Marc 'KobRa' Campuzano  id: 2879384
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UEFA eEURO 2021 Player Selection Spain #2
created from rating comment match
10.01.21 14165120 Detail
10.01.21 14168259 Detail
10.01.21 16485078 Detail
10.01.21 16355654 Detail
10.01.21 16484034 Detail
UEFA eEURO 2020 Online Playoff Qualifier Spain
created from rating comment match
15.12.19 W-Jorcha-W Detail
15.12.19 8012851 Detail
15.12.19 pabloartista Detail
UEFA eEURO 2020 Player Selection Spain #2
created from rating comment match
25.11.19 14164765 Detail
25.11.19 14179260 Detail
25.11.19 12904771 Detail
25.11.19 14164873 Detail
25.11.19 14165485 Detail
25.11.19 14165222 Detail
UEFA eEURO 2020 Player Selection Spain #1
created from rating comment match
09.11.19 anquiher Detail
PES 2017 (PS4) 1on1 Open Ladder Europe
created from rating comment match
10.11.16 10131447 Detail
08.11.16 9797336 Detail
08.11.16 5681106 Detail
07.11.16 styniu79PL Detail
07.11.16 10131447 Detail
PES 2016 (PS4) 1on1 Orange Sponsors You Cup #3 Spain
created from rating comment match
28.05.16 8012851 Detail
28.05.16 daniparra12 Detail
PES 2016 (PS4) 1on1 Orange Sponsors You Cup #2 Spain
created from rating comment match
22.05.16 8012851 Detail
22.05.16 Miguekiara Detail
PES 2016 (PS4) 1on1 Orange Sponsors You Cup #1 Spain
created from rating comment match
21.05.16 Leonidas Detail
Go4Hearthstone Europe Cup #37
created from rating comment match
13.03.16 9017042 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Europe Cup #35
created from rating comment match
28.02.16 8768512 Detail
28.02.16 8899082 Detail
28.02.16 Sachi Detail
Hearthstone Tt eSports Spring Challenge 2015 Cup #11
created from rating comment match
14.06.15 8615619 Detail
Hearthstone Tt eSports Spring Challenge 2015 Cup #10
created from rating comment match
07.06.15 9128741 Detail
07.06.15 9023537 Detail
07.06.15 8866490 Nice guy :) Detail
Hearthstone Unlimited Cup #47 Spain
created from rating comment match
09.05.15 uNDeR Detail
Hearthstone The Blackrock Raid #8 Europe
created from rating comment match
05.05.15 9071641 Detail
05.05.15 Druidabravo Detail
05.05.15 9089701 Detail
Hearthstone Tt eSports Spring Challenge 2015 Cup #4
created from rating comment match
26.04.15 3108121 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Beta Cup #20
created from rating comment match
16.03.14 8137704 Detail
16.03.14 8288131 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Beta Cup 3k #1
created from rating comment match
08.03.14 7948988 Detail
FIFA 13 (PS3) 1on1 Premium Cup #3
created from rating comment match
29.01.13 6924510 Detail
25.01.13 5627331 Detail
FIFA 13 (PS3) 1on1 Fun Cup #1
created from rating comment match
13.01.13 6950057 Detail
FIFA 13 (PS3) 1on1 Premium Cup #2
created from rating comment match
16.12.12 7253488 Detail
13.12.12 7263616 Detail
12.12.12 Bisk Detail
FIFA 13 (PS3) 1on1 Clasificatorio EPS #3
created from rating comment match
23.11.12 7261362 Detail
FIFA 13 (PS3) 1on1 Premium Cup #1
created from rating comment match
04.11.12 Maroto Detail
04.11.12 Patati Detail
Europe FIFA 13 (PS3) 1on1 Release Weekend Cup
created from rating comment match
29.09.12 pabloartista Detail
29.09.12 6932025 Detail
29.09.12 1558604 Detail
Europe FIFA 12 (PS3) 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
05.10.11 2681636 Detail
05.10.11 1578271 Detail
04.10.11 2090733 Detail
04.10.11 SePpeL Detail
04.10.11 5930921 Detail
04.10.11 Steve Detail
04.10.11 4479775 Detail
03.10.11 2048124 Detail
03.10.11 4703948 Detail
03.10.11 2684817 gg Detail
02.10.11 2859846 Detail
02.10.11 4717004 Detail
02.10.11 4999380 Detail
02.10.11 4666943 2-2 (6-7 penalty) Detail
02.10.11 5834000 Detail
01.10.11 Rumpmann Detail
01.10.11 4998581 Detail
01.10.11 1578271 Detail
01.10.11 ric0 Detail
01.10.11 3140980 Detail
01.10.11 4670481 Detail
30.09.11 gubarus flame Detail
30.09.11 5144622 Detail
Europe FIFA 11 (PS3) 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
21.09.11 4932581 Noob :) Detail
21.09.11 mykeul03 sry for luck Detail
21.09.11 4666943 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Playoffs Verano 2k11
created from rating comment match
04.09.11 3554779 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Copa Nocturna #3
created from rating comment match
31.08.11 kZ Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Copa HD Gamescom #1
created from rating comment match
10.08.11 OxSs Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Copa Series #4 Ronda 4
