Lewa  id: 3646170
[ Match Ratings ]
[ ratings received ] [ ratings submitted ]

Summer League 2010 Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 1on1 Summer League
created from rating comment match
25.08.10 DJusOfScit Detail
18.08.10 DJusOfScit Detail
MSN Games Rock, Paper, Scissors 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
25.04.10 jpk Detail
19.03.10 ExA mellow Detail
31.12.09 3467581 gg ottimo player Detail
30.12.09 T1tus Detail
26.12.09 s h i Detail
23.12.09 Legolas Detail
23.12.09 aeQuitas Detail
23.12.09 3568392 Detail
23.12.09 3229863 Buon Player ^^ Detail
23.12.09 Guybrush Detail
22.12.09 Nesli Detail
22.12.09 eiGi Detail
22.12.09 3661249 Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
06.01.10 fLASHErjz gg Detail
05.01.10 PikNuke Ottimo player ;) GG! :D Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.12.09 T1tus Detail
03.12.09 1818272 gg xD Detail
10.11.09 cLLii Detail
08.11.09 SimoLeo Detail
02.11.09 3270383 gg Detail
02.11.09 2888823 Detail
30.10.09 SimoLeo Detail
28.10.09 jpk ^^ Detail
28.10.09 3287040 Detail
25.10.09 SimoLeo Detail
22.10.09 SimoLeo Detail
22.10.09 xblazex gg Detail
21.10.09 4071078 Detail
20.10.09 3287040 Detail
20.10.09 3270383 Detail
19.10.09 4180063 Detail
19.10.09 4500424 Detail
18.10.09 xblazex gg Detail
18.10.09 4071078 gg grande :> Detail
18.10.09 2775427 Detail
17.10.09 3270383 Detail
08.09.09 2489443 Detail
07.09.09 3226599 gg Detail
07.09.09 4399131 Detail
30.08.09 4029996 Detail
28.08.09 3226599 Detail
21.08.09 2888823 Detail
21.08.09 4162954 Detail
19.08.09 3224586 Detail
16.07.09 2888823 Detail
16.07.09 2421350 Detail
15.07.09 2905983 Detail
14.07.09 aeQuitas Detail
14.07.09 PikNuke gg Detail
14.07.09 1818272 sul filo eheh gg ;) Detail
14.07.09 2954674 Detail
14.07.09 2985282 Detail
13.07.09 3485870 Detail
12.07.09 3688909 Detail
09.07.09 2888823 Detail
07.07.09 fLASHErjz Detail
07.07.09 2337850 Detail
04.07.09 4067050 Detail
03.07.09 2927335 Detail
01.07.09 Kram Detail
01.07.09 Tony91 GG Detail
30.06.09 2888823 Detail
30.06.09 1388726 Detail
30.06.09 4162954 Detail
30.06.09 2232626 Detail
29.06.09 3195995 Detail
28.06.09 3688909 Detail
25.06.09 2927335 Detail
22.06.09 2421350 Detail
22.06.09 2232626 Detail
21.06.09 PikNuke Detail
19.06.09 4029996 Detail
19.06.09 4162954 Detail
19.06.09 3485870 Detail
17.06.09 GuLp gg Detail
14.06.09 4147214 Detail
13.06.09 2232626 Detail
06.06.09 3688909 Detail
06.06.09 3292259 Detail
05.06.09 4029996 Detail
05.06.09 3256914 Detail
05.06.09 Kram Detail
04.06.09 3444371 Detail
04.06.09 Liethy Detail
04.06.09 4147214 Detail
04.06.09 serra Detail
04.06.09 3224586 Detail
03.06.09 2519088 Detail
02.06.09 3270383 Detail
30.05.09 2232626 Detail
12.05.09 Eh beh Detail
29.04.09 2626735 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Autumm Cup 2009
created from rating comment match
30.11.09 1818272 gg ^^ Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 King of the Hill Novembre '09
created from rating comment match
07.11.09 bLACKTIME Detail
MSN Games Rock, Paper, Scissors 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
05.11.09 Ramsis Detail
23.10.09 1912244 Detail
Briscola 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
04.11.09 2059763 Detail
02.11.09 El_Bandido - ste' Detail
29.10.09 3270383 gg Detail
26.10.09 3292259 Detail
23.10.09 647719 Detail
23.10.09 4310481 buon avversario..;) Detail
23.10.09 2059763 Detail
23.10.09 3688916 Detail
22.10.09 2232626 Detail
22.10.09 3164844 Detail
21.10.09 4463623 Detail
21.10.09 1825106 Detail
20.10.09 AndreaKing2002 Detail
20.10.09 3287040 Detail
19.10.09 Sp4rTaN gg Detail
