coNo  id: 34936
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Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Winter Cup 2014
created from rating comment match
14.02.14 294699 Detail
06.02.14 645917 Detail
04.02.14 tSoPeLiXxX Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Weihnachtscup 2013 Gruppenphase
created from rating comment match
02.01.14 Boehser Onkel Detail
30.12.13 3030179 Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Frühlingscup 2012
created from rating comment match
09.05.12 355275 gg Detail
21.04.12 1677771 gg Detail
19.04.12 RouX Detail
13.04.12 369100 gg Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Spring Cup 2012
created from rating comment match
30.04.12 hapean Detail
27.04.12 matzens Detail
20.04.12 1901078 Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 April 2012 Cup
created from rating comment match
25.04.12 1318284 Detail
15.04.12 1901078 Detail
10.04.12 Venom gg Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
19.03.12 1770720 Detail
18.03.12 2384903 Detail
13.03.12 murd3r Detail
07.02.12 1318284 Detail
27.01.12 2384903 Detail
05.01.12 murd3r Detail
04.01.12 2384903 Detail
21.12.11 1318284 Detail
20.11.11 2878912 thx for Play Detail
20.11.11 1318284 gg Detail
03.11.11 murd3r Detail
03.10.11 murd3r Detail
04.09.11 1318284 Detail
15.08.11 2268396 Detail
27.07.11 dmw Detail
08.01.08 334411 Detail
29.12.07 1716260 Detail
26.12.07 daz one Detail
13.12.07 DeToX Detail
12.12.07 285859 Detail
19.11.07 2759307 Detail
09.11.07 1414886 Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Wintercup 2012
created from rating comment match
25.02.12 1393035 Detail
17.02.12 1806344 Detail
28.01.12 1460968 Detail
20.01.12 2093738 Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Herbstcup 2011
created from rating comment match
13.11.11 481184 Detail
29.10.11 1806344 Detail
19.10.11 jJ Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Sommercup 2011
created from rating comment match
25.08.11 896594 Detail
11.08.11 355275 GG Detail
07.08.11 mapcleaner Detail
31.07.11 av3nger Detail
Counter-Strike Manager Cups Neujahrscup 2011
created from rating comment match
07.01.11 PePPe Detail
03.01.11 1005371 Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Starter Ladder
created from rating comment match
31.10.10 2878912 Detail
28.10.10 761050 Detail
25.10.10 ANdre gg Detail
20.10.10 620358 Detail
17.10.10 LoCShot gg Detail
12.10.10 crack Detail
08.10.10 M4rco-.- gg++ Detail
02.10.10 murd3r Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
21.12.09 2064079 Detail
23.11.09 D-Pop GG :-) Detail
16.11.09 1662281 Detail
09.11.09 prn.strikes back gg Detail
04.11.09 1806344 Detail
28.10.09 LoCShot zu krass Detail
19.10.09 Daggi gg Detail
07.10.09 1063197 Detail
12.04.09 347558 Detail
10.04.09 2241042 Detail
28.03.09 726270 Detail
17.03.09 enison Detail
10.03.09 FoX Detail
04.03.09 PowerHorse Detail
26.02.09 1581467 Detail
11.02.09 Kralle Detail
02.02.09 1799438 Detail
26.01.09 2153048 Detail
16.01.09 2310091 revanche geglückt ;) Detail
12.01.09 1662281 Detail
07.01.09 338202 Detail
05.01.09 2310091 vergessen, takken reinzumachen =( Detail
Counter-Strike Manager Cups Sommer Cup Nr. 2 - 2009
created from rating comment match
22.08.09 736497 gg Detail
20.08.09 1005371 Detail
12.08.09 1341451 Detail
06.08.09 prn.strikes back gg Detail
03.08.09 Snip'ozg' Detail
Counter-Strike Manager Cups Sommer Cup Nr. 2009
created from rating comment match
13.06.09 2157253 Detail
08.06.09 377045 gG! Detail
05.06.09 jJ Detail
02.06.09 maTk Detail
Battlefield 2 1on1 KotB Knife
created from rating comment match