created from rating comment match
08.08.11 3609573 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Club de la Lucha #4
created from rating comment match
04.08.11 Sairxio Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Copa Series #4 Ronda 3
created from rating comment match
01.08.11 Evifil Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Club de la Lucha #3
created from rating comment match
27.07.11 5228214 Detail
Iberian League Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 1on1 Season 1
created from rating comment match
21.07.11 s3ctor7 Detail
14.07.11 horny Detail
11.07.11 899291 Detail
18.05.11 2269939 Detail
17.05.11 4262588 Detail
15.05.11 3434334 Detail
ESL Major Series Season VIII Pro Evolution Soccer Playoffs
created from rating comment match
11.06.11 s3ctor7 Detail
09.06.11 Detail
09.06.11 2158906 Detail
30.05.11 D4VID0 lucker + he tried to cheat worst esl player ive ever seen Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Liga de Primavera 2011
created from rating comment match
24.05.11 3920242 Detail
Europe FIFA 11 (PS3) 1on1 PSN Restart Cup #2
created from rating comment match
20.05.11 gubarus gg++ Detail
20.05.11 komo1987 Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
16.05.11 4783839 Detail
15.05.11 AT-SiKe gg Detail
15.05.11 5712464 Detail
15.05.11 4783839 Detail
15.05.11 4735398 Detail
15.05.11 pain Detail
15.05.11 5712464 Detail
15.05.11 5238357 Detail
18.04.11 5803487 Detail
18.04.11 5450141 Detail
18.04.11 4909640 Detail
17.04.11 1661190 Detail
17.04.11 4783839 Detail
15.04.11 2280761 Detail
15.04.11 MaRliTo Detail
14.04.11 4262588 Detail
14.04.11 5441702 Detail
14.04.11 5450141 Detail
12.04.11 2421350 go to play in spain ;) Detail
12.04.11 5441702 Detail
12.04.11 Dreeeamcatcher no skill! i hate u Detail
12.04.11 MaRliTo Detail
12.04.11 5238357 Detail
12.04.11 4783839 Detail
10.04.11 2280761 Detail
10.04.11 2421350 messi-lag-tapin Detail
10.04.11 MasterOfDisasta Detail
09.04.11 Gibari fairplay ... just when he win. Detail
09.04.11 s3ctor7 Detail
09.04.11 5094454 lucky, ronaldo and go.. Detail
08.04.11 1400879 Detail
08.04.11 512999 Detail
07.04.11 5545794 Detail
06.04.11 Darwahlight Detail
05.04.11 Dreeeamcatcher OMG!!! Detail
05.04.11 512999 Detail
05.04.11 2280761 Detail
02.04.11 4783839 Detail
02.04.11 4262588 Detail
01.04.11 Dreeeamcatcher lucky boy! Detail
01.04.11 Gibari Detail
01.04.11 4645974 Detail
01.04.11 5545794 Detail
01.04.11 Gibari Detail
31.03.11 5697265 Detail
31.03.11 2280761 Detail
31.03.11 4645974 Detail
30.03.11 5238357 Detail
29.03.11 1400879 Detail
29.03.11 5533219 Detail
29.03.11 s3ctor7 Detail
29.03.11 5534972 Detail
29.03.11 2297527 Detail
29.03.11 5238357 Detail
28.03.11 4262588 Detail
28.03.11 5712464 Detail
05.03.11 shoot1e Detail
05.03.11 Kure Detail
05.03.11 Seb2Mars Press start every time in attacks .. at 2-2 Detail
05.03.11 5712464 Detail
05.03.11 498087 Detail
04.03.11 Kure fair play -100000000 , tackle tackle tackle .... gg+ Detail
04.03.11 Gibari Detail
02.03.11 5545794 Detail
23.02.11 4600431 Detail
23.02.11 1878744 Detail
22.02.11 4783839 Detail
22.02.11 2421350 Detail
20.02.11 5238357 Detail
18.02.11 1400879 Detail
17.02.11 3081039 Detail
17.02.11 s0w wow... Detail
17.02.11 Dreeeamcatcher pes 2011 ... Detail
15.02.11 3770198 Detail
12.02.11 1878744 Detail
12.02.11 s3ctor7 Detail
12.02.11 5545794 Detail
12.02.11 5567437 Detail
11.02.11 1558783 Detail
11.02.11 Kure Detail
11.02.11 4645974 Detail
10.02.11 5533219 Detail
10.02.11 4645974 Detail
10.02.11 5534972 Detail
ESL Major Series Season VIII Pro Evolution Soccer Groupstage
created from rating comment match
06.05.11 KDV AraS Detail
26.04.11 2280761 Detail
03.04.11 5487663 Detail
31.03.11 4080141 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Copa Nocturna #El Inicio
created from rating comment match
15.04.11 Boyo Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
13.04.11 5813616 Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 1on1 Mixed Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.03.11 4359248 Detail
17.02.11 4262588 Detail
17.02.11 1878744 Detail
17.02.11 5677454 Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 1on1 Clasificatorio EMS 8
created from rating comment match
23.02.11 MaRliTo Detail
15.02.11 3182942 Detail
14.02.11 3770198 Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 1on1 Fast Cup #1
created from rating comment match
18.02.11 Isra_21 Detail
18.02.11 2507949 Detail
18.02.11 MasterOfDisasta Detail
18.02.11 ScOrP1oN Detail