18.10.09 2826912 se se Detail
18.10.09 PikNuke Detail
18.10.09 s h i Detail
18.10.09 fLASHErjz Detail
17.10.09 3445177 ke whine ke mi fa prendere <3 Detail
17.10.09 3688909 Detail
16.10.09 3270383 Detail
14.10.09 4200633 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
02.11.09 fLASHErjz Detail
21.10.09 4416930 Detail
20.10.09 3287040 ++ Detail
18.10.09 s h i Detail
18.10.09 fLASHErjz Detail
Intern Admin Ladder 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.10.09 SimoLeo bella :) e sono sculled anche oggi Detail
29.10.09 3270383 gg Detail
26.10.09 3270383 Detail
25.10.09 SimoLeo Detail
22.10.09 3270383 Detail
22.10.09 SimoLeo Detail
21.10.09 3270383 gg Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Quick Cup #18
created from rating comment match
28.10.09 cLLii Detail
MSN Games Rock, Paper, Scissors 1on1 Opening Cup
created from rating comment match
19.10.09 3224586 Detail
19.10.09 3560747 Detail
Microsoft League PokerTH 1on1 Nightcup #2
created from rating comment match
10.09.09 2137521 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
27.08.09 fLASHErjz Detail
27.08.09 3445177 molto corretto :D Detail
17.07.09 2888823 Detail
16.07.09 fLASHErjz Detail
16.07.09 3445177 gg :) player correttissimo :) Detail
16.07.09 Sp4rTaN Detail
15.07.09 PikNuke Detail
15.07.09 3644401 Detail
15.07.09 3467177 Detail
15.07.09 3292259 Detail
15.07.09 3181712 Detail
15.07.09 2448833 Detail
03.07.09 2888823 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Quick Cup #Summer6
created from rating comment match
21.08.09 bLACKTIME Detail
21.08.09 aeQuitas Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Quick Cup #Summer3
created from rating comment match
16.07.09 3270383 Detail
16.07.09 TerroR Detail
16.07.09 PikNuke gg. Bot di merda ;D Detail
16.07.09 3292259 Detail
ICQ Games Darts 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
15.07.09 2905983 Detail
15.07.09 2421350 Detail
24.06.09 2905983 Detail
24.06.09 2421350 Detail
16.06.09 2421350 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
14.07.09 aeQuitas Detail
06.07.09 ChImP Detail
27.06.09 4029996 Detail
25.06.09 znk Detail
22.06.09 3123128 Detail
22.06.09 dAAAAANNNNi Detail
19.06.09 znk Detail
16.06.09 2105867 Detail
16.06.09 1968471 Detail
16.06.09 DJusOfScit Detail
16.06.09 areSSS Detail
16.06.09 3270383 Detail
15.06.09 znk Detail
07.06.09 3221208 gg Detail
06.06.09 3688909 Detail
06.06.09 3917401 Detail
06.06.09 4165982 Detail
06.06.09 AaronidaZ Detail
06.06.09 3292259 Detail
06.06.09 2363179 Detail
05.06.09 3270383 gg Detail
05.06.09 2244619 Detail
05.06.09 st4ycold Detail
05.06.09 3123128 Detail
05.06.09 3628229 Detail
05.06.09 akakaz GG !! player fun et fair play :D Detail
05.06.09 ChaKa LaKa Detail
05.06.09 CBKKK Nice Player Gg Detail
05.06.09 3856727 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Mastering Assault M16A4
created from rating comment match
29.06.09 3443107 Detail
28.06.09 cLLii Detail
MSN Games Mixed Rock Papers Scissors Test Cup 2
created from rating comment match
25.06.09 3148864 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Masters Qualifier #3
created from rating comment match
14.06.09 2936124 Detail
14.06.09 2905983 gentile ad aspettare Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Masters Qualifier I
created from rating comment match
08.06.09 Liethy Detail
07.06.09 4147214 Detail
07.06.09 Liethy Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Masters Qualifier #1
created from rating comment match
07.06.09 GuLp Detail
ICQ Games Darts 1on1 KotH Maggio '09
created from rating comment match
11.05.09 2905983 Detail