Daniele 'Halakir' Buccheri  id: 3618180
[ Match Ratings ]
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The Elder Scrolls: Legends Open Swiss Cup #9 Global
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19.08.17 11642745 Detail
19.08.17 10138169 Detail
Hearthstone Last Hero of Gadgetzan #17 Europe
created from rating comment match
30.03.17 11047591 Detail
30.03.17 Gin Ichimaru Detail
Hearthstone Gadgetzans Conquest Tournament #17 Europe
created from rating comment match
28.03.17 11064524 Detail
Go4Hearthstone Europe Cup #66
created from rating comment match
02.10.16 Oathkeeper Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
29.07.16 C.Style Detail
17.07.16 YaSs Detail
04.07.16 YaSs Detail
30.06.16 YaSs Detail
27.06.16 YaSs Detail
21.06.16 MILO Detail
18.06.16 MILO Detail
17.06.16 YaSs Detail
15.06.16 2108197 Detail
09.06.16 nBTT gg++ Detail
06.06.16 2108197 Detail
29.05.16 daejv Detail
23.05.16 Tutmirnichtweh Detail
23.05.16 10114398 Detail
21.05.16 elitcover Detail
21.05.16 nBTT Detail
15.05.16 TEEDDYY Detail
14.05.16 10114398 Detail
Hearthstone Open Last Hero Standing Ladder 1on1 Europe
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19.06.16 nasty Detail
Magicka: Wizard Wars Open Ladder 1on1
created from rating comment match
07.03.15 8927472 Detail
05.03.15 8954763 Detail
05.03.15 2776042 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Autumn League 2014 Q2
created from rating comment match
11.11.14 8729851 Detail
11.11.14 Detail
11.11.14 8736491 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Summer League 2014 Final Cup
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07.08.14 BlackMato Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Summer League 2014 Q8
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25.07.14 8167647 Detail
25.07.14 7730918 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Summer League 2014 Q2
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04.07.14 5944021 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Italian's Friday Night 3!
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28.03.14 Dex Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Beta Cup #20
created from rating comment match
16.03.14 1127151 Detail
16.03.14 3661466 Detail
16.03.14 6081804 Detail
16.03.14 8279194 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Jungle Cup #10 ( 05 Aprile ) Elo 0-1600
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05.04.12 2011104 Detail
05.04.12 Nicko Detail
League of Legends EU West 1on1 Old Ladder
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01.04.12 LinK Detail
29.03.12 6689201 Detail
27.03.12 6108561 Detail
25.03.12 5770100 Detail
21.03.12 1658004 Detail
21.03.12 E.M.A. Detail
20.03.12 Ava77 Detail
20.03.12 4422122 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Jungle Cup #9 (29Marzo)Elo 0-1600
created from rating comment match
29.03.12 6752726 Detail
29.03.12 6708959 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Jungle Cup #8 (22 Marzo)Elo 0-1600
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22.03.12 6698607 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Jungle Cup #7 (15 Marzo)Elo 0-1600
created from rating comment match
15.03.12 SaberMaster Detail
15.03.12 6658747 Detail
15.03.12 6680108 Detail
HaxBall 1on1 Opening Cup
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12.01.11 1982789 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
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15.10.10 3652925 Detail
17.09.10 5024888 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Opening Cup
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06.08.10 1120620 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 New Afternoon Cup!
