p i p p 0 0  id: 3998753
[ Match Ratings ]
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FIFA 19 (PS4) 1on1 Ultimate Team Open Cup #40 Europe
created from rating comment match
03.09.19 13962600 Detail
03.09.19 fischimovic Detail
FIFA 17 (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
04.04.17 11031044 Detail
04.04.17 11044320 Detail
04.04.17 7427605 Detail
Personal Gamer FIFA 14 (PS4) Qualify 3
created from rating comment match
17.04.14 6423783 Detail
14.04.14 7881575 Detail
Scopetta 1on1 Afternoon Cup#2
created from rating comment match
17.11.12 6081799 Detail
Autumn League 2012 Scopetta Autumn Cup #2
created from rating comment match
13.11.12 6081799 Detail
Scopetta 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
07.11.12 Marke94 Detail
07.11.12 iNSiDe Detail
07.11.12 5881398 Detail
Briscola 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.06.11 5313104 Detail
27.06.11 Gabry Detail
23.06.11 4681318 bella Detail
20.06.11 5313104 Detail
17.06.11 1388726 Detail
14.06.11 Gabry Detail
09.05.11 Gabry Detail
07.05.11 5343545 Detail
07.05.11 2927335 Detail
04.05.11 2608283 Detail
03.05.11 2912577 Detail
29.04.11 5251232 Detail
29.04.11 PiPPO GG! Detail
29.04.11 2606216 Detail
29.04.11 PikNuke Detail
07.04.11 647719 Detail
05.04.11 TheCrow Detail
01.04.11 2927335 Detail
01.04.11 5520535 Detail
01.04.11 illidas Detail
29.03.11 5343545 Detail
Briscola 1on1 One Round
created from rating comment match
28.06.11 matrix Detail
17.06.11 1388726 Detail
15.06.11 5871633 Detail
11.05.11 5832797 Detail
10.05.11 PikNuke Detail
07.05.11 5343545 Detail
07.05.11 2608283 Detail
07.05.11 2927335 Detail
07.05.11 647719 Detail
06.05.11 HasKy Detail
04.05.11 3224586 Detail
03.05.11 TheCrow Detail
03.05.11 Eh beh Detail
03.05.11 5832797 Detail
03.05.11 2606216 luck-.. Detail
03.05.11 2912577 Detail
02.05.11 Gimiki Detail
27.04.11 illidas Detail
07.04.11 647719 Detail
02.04.11 3673141 Detail
01.04.11 3666338 Detail
31.03.11 Aramen Detail
30.03.11 HasKy Detail
29.03.11 5343545 Detail
24.03.11 TheCrow Detail
22.03.11 5478808 Detail
21.03.11 4046619 Detail
19.03.11 2927335 Detail
18.03.11 TheCrow Detail
17.03.11 3519768 Detail
16.03.11 exil3d Detail
16.03.11 5343545 Detail
16.03.11 GaSPeX Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Speed Ladder
created from rating comment match
12.05.11 5639133 Detail
11.05.11 4495139 Detail
06.05.11 Baddu Detail
06.05.11 Myr Detail
06.05.11 4840509 Detail
03.05.11 3250605 Detail
03.05.11 4153468 Detail
03.05.11 4959727 Detail
02.05.11 K4y Detail
02.05.11 4819112 Detail
29.04.11 517583 gg Detail
29.04.11 2480580 Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
07.05.11 Baddu Detail
06.05.11 4840509 Detail
HaxBall 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.05.11 Capitano Barbanera Detail
27.04.11 5848386 Detail
12.01.11 5574728 Detail
12.01.11 Inuja Detail
11.01.11 3673141 Detail
11.01.11 3666338 Detail
11.01.11 3727727 Detail
Briscola 1on1 King of Even Finale
created from rating comment match
18.04.11 TheCrow Detail
18.04.11 Aramen Good Game Detail
Briscola 1on1 King of Uneven Finale
created from rating comment match
