t1moz_k  id: 3456439
[ Match Ratings ]
[ ratings received ] [ ratings submitted ]

CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
created from rating comment match
29.01.13 3124810 Detail
23.01.13 5084712 Detail
22.01.13 6195077 Detail
06.01.13 5408814 Detail
05.01.13 5610533 Detail
05.01.13 franz Detail
05.01.13 PolakK *MORT* t1moz* : hurensohn Detail
05.01.13 5706963 Detail
05.01.13 freeq gg Detail
05.01.13 6346206 Detail
05.01.13 ben gg Detail
CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
18.10.12 KARCSI gg, noob player. Detail
CS:S Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
created from rating comment match
04.10.12 sleepy Detail
24.06.12 3124810 Detail
11.02.12 jvasticae low gay Detail
29.01.12 2799564 Detail
26.01.12 3124810 aimt wie ein gott Detail
01.01.12 5378707 crouch crouch crouch what else ? -__- Detail
01.01.12 6440259 Detail
01.01.12 6448721 Detail
01.01.12 6468962 Detail
01.01.12 4652959 Detail
01.01.12 5215930 Detail
31.12.11 3124810 Detail
31.12.11 3504654 Detail
30.12.11 Hyper Detail
30.12.11 amb3r Detail
30.12.11 5091744 Detail
30.12.11 6049856 Detail
30.12.11 4558827 Detail
29.12.11 6435926 Detail
29.12.11 sp4ceMan Detail
29.12.11 mek Detail
29.12.11 3346797 Detail
29.12.11 2172621 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Blitz Ladder
created from rating comment match
19.08.12 5718652 Detail
20.07.11 4258524 Detail
07.07.11 5886353 Detail
07.07.11 4258524 Detail
11.03.10 2261570 Detail
11.03.10 2363179 Detail
11.03.10 3033787 Detail
06.02.10 4277194 Detail
06.02.10 savior Detail
02.02.10 2639315 Detail
01.02.10 3398005 Detail
01.02.10 2723150 Detail
01.02.10 oBEY tHE bEAVER Detail
01.02.10 580799 Detail
12.07.09 2326197 Detail
11.07.09 4160933 Detail
05.07.09 4163655 Detail
04.07.09 2969630 Detail
04.07.09 1315444 leave Detail
04.07.09 1755910 Detail
03.07.09 4044576 gg Detail
03.07.09 4160933 Detail
02.07.09 360828 Detail
02.07.09 mikeLbraH Detail
02.07.09 jULE. Detail
02.07.09 Nowe Detail
02.07.09 4044576 gg xD Detail
02.07.09 1978002 gg Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder
created from rating comment match
19.06.12 unQL luckerboiii Detail
09.04.12 1692438 Detail
09.04.12 Arktos Detail
06.04.12 Calamyst Detail
24.02.12 bavy Detail
24.02.12 deekay1 Detail
23.11.11 luCkie chattet&flamed nur rum weil er nichts trifft :D starker typ Detail
10.03.10 4774340 Detail
30.12.09 3136683 Detail
18.12.09 4044576 gg Detail
07.07.09 1331849 Detail
07.07.09 3501721 Detail
02.07.09 4044576 Detail
30.04.09 3894613 Detail
20.04.09 NinjaPino n1 fighT .. wiR seHen unzZ =) ! GG! Detail
18.04.09 luimoto Detail
18.04.09 2095520 Detail
17.04.09 3825238 gg Detail
16.04.09 3382952 netter gegner ;] Detail
15.04.09 2436095 Detail
15.04.09 2406150 nice :D nicht ganz gut wegen verspätung..:D Detail
15.04.09 3009287 war halt am ende doof aber wir können rematch machen ;) Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 AWP Ladder
created from rating comment match
24.02.12 deekay1 Detail
11.02.12 3124810 Detail
05.02.12 zwbl.- gg wp Detail
29.01.12 pyy Detail
25.09.11 4433493 GG Detail
10.09.11 3416599 Detail
09.09.11 5299161 Detail
22.06.09 4044576 Abgesehen von deinem Ossi Internet ganz gut :) Detail
15.04.09 3346174 Lieb dich aber hab gelaggt ._. Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.01.12 5299161 Detail
29.01.12 watson Detail
29.01.12 2799564 Detail
29.01.12 3124810 Detail
26.01.12 pyy Detail
10.12.11 605866 Detail
10.12.11 4930245 Detail
17.11.11 2788341 Detail
17.11.11 Malumii Detail
27.10.11 5068010 Detail
27.10.11 4409181 Detail
27.10.11 5091600 Detail
18.12.09 4044576 Detail
08.07.09 3844657 Detail
08.07.09 n1co Detail
07.07.09 3252947 Detail
22.06.09 4044576 gg Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.01.12 2799564 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Rush Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.01.12 pyy Detail
League of Legends EU West 1on1 Old Ladder
created from rating comment match
25.10.11 4098946 Detail
13.09.11 4333797 Detail
13.09.11 6061221 Detail
11.09.11 Ace flamer...meine schuld das sein i-net 3 sec weg war :D Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 Knife Cup #8
created from rating comment match
28.09.11 deen Detail
28.09.11 5448452 unfreundlkich udn respektlos! Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
08.07.11 5838901 Detail
07.07.11 5886353 Detail
07.07.11 4258524 Detail
07.07.11 5928234 Detail
07.07.11 Nasty Nas Detail
07.07.11 5873476 Detail
07.07.11 6012186 Detail
06.07.11 1054522 gg Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
07.07.11 4258524 Detail
07.07.11 5134888 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
21.03.10 3742963 Detail
07.03.10 random Detail
28.02.10 3557911 Detail
07.02.10 2576821 Detail
06.02.10 Fighter. Detail
06.02.10 1543774 Detail
05.02.10 3398005 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
12.03.10 3666505 Detail
11.07.09 2615871 Detail
10.07.09 3274808 Detail
05.07.09 2948209 Detail
05.07.09 furkan Detail
04.07.09 2337850 Detail
02.07.09 2948209 Detail
02.07.09 The Punisher Detail
02.07.09 2978611 Detail
02.07.09 4044576 Detail
22.04.09 3976093 Detail
21.04.09 syKe Detail
20.04.09 2991371 Detail
20.04.09 3038612 Detail
20.04.09 Masko Detail
19.04.09 3661249 Detail
19.04.09 Speedy114 Detail
18.04.09 furkan Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
18.12.09 4044576 Detail
05.07.09 4044576 Detail
MSN Games Bowling DLM Warm Up
created from rating comment match
09.12.09 3742963 Detail
09.12.09 2902629 Detail
09.12.09 2839538 gg++ gerne wieder Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 long night #1
created from rating comment match
10.07.09 jULE. Detail
10.07.09 2235268 Detail
10.07.09 noob4life Detail