Detail
10.01.10 1422769 Detail
10.01.10 2880445 Detail
10.01.10 2754385 Detail
10.01.10 3665403 Detail
10.01.10 Ooschwerbleede_ gg++ Detail
10.01.10 3924678 Detail
10.01.10 3179808 Detail
10.01.10 Zander gg Detail
10.01.10 3492327 gg <3 Detail
War Rock Open Ladder 1on1 CQC Khyber Corner Europe
created from rating comment match
12.01.10 4245224 gg Detail
11.01.10 4664937 Bypass and black eQ screen ftw Detail
05.01.10 psycho15 Detail
05.01.10 2915549 Detail
05.01.10 4636235 Detail
01.12.09 4358741 Detail
ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
12.01.10 1826919 Detail
12.01.10 Freak gg++ Detail
11.01.10 967727 Detail
11.01.10 Heenk Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
11.01.10 Boggy43 Detail
06.01.10 kiLLu Detail
04.01.10 3017792 Detail
20.12.09 4599980 Detail
04.12.09 osa Detail
03.12.09 3062877 Detail
03.12.09 4192673 Detail
02.12.09 4617118 gg ^_^ Detail
30.11.09 3174725 Detail
29.11.09 3958129 Detail
21.11.09 4089731 Detail
21.11.09 MacGyver Detail
17.11.09 feelix1 Detail
17.11.09 3940085 gg Detail
13.11.09 3094266 Detail
13.11.09 3639690 Detail
07.10.09 4368690 Detail
07.10.09 3166061 Detail
07.10.09 3106572 Detail
05.10.09 nbs Detail
05.10.09 3358921 Detail
05.10.09 1076933 Detail
05.10.09 3166061 Detail
05.10.09 nbs Detail
05.10.09 3454649 Detail
04.10.09 Al' Detail
04.10.09 osa Detail
03.10.09 Geo0rge Detail
03.10.09 3344231 Detail
03.10.09 MacGyver Detail
02.10.09 RacXZ :D Detail
02.10.09 nbs Detail
30.09.09 MacGyver Detail
27.09.09 3358921 Detail
05.09.09 2628727 Detail
05.09.09 2633279 Detail
28.08.09 2249127 Detail
22.08.09 1479789 Detail
22.08.09 3951778 Detail
17.08.09 1076933 Detail
16.08.09 exto Detail
15.08.09 4249873 Detail
15.08.09 4350425 Detail
14.08.09 2255340 Detail
14.08.09 2251284 Detail
14.08.09 2419096 Detail
14.08.09 INAKTIVCOCO Detail
13.08.09 4335655 Detail
13.08.09 1076933 Detail
12.08.09 MORELZ Detail
12.08.09 2722268 gg Detail
12.08.09 4258812 Detail
12.08.09 1615998 Detail
12.08.09 3514386 Detail
12.08.09 3496383 Detail
12.08.09 1615998 Detail
12.08.09 3526413 Detail
11.08.09 1412051 Detail
10.08.09 4249587 Detail
10.08.09 755483 Detail
10.08.09 4329877 Detail
09.08.09 2579863 Detail
09.08.09 MacGyver Detail
09.08.09 3172043 Detail
09.08.09 2360893 Detail
09.08.09 2270882 Detail
09.08.09 2882882 Detail
09.08.09 3548044 Detail
09.08.09 1970487 Detail
War Rock Open Ladder 1on1 CQC Quick Europe
created from rating comment match
11.01.10 3321169 Detail
05.01.10 psycho15 Detail
05.01.10 2915549 Detail
01.12.09 3580516 Detail
09.11.09 3420032 gg Detail
21.10.09 UltrAK1nG -- nC Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Quick Ladder
created from rating comment match
09.01.10 4701746 gott hab ich verkackt -.- rematch iwann Detail
09.01.10 UltrAK1nG Detail
07.01.10 2892529 Detail
06.01.10 3458435 Detail
06.01.10 psycho15 Detail
05.01.10 2915549 Detail
03.01.10 3711693 Detail
18.11.09 3264467 Detail
13.11.09 nNck Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Xmas Sunday cup Play-Off
created from rating comment match
03.01.10 Prohunter gg Detail
03.01.10 2910350 Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Xmas Sunday cup #1
created from rating comment match
20.12.09 2438609 gg Detail
20.12.09 EPG prochance gg Detail
20.12.09 Liethy gg Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
14.11.09 2683869 Detail
07.10.09 1144929 gg Detail
19.08.09 spry droht mit -- bewertung, weil er verloren hat Detail
19.08.09 2544202 gg Detail
15.08.09 viRoo Detail
15.08.09 4249873 Detail
15.08.09 h y p e R R Detail
15.08.09 2594440 Detail
15.08.09 1076933 Detail
15.08.09 dohmenik Detail
15.08.09 mou. Detail
15.08.09 REMIX gg Detail
15.08.09 viRoo Detail
15.08.09 Nicolas Hatte schwere inetprobleme Detail
13.08.09 3948950 Detail
13.08.09 1076933 Detail
13.08.09 LogDog Detail
12.08.09 1730087 Detail
12.08.09 2810852 Detail
12.08.09 491943 Detail
12.08.09 3134675 Detail
12.08.09 1615998 Detail
12.08.09 3948950 Detail
09.08.09 1615998 Detail
09.08.09 LiQu. Detail
09.08.09 3936751 Detail
09.08.09 3117115 Detail
08.08.09 4337630 Detail
08.08.09 chip Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
created from rating comment match
12.08.09 2598270 Detail
12.08.09 852760 Detail
12.08.09 FND Detail
12.08.09 Simic.SRB fast game Detail
12.08.09 MrErbear Detail