ShadowDog  id: 3203257
[ Match Ratings ]
[ ratings received ] [ ratings submitted ]

Call of Duty: Black Ops Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
23.11.10 djinn Detail
Call of Duty: Black Ops Search & Destroy 1on1 Quick Cup #4
created from rating comment match
23.11.10 3815686 Detail
23.11.10 4060060 GG Detail
23.11.10 4326086 Detail
23.11.10 WaRk3r Detail
23.11.10 3543909 Detail
Call of Duty: Black Ops Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
21.11.10 3250177 Detail
21.11.10 Shakhtar' Detail
21.11.10 Gunnarrrr gg Detail
19.11.10 3897220 Detail
19.11.10 4252156 Detail
19.11.10 3242920 Detail
Call of Duty: Black Ops Deathmatch 1on1 Quick Cup #1
created from rating comment match
19.11.10 4252156 Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
27.05.10 4147044 Detail
27.05.10 4111599 gg Detail
24.05.10 1974432 Detail
21.05.10 kl9kca Detail
18.05.10 3815136 GG++ Detail
12.05.10 kl9kca good skill^^ Detail
10.05.10 Sheiker Detail
09.05.10 4327075 Detail
05.05.10 1689191 GG Detail
04.05.10 3691028 camper Detail
04.05.10 2899281 great player Detail
25.04.10 4452975 Detail
24.04.10 FRAGGY Detail
23.04.10 PredatorPTR Bad player dont play, only camp... omg i never seen a player camp like that omg bad player, and low. Detail
21.04.10 4419325 Detail
21.04.10 2899281 Detail
21.04.10 4852619 Detail
21.04.10 4796071 Detail
18.04.10 Uglyfarmer Detail
06.04.10 maybe gg Detail
05.04.10 1476134 camper .. Detail
05.04.10 Avenger camp 4 life! + lags ! Detail
05.04.10 4111599 Detail
04.04.10 Lord_Tuna Detail
03.04.10 4198724 Detail
02.04.10 4682163 just a camper but friendly player Detail
31.03.10 unsung hero gg Detail
31.03.10 4641294 Detail
30.03.10 2656430 gg Detail
28.03.10 2241087 GG Detail
28.03.10 4962612 Detail
27.03.10 kl9kca Detail
27.03.10 745175 Detail
27.03.10 3596237 well played Detail
26.03.10 3959611 gg, pro, no nubetube and no camp :) Detail
14.03.10 3626743 Detail
12.03.10 4641294 nice skill, very fair and good player:D ++++ nice! (all - - are rosikers :) ) Detail
08.03.10 1467171 freundlicher offensiver spieler Detail
07.03.10 3636723 Detail
07.03.10 4270783 Detail
26.02.10 3626743 Detail
25.02.10 Viking Detail
07.02.10 PredatorPTR Detail
24.01.10 4746678 Detail
23.01.10 4615567 Detail
22.01.10 2359284 Detail
22.01.10 4147044 gg Detail
21.01.10 4063878 Detail
21.01.10 3653284 My hardest game, u are damn good Detail
14.01.10 4526835 Detail
13.01.10 3678516 Detail
13.01.10 4684206 camp and flame, unfriendly player Detail
11.01.10 4717833 Detail
10.01.10 2656430 camp - low skill Detail
08.01.10 4715405 Detail
05.01.10 4326086 Detail
04.01.10 3478799 gg wie immer: knapp aber nice ;) Detail
04.01.10 3805322 GG Detail
04.01.10 Cyriuuu Detail
03.01.10 Buddha Detail
03.01.10 exe. Detail
02.01.10 4199117 Detail
02.01.10 gauzoo Detail
02.01.10 suxyyy Detail
01.01.10 3394008 Detail
31.12.09 Cosmooo Detail
30.12.09 3516135 Detail
30.12.09 4595492 Detail
28.12.09 1969391 gg Detail
28.12.09 1648628 gg duede Detail
28.12.09 2192298 Detail
28.12.09 suxyyy Detail
28.12.09 3800203 Detail
28.12.09 4363312 Detail
