Adrian 'szczur09' Schröder  id: 3583388
[ Match Ratings ]
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FIFA 21 (One) Ekstraklasa Games Open - Lechia Gdańsk Poland
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20.01.21 Adsoon Detail
FIFA 21 (One) Ekstraklasa Games Open - Śląsk Wrocław Poland
created from rating comment match
19.01.21 qiubon Detail
FIFA 21 (One) Ekstraklasa Games Open - Piast Gliwice Poland
created from rating comment match
17.01.21 VerbalDuck40421 Detail
FIFA 21 (One) Ekstraklasa Games Open - Legia Warszawa Poland
created from rating comment match
16.01.21 MynioFIFA Detail
FIFA 21 (One) Ekstraklasa Games Open - Pogoń Szczecin Poland
created from rating comment match
12.01.21 irakliy10 Detail
FIFA 21 (One) Ekstraklasa Games Open - Wisła Kraków Poland
created from rating comment match
06.01.21 16472257 Detail
FIFA 21 (One) Ekstraklasa Games Open - Jagiellonia Białystok Poland
created from rating comment match
05.01.21 Cannybiscuit366 Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
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25.06.16 poxi Detail
12.06.16 KarteKpL Detail
06.06.16 10157509 Detail
05.06.16 7562359 Detail
05.06.16 Szrodi Detail
04.06.16 dorukhanilhan10 Detail
03.06.16 2892099 Detail
03.06.16 MILO Detail
02.06.16 Ultras Detail
02.06.16 9553353 Detail
31.05.16 iwnkl Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) 1on1 Silesia Open Championship Finał Eliminacji Poland
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12.06.16 seVen Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) 1on1 Silesia Open Championship #5 Poland
created from rating comment match
06.06.16 8788390 Detail
06.06.16 KojoTpL Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) 1on1 Silesia Open Championship #4 Poland
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02.06.16 seVen Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) 1on1 Silesia Open Championship #3 Poland
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30.05.16 budynio Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) 1on1 Silesia Open Championship #2 Poland
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26.05.16 mrn Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #18 powered by Scuf Gaming
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31.01.16 2523547 Detail
FIFA 15 Mistrzostwa Polski PC VII tura kwalifikacyjna
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10.01.15 8299668 Wygralem 1-0 Detail
FIFA 15 Mistrzostwa Polski PC VI tura kwalifikacyjna
created from rating comment match
06.01.15 7370420 Detail
FIFA 15 Mistrzostwa Polski PlayStation 4 IV tura kwalifikacyjna
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30.12.14 8781710 Detail
30.12.14 8216966 Detail
FIFA 15 Mistrzostwa Polski PC IV tura kwalifikacyjna
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29.12.14 4671558 Detail
29.12.14 8792478 Detail
29.12.14 5645133 Detail
FIFA 15 Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
25.12.14 8790691 quit and cry :)) Detail
25.12.14 AlhimikTV Detail
25.12.14 MichauL96 Detail
24.12.14 3237183 Detail
24.12.14 7960730 Detail
21.12.14 3022084 Detail
21.12.14 8795610 Detail
21.12.14 5238357 Detail
20.12.14 3022084 Detail
20.12.14 okoLy Detail
19.12.14 SchLeX Detail
18.12.14 5538543 Detail
18.12.14 Bloody Face Detail
17.12.14 8790691 LOW LOW LOW LOW LOW CONNN Detail
17.12.14 3022084 Detail
15.12.14 8790691 Detail
15.12.14 Night Detail
15.12.14 5538543 Detail
15.12.14 7960730 Detail
15.12.14 3022084 Detail
15.12.14 8763913 Detail
15.12.14 3425607 Detail
15.12.14 3022084 Detail
15.12.14 Ultras Detail
15.12.14 SK.TornAdo Detail
14.12.14 341168 Detail
14.12.14 Romaxbass_russia Detail
14.12.14 8790691 Detail
14.12.14 Raabi2711 Detail
14.12.14 Ultras Detail
13.12.14 xin Detail
12.12.14 8683234 Bad conection Detail
12.12.14 PuceTrack88 Detail
26.11.14 8737465 Detail
25.11.14 8763913 Detail
25.11.14 okoLy Detail
FIFA 15 1on1 Ladder PC
created from rating comment match
15.12.14 5440986 Problemy z netem,lekkie lagi. Detail
15.12.14 3351818 Detail
15.12.14 jaclawozw Detail
FIFA 15 Mistrzostwa Polski PlayStation 4 I tura kwalifikacyjna
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13.12.14 3448829 Detail
13.12.14 8780911 Detail
13.12.14 7296424 Detail
FIFA 15 Mistrzostwa Polski PC I tura kwalifikacyjna
created from rating comment match
12.12.14 3532110 Detail
FIFA14 (FUT) Mistrzostwa Polski PlayStation 4 3 turniej kwalifikacyjny
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09.03.14 8216054 Detail
FIFA14 (FUT) Mistrzostwa Polski PlayStation 4 2 turniej kwalifikacyjny
