Loki  id: 330136
[ Match Ratings ]
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Germany NHL 09 1on1 Januar Cup
created from rating comment match
27.01.09 1563187 Detail
Sports NHL 09 1on1 DEL Ladder
created from rating comment match
23.01.09 King_James gg Detail
Sports NHL 09 1on1 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
23.01.09 King_James gg Detail
22.01.09 2475800 Detail
12.01.09 2119840 Detail
Sports NHL 09 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
16.01.09 1341631 Detail
13.01.09 2488577 nc Detail
06.01.09 2206662 GP...aber nur Onetimer vom Gegner, mehr leider nicht... Detail
05.01.09 2360350 Detail
05.01.09 3636985 Detail
29.12.08 2908843 geglückte revanche...... Detail
21.12.08 2908843 Detail
21.12.08 3636985 Detail
20.12.08 3721562 gab am ende noch tips Detail
20.12.08 3710988 Detail
13.12.08 1563187 Detail
12.12.08 3635916 Detail
05.12.08 3636985 Detail
30.11.08 King_James gg Detail
30.11.08 3636985 Detail
30.11.08 1109798 Detail
29.11.08 1563187 Detail
23.11.08 3636985 Detail
14.11.08 1727030 Detail
14.11.08 1857777 gg Detail
14.11.08 Digg4 Detail
14.11.08 1803164 so low nur mit one times zu spielen.und dan noch sau viel luck dazu unglaublich Detail
09.11.08 1563187 Detail
Germany NHL 09 1on1 NHL09 Opening-Cup
created from rating comment match
15.11.08 3635916 Detail
14.11.08 3635889 Detail
NHL 08 1on1 NHL 08 Tournament #1
created from rating comment match
18.11.07 1857777 gg Detail
17.11.07 1857777 gg Detail
NHL 08 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
17.11.07 529314 Detail
10.11.07 1109798 Detail
02.11.07 2532934 2:1 dann abbruch + 5:2 = 7:3 Detail
02.11.07 2392448 GG Detail
26.10.07 heaventhegreat40 gg Detail
13.10.07 1649443 Detail
13.10.07 1997165 Detail
13.10.07 King_James gg Detail
12.10.07 heaventhegreat40 gg Detail
05.10.07 2730409 Detail
05.10.07 heaventhegreat40 gg Detail
05.10.07 1997165 gg...mir fehlte das glück^^ Detail
03.10.07 2381175 Detail
03.10.07 Ule GG nettes Spiel Detail
02.10.07 King_James gg Detail
02.10.07 529314 Detail
02.10.07 1651297 Detail
NHL 08 1on1 DEL Ladder
created from rating comment match
17.11.07 529314 Detail
11.11.07 529314 Detail
01.11.07 heaventhegreat40 gg Detail
NHL 08 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
17.11.07 1109798 Detail
10.11.07 1109798 Detail
02.11.07 2532934 Detail
02.11.07 2392448 GG Detail
01.11.07 2263134 alles bestens Detail
26.10.07 2357997 Detail
26.10.07 heaventhegreat40 gg Detail
26.10.07 2261023 Detail
13.10.07 2261023 Detail
13.10.07 King_James gg Detail
12.10.07 heaventhegreat40 g Detail
05.10.07 1997165 Detail
05.10.07 678991 gg, krassestes game was ich je hatte :) Detail
05.10.07 heaventhegreat40 gg Detail
03.10.07 2696090 GG super spiel Detail
02.10.07 King_James gg Detail
02.10.07 529314 Detail
02.10.07 Digg4 Detail
02.10.07 1651297 gg Detail
NHL 07 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.09.06 1065053 disconnected twice to be sure to win the game Detail
30.09.06 1428508 gg Detail
30.09.06 529314 Detail
29.09.06 King_James gg Detail
29.09.06 1525644 Detail
29.09.06 1836488 gg Detail
29.09.06 1254134 gg Detail
29.09.06 ShoGGa68 Detail
NHL 07 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.09.06 King_James gg Detail
29.09.06 1525644 Detail
29.09.06 heaventhegreat40 gg Detail
NHL 07 1on1 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
29.09.06 1525644 Detail
NHL 07 1on1 NHL07 Opening Cup
created from rating comment match
28.09.06 UFO666 Detail
27.09.06 1428508 gg Detail
27.09.06 1753921 Detail
27.09.06 44237 gg Detail