27.12.09 4056472 Detail
27.12.09 3464024 Detail
27.12.09 3478799 gg Detail
27.12.09 3389749 gg guy :D Detail
27.12.09 4291429 Detail
27.12.09 4595492 Detail
20.12.09 3286280 Detail
19.12.09 4500959 Detail
18.12.09 HellraiZer Detail
18.12.09 3986148 Detail
18.12.09 3793064 gg Detail
18.12.09 Cedr1c Detail
17.12.09 668729 gammelt Detail
17.12.09 1968649 Detail
16.12.09 DiRT GG ++ Detail
15.12.09 SuperPlouk gg Detail
15.12.09 4629714 Detail
15.12.09 2064159 Detail
14.12.09 4597846 Detail
14.12.09 4618491 Detail
14.12.09 4545317 Detail
14.12.09 3478799 gg Detail
12.12.09 3743241 gg Detail
12.12.09 2656430 Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Pfingst Cup
created from rating comment match
24.05.10 2770739 Detail
24.05.10 Balu gg++ Detail
24.05.10 4674427 Detail
23.05.10 4195012 Detail
23.05.10 2030474 gg Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
05.05.10 gg ++ Detail
09.04.10 4336069 Detail
31.03.10 3551547 Detail
28.03.10 1321593 Detail
28.03.10 mamadou gg ++ gerne wieder Detail
27.03.10 3283521 Detail
12.03.10 618725 gg Detail
09.03.10 Lord_Tuna gg Detail
05.03.10 3996282 Detail
05.03.10 3859921 next time promod :D ;) Detail
03.03.10 1321593 Detail
28.02.10 suemag gg, friendly player! Detail
27.02.10 4854262 gg Detail
27.02.10 4127229 gg ^^ Detail
27.02.10 3423759 Detail
27.02.10 3523518 immer wieder gern!! So müssen all GAMER sein!! Detail
24.02.10 1144924 Rust zu stark Detail
21.02.10 3815686 Detail
21.02.10 4855256 Detail
20.02.10 4767462 Detail
20.02.10 3583264 Detail
19.02.10 4638295 Detail
18.02.10 4837847 Detail
18.02.10 4777979 Detail
17.02.10 4675161 Detail
14.02.10 4722725 Detail
14.02.10 3523518 Detail
12.02.10 3523518 Detail
12.02.10 4252156 Detail
12.02.10 2845228 Detail
12.02.10 1001654 netter gegner Detail
12.02.10 3309825 Detail
07.02.10 836172 Detail
06.02.10 4807975 Detail
06.02.10 4763556 Detail
05.02.10 4294071 der hackt xDD Detail
03.02.10 2770739 Detail
02.02.10 3110423 Camper !!! Detail
02.02.10 2630119 GG Detail
24.01.10 r0osIe gg. good player Detail
20.01.10 3309825 Detail
19.01.10 3808480 Detail
18.01.10 3226244 Detail
18.01.10 Styls Detail
16.01.10 4648248 Detail
16.01.10 2912965 Detail
15.01.10 2907601 Detail
13.01.10 4727066 Detail
08.01.10 4715906 Detail
08.01.10 3539457 hf & gl in the esl Detail
07.01.10 4715454 Detail
07.01.10 4054503 Detail
06.01.10 4675161 gg++ Detail
06.01.10 3284347 Detail
04.01.10 4651851 Detail
04.01.10 4578062 Nice wh! wusstest immer wo ich wieder starte Detail
03.01.10 1689191 Detail
02.01.10 2770739 Detail
01.01.10 herta hacks ftl Detail
01.01.10 Sh0ot3r gg, fairer und netter gegner :) Detail
29.12.09 4688013 Detail
29.12.09 4079382 Detail
29.12.09 3122219 Detail
22.11.09 3549726 Detail
21.11.09 119849 Detail
20.11.09 4574199 Detail
20.11.09 2363359 Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Oster Cup #1.5
created from rating comment match
09.04.10 GaTeXx Detail
03.04.10 4619020 Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Search & Destroy 1on1 Oster Cup #1
created from rating comment match
02.04.10 4637188 gg Detail