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23.02.14 8233934 Detail
FIFA 14 (PS3) 1on1 Turniej otwarcia
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05.10.13 7324541 Detail
FIFA 13 Ultimate Team PS3 1on1 Pierwszy Puchar PS3
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14.01.13 bejott Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Ladder PS3
created from rating comment match
02.01.13 4732935 Detail
27.12.12 7399929 Detail
27.12.12 Junajted Detail
09.10.12 2626878 Detail
04.10.12 3532110 Detail
FIFA 13 IEM Poland Your Road to Katowice – 3rd Qualifier cup
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21.12.12 3532110 Detail
FIFA 11 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
19.12.10 1266193 very bad connection Detail
19.12.10 5455271 Detail
13.12.10 5446420 Detail
12.12.10 76894 Detail
07.12.10 5363924 Detail
07.12.10 Snavi Detail
07.12.10 3397351 Detail
28.11.10 5441123 Detail
27.11.10 Manyna gg Detail
26.11.10 3150793 Detail
25.11.10 br0 Detail
24.11.10 2317788 Detail
23.11.10 Ultras Detail
22.11.10 5361355 soso polsko Detail
21.11.10 890372 Detail
FIFA 11 1on1 Club Ladder
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26.11.10 5362523 Detail
25.11.10 br0 tylko 13-1 :D Detail
25.11.10 3546120 laggger Detail
25.11.10 Jason Detail
25.11.10 1624590 Detail
24.11.10 Jason Detail
22.11.10 1150698 Detail
FIFA 10 1on1 Mix ladder
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27.04.10 burdzio Detail
27.04.10 Czary Detail
25.04.10 Bondar Detail
25.04.10 1466267 Detail
10.02.10 3574218 Detail
03.02.10 3744446 Detail
21.01.10 4497577 Farciiooo Detail
20.01.10 4671558 Detail
20.01.10 2975508 Detail
17.01.10 3658293 Detail
14.01.10 Orzel Detail
11.01.10 2975508 Detail
30.12.09 2162296 Detail
28.12.09 3158710 Detail
28.12.09 4440157 Detail
28.12.09 4483164 Detail
28.12.09 3758987 Detail
27.12.09 4452708 Detail
23.12.09 4671558 Detail
20.12.09 skowri Detail
02.12.09 2162296 Detail
02.11.09 2751256 Detail
02.11.09 857577 Detail
02.11.09 2113035 Detail
30.10.09 2144642 Detail
29.10.09 skowri Detail
28.10.09 2191829 Detail
26.10.09 1455431 Detail
23.10.09 Badi Detail
18.10.09 1930857 Detail
18.10.09 4479265 Detail
17.10.09 2144642 Detail
11.10.09 burdzio Detail
11.10.09 3546120 Detail
11.10.09 3351818 Miły gracz :) Detail
FIFA 10 1on1 Turniej o wyzwanie do reprezentacji #3
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11.04.10 Zi0m Detail
Cross Fire Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder
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25.03.10 4077001 Detail
24.02.10 4147039 Detail
FIFA 10 1on1 League Series Season I
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26.01.10 Trowi Detail
24.01.10 2929736 Detail
17.01.10 2836954 puacz Detail
14.01.10 2162296 Detail
09.01.10 Paniol Detail
09.01.10 4452708 Detail
02.01.10 Matii358 Detail
FIFA 10 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
11.01.10 2975508 Detail
02.01.10 2055342 Detail
26.12.09 2162296 lowek:)) Detail
10.12.09 2364911 gg++ Detail
06.11.09 3140183 Detail
02.11.09 3715347 Detail
02.11.09 3561614 Detail
26.10.09 Fab Detail
23.10.09 3150758 Detail
21.10.09 3643618 Lucker, Lagger, Big Delay, Dont play with him Detail
FIFA 10 1on1 Eliminacje do RP FIFA10
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09.01.10 2908083 Detail
09.01.10 2908083 Detail
09.01.10 3548739 Detail
08.01.10 3548739 Detail
08.01.10 4512515 Detail
07.01.10 4512515 Detail
06.01.10 4462569 Detail
06.01.10 4462569 Detail
FIFA 09 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
13.08.09 4073269 Detail
13.08.09 AleX Detail
13.08.09 3337462 INSULT AFTER GAMES,KIDS,LAGGER Detail
25.07.09 4266908 Detail
25.07.09 Fr3ItasS Detail
25.07.09 2085103 Detail
19.07.09 3439992 Detail
19.07.09 necroW8 gg Detail
15.07.09 3699872 Detail
15.07.09 3746859 Detail
12.07.09 2975508 Detail
12.07.09 1545191 has mocar Detail
09.07.09 3715347 Detail
08.07.09 2256833 Detail
04.06.09 3980960 Detail
04.06.09 3439992 Detail
FIFA 09 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.08.09 3734209 Detail
31.07.09 3876837 Detail
25.07.09 4287346 Detail
18.07.09 PyChU Detail
16.07.09 3744446 Detail
15.07.09 1712649 Detail
12.07.09 2975508 Detail
11.07.09 3532110 Detail
10.07.09 Murzyn Detail
09.06.09 Trowi Detail
03.06.09 3738019 Detail
FIFA 09 1on1 Summer League
created from rating comment match
28.07.09 1346006 Detail
25.07.09 2820069 luck only (13:3 Shoots on goal) and lowcon Detail
FIFA 09 1on1 1on1 Weekend Cup Series #3
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06.06.09 cinkOw gg Detail