emanuele 'sniperfox' marinaci  id: 3979288
[ Match Ratings ]
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League of Legends 1on1 Jungle Cup #4 (08 Febbraio)Elo 0-1600
created from rating comment match
08.02.12 6389804 Detail
08.02.12 4198673 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Quick Cup #3 (06 Febbraio)
created from rating comment match
06.02.12 BADGLUE Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
10.06.11 1825106 Detail
09.06.11 5924648 troppo sculato random =) Detail
06.06.11 5925500 Detail
06.06.11 3843913 Detail
25.05.11 Baddu Detail
21.05.11 5547354 Detail
16.05.11 2608283 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Spring Cup 1
created from rating comment match
16.05.11 Capitano Barbanera Detail
16.05.11 5547354 Detail
16.05.11 Gabry Detail
Cross Fire Search & Destroy 1on1 Testing Cup
created from rating comment match
12.05.11 4197926 Detail
08.05.11 5281371 Detail
Summer League 2010 PokerTH 1on1 Summer League
created from rating comment match
14.07.10 2811295 Detail
14.07.10 3224586 Detail
13.07.10 2912873 Detail
13.07.10 S y N c Detail
10.07.10 5151973 Detail
09.07.10 Nesli Detail
09.07.10 3226599 Detail
09.07.10 3713033 Detail
09.07.10 Liethy Detail
09.07.10 4135010 Detail
09.07.10 2370342 Detail
08.07.10 3740824 Detail
08.07.10 4412168 Detail
08.07.10 DETOX Gg Detail
08.07.10 3022003 Detail
07.07.10 3577270 Detail
07.07.10 ExA mellow Detail
07.07.10 3998698 Detail
07.07.10 qwert Detail
07.07.10 2912873 Detail
07.07.10 4192184 Detail
06.07.10 Shirez Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
07.02.10 4029742 Detail
07.02.10 3856114 Detail
19.01.10 simoz Detail
02.12.09 only_MAUS Detail
01.12.09 T1tus Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
11.12.09 4599116 Detail
03.12.09 4617503 Detail
01.12.09 kahoRi Detail
30.11.09 only_MAUS Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Autumn Cup 2009
created from rating comment match
08.12.09 Guybrush Detail
01.12.09 3229863 Buon avversario e buon carattere :D Detail
29.11.09 bLACKTIME Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
01.12.09 3124782 Detail
01.12.09 2472727 Detail
01.12.09 2650059 Detail
01.12.09 3175818 Detail
01.12.09 ddddd Detail
30.11.09 3394932 Detail
30.11.09 shizzo Detail
30.11.09 3508824 Detail
30.11.09 Dje Detail
30.11.09 PLUTO Detail
30.11.09 MikeClitoris Detail
29.11.09 bOSZZORRR- Detail
29.11.09 2970947 Detail
28.11.09 2215670 Detail
28.11.09 2807515 Detail
28.11.09 667863 Detail
28.11.09 3497359 Detail
28.11.09 952852 Detail
28.11.09 2512735 Detail
28.11.09 3497359 Detail
28.11.09 3508824 Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.11.09 3665403 using gl Detail
28.11.09 only_MAUS Detail
28.11.09 4454632 Detail
28.11.09 2384515 gg... but luncher in 1on1 mmhh Detail