Czarek 'Boc1q' P.  id: 3177912
[ Match Ratings ]
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Overwatch (PC) 1on1 Ticket Challenge Finał Stycznia Poland
created from rating comment match
27.01.18 7885986 Detail
27.01.18 10050146 Detail
Overwatch (PC) 1on1 Ticket Challenge #5 Poland
created from rating comment match
04.01.18 10637269 Detail
04.01.18 11362687 Detail
Overwatch (PC) 1on1 Ticket Challenge Finał Grudnia Poland
created from rating comment match
30.12.17 7885986 Detail
30.12.17 10419635 Detail
Overwatch (PC) 1on1 Ticket Challenge #2 Poland
created from rating comment match
14.12.17 10914113 Detail
14.12.17 LegitJake Detail
14.12.17 Kondyss Detail
14.12.17 7885986 Detail
Go4Overwatch (PC) 1on1 Final Sierpien 2017 Poland
created from rating comment match
30.08.17 7885986 Detail
30.08.17 10187297 Detail
30.08.17 dexterq Detail
30.08.17 8462835 Detail
Go4Overwatch (PC) 1on1 Poland Cup #31
created from rating comment match
19.08.17 10187297 Detail
19.08.17 11639110 Detail
19.08.17 11633767 Detail
Go4Overwatch (PC) 1on1 Poland Cup #30
created from rating comment match
12.08.17 10187297 Detail
12.08.17 7885986 Detail
12.08.17 9606315 Detail
Go4Overwatch (PC) 1on1 Final Lipiec 2017 Poland
created from rating comment match
31.07.17 dexterq Detail
31.07.17 11078727 Detail
Go4Overwatch (PC) 1on1 Poland Cup #25
created from rating comment match
08.07.17 7885986 Detail
08.07.17 dexterq Detail
08.07.17 10811501 Detail
Go4Overwatch (PC) 1on1 Poland Cup #22
created from rating comment match
10.06.17 7885986 Detail
10.06.17 cOOw Detail
10.06.17 TJ01 Detail
10.06.17 11386546 Detail
Go4Overwatch (PC) 1on1 Poland Cup #21
created from rating comment match
03.06.17 dexterq Detail
03.06.17 9767865 Detail
03.06.17 11341115 Detail
Go4Overwatch (PC) 1on1 Final Maj 2017 Poland
created from rating comment match
30.05.17 7885986 Detail
30.05.17 dexterq Detail
30.05.17 8158570 Detail
Go4Overwatch (PC) 1on1 Poland Cup #19
created from rating comment match
20.05.17 TJ01 Detail
20.05.17 11078727 Detail
20.05.17 10816264 Detail
Go4Overwatch (PC) 1on1 Poland Cup #18
created from rating comment match
13.05.17 7885986 Detail
13.05.17 11274622 Detail
13.05.17 11285606 Detail
Go4Overwatch (PC) 1on1 Poland Cup #17
created from rating comment match
06.05.17 7885986 Detail
06.05.17 dexterq Detail
06.05.17 10888524 Detail
06.05.17 11268161 Detail
06.05.17 11274095 Detail
Overwatch (PC) 1on1 Last Man Standing #3 Europe
created from rating comment match
02.05.17 7885986 Detail
02.05.17 9336148 Detail
02.05.17 flodhest- Detail
Go4Overwatch (PC) 1on1 Final Kwiecien 2017 Poland
created from rating comment match
02.05.17 7885986 Detail
02.05.17 3117487 Detail
Go4Overwatch (PC) 1on1 Poland Cup #16
created from rating comment match
29.04.17 7885986 Detail
29.04.17 TJ01 Detail
29.04.17 dexterq Detail
Go4Overwatch (PC) 1on1 Poland Cup #15
created from rating comment match
22.04.17 10419635 Detail
22.04.17 dexterq Detail
22.04.17 10836243 Detail
Overwatch (PC) 1on1 IEM Ticket Challenge #7 Poland
created from rating comment match
18.02.17 dexterq Detail
18.02.17 8926603 Detail
18.02.17 10527529 Detail
Overwatch (PC) 1on1 IEM Ticket Challenge #6 Poland
created from rating comment match
11.02.17 nicerdicer Detail
League of Legends EU West 1on1 Old Ladder
created from rating comment match
22.02.12 2973561 Detail
21.02.12 6053502 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #12 (20.02.12)
created from rating comment match
20.02.12 Sykalione Detail
20.02.12 5689174 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #11 (15.02.12)
created from rating comment match
15.02.12 6589909 Detail
15.02.12 4222749 Detail
15.02.12 5746679 Detail
15.02.12 4461245 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #10 (13.02.12)
created from rating comment match
13.02.12 Aingue Detail
13.02.12 5244430 Detail
13.02.12 6188542 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #9 (08.02.12)
created from rating comment match
08.02.12 5820607 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 Finał Miesiąca - Styczeń
created from rating comment match
07.02.12 6129405 Detail
05.02.12 3542493 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #5 (23.01.12)
created from rating comment match
23.01.12 5445802 Detail
23.01.12 HyperXR99 Detail
23.01.12 6510562 Detail
23.01.12 6096031 Detail
23.01.12 4241082 Detail
23.01.12 6294097 Detail
League of Legends EU Nordic & East 1on1 Old Ladder
created from rating comment match
22.01.12 6403228 Detail
League of Legends EU Nordic & East 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
22.01.12 5764442 Detail
15.07.11 5970537 Detail
14.07.11 Dawidzio10 Detail
14.07.11 5997708 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #4 (19.01.12)
created from rating comment match
19.01.12 6278119 Detail
19.01.12 6341192 Detail
19.01.12 5987710 Detail
19.01.12 6538448 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic 1on1 Turniej świąteczny #7 (30.12.11)
created from rating comment match
30.12.11 6323685 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
16.07.11 6050917 Detail
14.07.11 Dawidzio10 Detail
10.07.11 5910985 Detail
09.07.11 5996922 Detail
06.07.11 4831720 Detail
05.07.11 2759953 Detail
02.07.11 6023542 Detail
02.07.11 5980704 Detail
02.07.11 5929359 again gg^^ Detail
01.07.11 3665694 Detail
01.07.11 6017737 Detail
01.07.11 5761453 Detail
24.06.11 5334095 Detail
24.06.11 4300101 Detail
24.06.11 2124069 Detail
22.06.11 4409714 ban lee from him.! Detail
22.06.11 5869580 Detail
22.06.11 5929359 Was my first game and helped me a bit when I had questions :D Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Fight Club #69 (Sat 25.06.11)
created from rating comment match
25.06.11 4907027 Detail
25.06.11 6004601 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aimmap Ladder
created from rating comment match
13.04.10 3869336 Detail
31.12.09 4240841 Detail
31.12.09 4052612 Detail
24.12.09 3654963 Detail
22.12.09 4318227 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source AWP 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
01.01.10 4666975 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 MR15 Ladder
created from rating comment match
31.12.09 4240841 Detail
30.12.09 4666975 Detail
28.12.09 3207925 Detail
29.11.09 PrZeMASS Detail
12.08.09 2004855 Detail
12.08.09 MORELZ gg Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Handgun 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
31.12.09 4240841 Detail
28.12.09 3681604 Detail
27.12.09 4668739 Detail
22.12.09 3872140 Dobry gracz Detail
22.12.09 4596558 Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
24.10.09 4459755 Detail
14.10.09 4420980 Detail
10.10.09 4250260 Detail
02.10.09 4461907 Detail
01.10.09 4250260 Detail