Davide 'PikNuke' Niro  id: 2961987
[ Match Ratings ]
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CoD4 Open Ladder 1on1 Search and Destroy Europe
created from rating comment match
28.06.14 5657948 Detail
15.01.14 hunTy0 Detail
08.01.14 6424425 Detail
05.01.14 Kuntek Detail
05.01.14 8132877 Detail
05.01.14 8066578 Detail
03.01.14 2242364 Detail
08.09.13 Desty dat leaver Detail
05.09.13 6561971 Detail
13.07.12 6666368 Detail
24.06.12 HellraiZer level up Detail
Personal Gamer Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft One Day Cup #4
created from rating comment match
15.01.14 5642499 Detail
Personal Gamer Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Qualify 3
created from rating comment match
13.01.14 839410 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft Winter League 2014 Q1
created from rating comment match
07.01.14 7962518 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 ESL Series
created from rating comment match
02.01.14 Narkima Detail
01.01.14 8043224 Detail
Call of Duty: Ghosts Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
01.01.14 DvZ Detail
Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.07.12 4863271 Detail
24.06.12 3293309 Detail
22.06.12 4863271 Detail
19.01.12 3397826 Detail
20.12.11 5993746 Detail
17.09.11 3658549 Detail
Spring League 2012 FIFA 12 (360) Groupstage
created from rating comment match
11.05.12 6500460 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Fast Cup #1
created from rating comment match
22.01.12 6227491 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Only Deagle
created from rating comment match
17.01.12 mObO Detail
Xbox 360 FIFA 12 1on1 Opening Cup
created from rating comment match
14.01.12 3705077 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
13.01.12 2479759 Detail
28.12.11 RoMoLo Detail
Xbox 360 FIFA 12 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.12.11 COSMOS Detail
HaxBall 1on1 Golden Goal Cup #12
created from rating comment match
18.12.11 6396658 Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
13.12.11 4947357 Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
13.12.11 ResseXx Detail
09.12.11 6117715 Detail
Xbox 360 FIFA 11 1on1 1on1 GoodBye Cup
created from rating comment match
28.09.11 5297122 Detail
Briscola 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
created from rating comment match
27.06.11 5313104 Detail
01.06.11 5251232 Detail
21.05.11 1496396 Detail
05.05.11 3224586 Detail
29.04.11 p i p p 0 0 Detail
25.04.11 5742806 Detail
Briscola 1on1 One Round
created from rating comment match
17.06.11 5871633 Detail
09.06.11 Eh beh Detail
29.05.11 647719 Detail
16.05.11 5343545 Detail
10.05.11 p i p p 0 0 Detail
01.05.11 3224586 Detail
26.04.11 2606216 Detail
25.04.11 Gimiki GG e ottimo player!! Detail
25.04.11 5547354 Detail
25.04.11 5742806 Detail
25.04.11 boNNy Detail
Xbox 360 FIFA 11 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.05.11 3216854 Molto cortese e disponibile. Detail
30.04.11 2337850 Detail
15.04.11 2337850 Detail
12.04.11 2052469 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
22.05.11 3822066 Detail
20.05.11 3822066 Detail
07.05.11 Kami.coRe Detail
30.04.11 5810996 Detail
19.04.11 Falk3 Detail
19.04.11 Azrael81 gg Detail
17.04.11 5750095 Detail
17.04.11 5130985 Detail
16.04.11 Kami.coRe Detail
16.04.11 Kami.coRe Detail
10.04.11 5750095 Detail
10.04.11 5810996 Detail
08.04.11 Kami.coRe Only AFK - Slow Movement - 11 Mins to late! Detail
07.04.11 3380963 gg Detail
07.01.10 3688909 Detail
30.07.09 ShAne Detail
25.07.09 2907375 Detail
22.07.09 ShOnE Detail
04.07.09 4162954 Detail
04.07.09 aeQuitas Detail
Xbox 360 FIFA 11 1on1 Torneo Post-Gamecon
created from rating comment match
15.05.11 5297122 Detail
HaxBall 1on1 Monday Fast Cup #3
created from rating comment match
04.04.11 4864424 Detail
Europe Call of Duty: MW2 (360) 1on1 Deathmatch Ladder
created from rating comment match
25.08.10 5228392 Detail
21.08.10 4741998 Detail
18.08.10 4224299 Detail
19.07.10 4129508 Detail
16.06.10 3815435 Naja wollten früher spielen Detail
31.05.10 4181907 Detail
15.05.10 DimiZb Detail
10.05.10 4666612 Detail
11.04.10 4657162 spend 5 mins to write messages Detail
Europe FIFA 10 (360) 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
01.05.10 3721843 Detail
25.04.10 3897543 Detail
24.04.10 4035761 Detail
25.01.10 3897543 Detail
02.01.10 r1card0 Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
28.01.10 2337850 Detail
05.01.10 Lewa Good Player! Detail
31.12.09 4048405 Detail