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02.02.10 GuLp Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
15.12.09 3604257 Detail
23.11.09 Sp4rTaN Detail
21.11.09 3908772 Detail
18.11.09 4073043 Detail
17.11.09 3843230 Detail
17.11.09 4293261 gg bello Detail
16.11.09 1763120 Detail
16.11.09 3644401 Detail
15.11.09 3593630 Detail
15.11.09 qwert Detail
09.11.09 2987299 Detail
08.11.09 masterzeta goooood Detail
02.11.09 4178542 Detail
31.10.09 4507723 Detail
31.10.09 4249798 Detail
31.10.09 4477966 Detail
30.10.09 2346795 Detail
30.10.09 nieeJ Detail
29.10.09 Sp4rTaN Detail
29.10.09 4525135 Detail
29.10.09 3671122 Detail
26.10.09 4516769 Detail
25.10.09 3778424 Detail
23.10.09 3604257 Detail
23.10.09 2987299 Detail
23.10.09 4416927 Detail
20.10.09 3095946 Detail
20.10.09 4293617 Detail
17.10.09 Godhand Detail
16.10.09 4261360 Detail
14.10.09 3477209 Detail
12.10.09 4178542 Detail
12.10.09 4431592 Detail
09.10.09 3515903 Detail
09.10.09 3644401 Detail
07.10.09 LeleTheBest Detail
07.10.09 4348062 Detail
06.10.09 4444103 Detail
04.10.09 4424530 bella cw Detail
03.10.09 4014944 Detail
03.10.09 3592412 Detail
02.10.09 3834857 Detail
01.10.09 4205435 Detail
29.09.09 3582572 Detail
26.09.09 2456260 gg Detail
24.09.09 Ni0 Detail
29.08.09 3556454 Corretto e gentile Detail
17.08.09 3343195 Detail
03.08.09 3971486 gg Detail
31.05.09 3743956 Detail
30.05.09 3984775 Detail
21.05.09 Peeveswozere Detail
19.05.09 3979432 Detail
19.05.09 2837591 Detail
18.05.09 3814019 Detail
02.05.09 3515879 positivo Detail
02.05.09 3389749 gg Detail
02.05.09 2613690 Detail
01.05.09 3925941 Detail
01.05.09 2565284 Detail
30.04.09 3482605 bella partita piaciuta Detail
30.04.09 3951389 Detail
29.04.09 3971486 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Autumn Cup 2009
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02.12.09 faCze Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.11.09 4182545 Detail
28.11.09 2777212 Detail
28.11.09 4369373 Detail
24.11.09 2810355 Detail
23.11.09 KzRR_ Detail
Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
09.11.09 3604257 Detail
25.10.09 4416927 Detail
24.10.09 4330078 Detail
22.10.09 3604257 Detail
19.10.09 Pura Vida Detail
16.10.09 3263942 Detail
16.10.09 3703902 Detail
15.10.09 4178542 Detail
13.10.09 3671122 Detail
13.10.09 2979494 Detail
27.06.09 3979432 gg al siracusano XD Detail
30.05.09 4003188 Detail
03.05.09 4003188 Detail
24.04.09 3467581 gg Detail
Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 1on1 Quick Cup October
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26.10.09 Pura Vida Detail
Call of Duty 4 Promod Search & Destroy 1on1 Amateur Series
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19.10.09 4190595 Detail
10.10.09 4432784 Detail
MSN Games Rock, Paper, Scissors 1on1 Opening Cup
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19.10.09 Nesli Detail
19.10.09 2936124 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Night Cup #2
created from rating comment match
10.10.09 4175691 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
08.10.09 3568392 Detail
28.06.09 2637644 Detail
Microsoft League PokerTH 1on1 Nightcup #4
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16.09.09 2631012 Detail
16.09.09 2912873 pfff giocatore del cazzo Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Mastering Sniper
created from rating comment match
01.09.09 JESTERRR Detail
30.08.09 664150 Detail
28.08.09 3577270 Detail
26.08.09 4168974 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 SteelSeries Summer Cup '09
created from rating comment match
10.08.09 1519604 Detail
06.08.09 2888823 Detail
03.08.09 3846537 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 SteelSeries Season Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.06.09 3087234 bella Detail
08.06.09 Dave Red Detail
PokerTH 1on1 SteelSeries Season Ladder
created from rating comment match
04.06.09 Tony91 GG Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 SteelSeries Season Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.06.09 3292259 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 SteelSeries Season Tournament I
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03.06.09 Magneton gg Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.06.09 2936124 Detail
30.05.09 Baddu Detail
30.05.09 2232626 Detail
05.05.09 dAAAAANNNNi Detail
MSN Games Dama 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
04.05.09 1728060 Detail
29.04.09 3734162 Detail
28.04.09 4078159 tutto ok ;) Detail
26.04.09 3149637 Detail