17.04.11 illidas Detail
Briscola 1on1 King of Uneven 3
created from rating comment match
15.04.11 5520535 Detail
Briscola 1on1 King of Even 3
created from rating comment match
14.04.11 2608283 Detail
14.04.11 TheCrow Detail
14.04.11 exil3d Detail
Briscola 1on1 King of Uneven 2
created from rating comment match
13.04.11 Gabry Detail
Playstation 3 Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
04.01.11 4737893 Detail
23.12.10 waNted Detail
Autumn League 2010 Briscola 1on1 Autumn League
created from rating comment match
25.11.10 2023226 Detail
25.11.10 Capitano Barbanera Detail
24.11.10 Hyena___ Detail
24.11.10 Tovagliolo gg Detail
23.11.10 2434641 Detail
22.11.10 4424886 Detail
16.11.10 3666338 Detail
16.11.10 TheCrow Detail
14.11.10 3673141 Detail
Summer League 2010 Briscola 1on1 Summer League
created from rating comment match
10.07.10 Tovagliolo Detail
Briscola 1on1 One Round Old
created from rating comment match
29.06.10 4133294 Detail
28.06.10 3673141 Detail
28.06.10 2749715 Detail
26.06.10 4424886 Detail
26.06.10 3226717 Detail
18.06.10 3673141 Detail
18.06.10 3992395 Detail
18.06.10 3226717 Detail
Briscola 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
29.06.10 4133294 Detail
28.06.10 4681318 Detail
26.06.10 3226717 Detail
18.06.10 DETOX Detail
18.06.10 3673141 Detail
18.06.10 4133294 Detail
18.06.10 3226717 Detail
16.06.10 3992395 Detail
02.06.10 DETOX Detail
02.06.10 3673141 Detail
03.04.10 4424886 Detail
15.03.10 4040613 Detail
08.03.10 3992395 Detail
06.03.10 Jonatan92 Detail
05.03.10 2434641 Detail
05.03.10 3673141 Detail
04.03.10 2630914 Detail
03.03.10 El_Bandido - ste' Detail
27.12.09 2055760 Detail
25.10.09 4147220 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
15.03.10 3572948 Detail
05.03.10 2984831 Detail
05.03.10 4830748 Detail
04.03.10 3666338 Detail
Briscola 1on1 Autumn Cup 2009
created from rating comment match
30.11.09 681272 Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Handgun Ladder
created from rating comment match
09.11.09 4244430 GG Detail
23.10.09 3673141 Detail
18.09.09 3222206 Detail
17.09.09 Predator Hai laggato 2 volte. Detail
17.09.09 Nesli Detail
17.09.09 Mr. I n S Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Quick Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
06.11.09 4182368 gg! Detail
04.11.09 4279637 Detail
02.11.09 3321169 Detail
31.10.09 3552109 Detail
30.09.09 3893718 Detail
30.09.09 4072378 Detail
30.09.09 4147220 Detail
30.09.09 4423253 Detail
29.09.09 3734264 bella Detail
17.09.09 2961780 Detail
17.09.09 3152959 Detail
16.09.09 3848585 Detail
14.09.09 4269161 Detail
10.09.09 4151244 Ottimo avversario :) Detail
10.09.09 2796757 Gps... Detail
10.09.09 armi93 Detail
10.09.09 4066294 Detail
09.09.09 4238075 Detail
09.09.09 4013875 GG Bella partita :) Detail
06.09.09 4038114 Detail
06.09.09 4382916 Detail
06.09.09 3554173 Detail
06.09.09 4407051 Detail
06.09.09 3673141 Detail
06.09.09 4147220 Detail
11.08.09 4327722 Detail
War Rock Open Ladder 1on1 CQC Quick Europe
created from rating comment match
04.11.09 2470067 Detail
24.09.09 Indaxs Detail
15.09.09 4333088 Detail