30.12.09 4110440 Detail
29.12.09 3389749 gg Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
25.12.09 Peeveswozere Detail
08.12.09 3956442 Detail
04.07.09 3485870 Detail
15.11.08 Niki Detail
Briscola 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
31.10.09 4493653 Detail
18.10.09 Lewa Good Player! Detail
17.10.09 jpk Detail
Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 1on1 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
27.09.09 3206232 Detail
20.09.09 3281718 Detail
13.09.09 4199954 Detail
09.09.09 4248192 Detail
13.07.09 cLLii Detail
13.07.09 fadiG gg Detail
12.07.09 4112631 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
29.07.09 2545130 Detail
25.07.09 1438346 Detail
13.07.09 vdRMSTR Detail
22.11.08 3523244 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
25.07.09 4135010 Detail
24.07.09 4029996 Detail
21.07.09 1818272 gg :) Detail
21.07.09 3577270 o.O Detail
18.07.09 1818272 eheh fortunatissimo... gg :) Detail
18.07.09 aeQuitas Detail
17.07.09 3485870 Detail
14.07.09 Lewa Detail
05.07.09 4162954 Detail
04.07.09 3483067 Detail
04.07.09 aeQuitas Detail
04.07.09 4067050 Detail
03.07.09 GuLp Detail
02.07.09 2337850 Detail
30.06.09 2888823 Detail
30.06.09 4162954 Detail
29.06.09 2232626 Detail
27.06.09 4147214 Detail
25.06.09 4029996 Detail
22.06.09 2421350 Detail
21.06.09 2775427 Detail
21.06.09 Lewa Good Player! Detail
19.06.09 3485870 Detail
18.05.09 4067050 Detail
05.02.09 3468435 Detail
05.02.09 angelotm gg^^ simpaticissimo xD Detail
30.01.09 2837513 simpaticherrimo XD Detail
05.01.09 2905983 great player Detail
05.12.08 2775427 Detail
04.12.08 2888823 Detail
02.12.08 Lewa Good Player! Detail
26.11.08 NovelzITA Bella Partita! Detail
26.11.08 3123122 Detail
26.11.08 662571 Detail
25.11.08 2891665 Detail
24.11.08 2955123 Detail
24.11.08 2943141 Detail
24.11.08 3468435 Detail
23.11.08 2905983 great player Detail
23.11.08 Guybrush Detail
22.11.08 luCivan Detail
22.11.08 dAAAAANNNNi Detail
22.11.08 2749715 Detail
22.11.08 2990349 Detail
14.09.08 OrsoPro Detail
14.09.08 Dagui_16 Detail
11.09.08 3153553 Detail
10.09.08 2754366 Detail
02.09.08 2606216 Detail
02.09.08 3448609 Detail
02.09.08 2347634 Detail
02.09.08 2075283 Detail
01.09.08 2689641 Detail
31.08.08 2613397 Detail
01.08.08 standby Detail
01.08.08 2613397 Player simpaticissimo e correttissimo! Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Quick Cup #Summer4
created from rating comment match
24.07.09 aeQuitas Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Quick Cup #Summer3
created from rating comment match
16.07.09 Lewa Good Player! Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
15.07.09 Lewa Good Player! Detail
Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
13.07.09 2939362 Detail
01.02.09 3501202 Detail
15.11.08 3028227 gg Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Uno King of the Hill Luglio '09
created from rating comment match
06.07.09 2232626 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Uno Quick Cup #Summer1
created from rating comment match
03.07.09 4160214 Detail
03.07.09 aeQuitas gg ;) Detail
03.07.09 4100228 Detail
03.07.09 3195995 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 SteelSeries Winter League '09
created from rating comment match
13.02.09 1982754 Detail
12.02.09 2405486 gg! Detail
12.02.09 3256914 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 KotH Febbraio 09
created from rating comment match
10.02.09 2519088 Detail
07.02.09 1680424 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 KotH Gennaio 09
created from rating comment match
11.01.09 2755853 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 KotH Dicembre 08
created from rating comment match
12.12.08 2775427 Detail
07.12.08 bLACKTIME Detail
05.12.08 luCivan Detail
Call of Duty 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
04.12.08 1982789 gg Detail
18.11.08 1547968 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Quick Cup 10
created from rating comment match
25.11.08 2754366 Detail
24.11.08 2667813 è simpatico :D e buon giocatore ^^ (Computer che mi da le carte di merda xD) Detail
MSN Games Dama 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.09.08 2075283 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Quick Cup #5
created from rating comment match
30.07.08 2811896 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Quick Cup #4
created from rating comment match
28.07.08 2966855 GG veramente Detail
28.07.08 2798900 gggggggggggggggggg xd Detail
28.07.08 2347634 Detail