04.08.08 1529606 Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Qualification Cup #4
created from rating comment match
17.01.08 2541178 Detail
13.01.08 Kallehell Played the match today so CoNo could play. :( Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Winter Cup #2
created from rating comment match
15.01.08 843518 gg Detail
14.01.08 dly Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
10.01.08 896594 Detail
06.01.08 Bambel gg Detail
05.01.08 oxk. Detail
04.01.08 377045 gG! Detail
02.01.08 Resk1337 spannend:P Detail
31.12.07 FabS gg Detail
23.12.07 843518 gg Detail
16.12.07 av3nger Detail
15.12.07 1294799 gg Detail
11.12.07 Stylez Detail
05.12.07 Resk1337 Detail
03.12.07 1562389 gg Detail
24.11.07 1433946 Detail
20.11.07 2526153 gg ++ Detail
16.11.07 Venom gg Detail
14.11.07 2526153 Detail
28.10.07 800243 Detail
27.10.07 1433946 Detail
24.10.07 schefrocker Detail
14.10.07 1433946 Detail
12.10.07 schefrocker Detail
07.10.07 505698 Detail
07.10.07 2157253 Detail
05.10.07 1562389 gg Detail
04.10.07 Rookson Detail
01.10.07 1780207 Detail
21.09.07 896594 Detail
19.09.07 1642185 Detail
17.09.07 442045 gg Detail
16.09.07 1433946 Detail
14.09.07 1059607 gg ;) Detail
13.09.07 473334 Detail
06.09.07 1770152 gg Detail
30.08.07 1455680 gg .. nice gegner gerne wieder Detail
29.08.07 1433946 Detail
29.08.07 1464328 Detail
26.08.07 1806344 Detail
10.08.07 1433946 Detail
07.08.07 896594 Detail
06.08.07 Nykon bin noch neu, Gegner war sehr hilfsbereit Detail
05.08.07 995324 Detail
05.08.07 442045 gg Detail
03.08.07 1433946 Detail
02.08.07 448331 Detail
29.07.07 1578078 gg Detail
25.07.07 1736443 Detail
24.07.07 1806344 Detail
23.07.07 glh Detail
23.07.07 1433946 Detail
21.07.07 schefrocker Detail
21.07.07 1562389 gg Detail
20.07.07 av3nger Detail
18.07.07 522086 Detail
17.07.07 Funky Fingerz GG Detail
17.07.07 839209 Detail
15.07.07 Taz Detail
14.07.07 1059607 gg ;) Detail
12.07.07 1562389 gg; alter Hase Detail
11.07.07 396965 gg, ziemlich knapp :D Detail
10.07.07 786544 Detail
08.07.07 1491352 gg Detail
07.07.07 D-Pop GG :-) Detail
06.07.07 1709272 Detail
04.07.07 2522826 Detail
03.07.07 937317 Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Winter Cup
created from rating comment match
23.11.07 1562389 gg and hf @1337 Detail
18.11.07 DeToX Detail
16.11.07 Bambel gg Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Summer Cup
created from rating comment match
21.08.07 1059607 gg ;) Detail
21.08.07 1806344 Detail
09.08.07 1709272 Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Opening Cup
created from rating comment match
24.06.07 1806344 gg :) Detail
21.06.07 522124 Detail
15.06.07 1158300 Detail
11.06.07 146620 Detail
Counter-Strike Manager 1on1 Old Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.06.07 804859 gg Detail
24.05.07 Adi Detail
18.05.07 av3nger Detail
15.05.07 schefrocker Detail
11.05.07 1154077 GG Detail
09.05.07 606430 Detail
06.05.07 1562389 gg Detail
03.05.07 1423465 Detail
02.05.07 146620 Detail
29.04.07 804859 gg (: Detail
28.04.07 1443664 Detail
26.04.07 793384 Detail
17.04.07 schefrocker Detail
15.04.07 1806344 Detail
12.04.07 1427508 gg Detail
11.04.07 bammab Detail
09.04.07 Lady2k Detail
07.04.07 146620 GG Detail
07.04.07 825169 Detail
05.04.07 1817770 Detail
23.03.07 793384 Detail
22.03.07 442045 gg Detail
20.03.07 av3nger Detail
19.03.07 Jenova gg schönes spiel Detail
18.03.07 146620 GG Detail
18.03.07 894402 Detail
11.03.07 1562389 Detail
11.03.07 Icewolf nächstes Mal vorher in icq anfragen Detail
05.03.07 793384 Detail
04.03.07 1158300 Detail
01.03.07 1578078 GG N1 Detail