sudi  id: 4238916
[ Match Ratings ]
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Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Cups 1on1 AIM #02
created from rating comment match
11.02.14 4608746 Detail
11.02.14 6975888 Detail
CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
created from rating comment match
26.01.14 fl0 Detail
26.01.14 7426611 Detail
26.01.14 sHolax Detail
26.01.14 2346227 Detail
04.01.14 5040626 Detail
04.01.14 7546242 Detail
04.01.14 5919986 Detail
02.01.14 ROCKSTARRRRRR Detail
14.09.13 5813808 Detail
12.08.13 lagwag y gg Detail
11.08.13 7835589 Detail
08.08.13 6505183 Detail
06.08.13 5143532 Detail
06.08.13 darkiii Detail
06.08.13 3284438 Detail
04.08.13 2684877 Detail
04.08.13 MaZze Detail
04.08.13 wombat. Detail
04.08.13 7578890 hilfsbereiter und netter spieler :) Detail
04.08.13 1926611 Detail
04.08.13 7384901 Detail
04.08.13 MaZze Detail
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Cups 1on1 AWP Weihnachtscup 2013
created from rating comment match
04.01.14 luCky duCk Detail
04.01.14 6975888 Detail
04.01.14 4816383 Detail
CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
created from rating comment match
11.08.13 7835589 Detail
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Cups 1on1 AIM Cup #03
created from rating comment match
05.07.13 pezemeister Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 AIM Cups 2012 #12
created from rating comment match
24.08.12 ashh.- gg++ Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 King of aim_ancients
created from rating comment match
01.05.12 5191913 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 King of aim_furiouz
created from rating comment match
26.04.12 tryy k_k Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 AWP Cups 2012 #06
created from rating comment match
09.04.12 xPixelBoy Detail
09.04.12 4342893 Detail
CS:S Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
created from rating comment match
01.02.12 Alakay Detail
01.02.12 deekay1 Detail
15.12.11 E s c 4 L a d e Detail
12.12.11 5341585 Detail
11.12.11 tapp0 Detail
11.12.11 Gaven Detail
11.12.11 5812202 Detail
11.12.11 3400295 Detail
10.12.11 3089087 Detail
09.12.11 kabrix Detail
08.12.11 matA Detail
08.12.11 4150446 Detail
08.12.11 1636263 Detail
08.12.11 3089087 Detail
08.12.11 DEL1VERY- Detail
08.12.11 5814546 Detail
08.12.11 5081358 Detail
08.12.11 Hyper Detail
08.12.11 5536464 Detail
08.12.11 cRiMinaL. Detail
07.12.11 3032205 Detail
04.12.11 rYdeN Detail
04.12.11 3089087 gg Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 AWP Cups 2011 #23
created from rating comment match
13.12.11 5733009 gg++ Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap 1on1 Knife Ladder
created from rating comment match
08.12.11 3089087 Detail
05.05.11 ornijunge Detail
05.05.11 4408788 Detail
04.05.11 Dave S. Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 Aim Cup #11
created from rating comment match
08.12.11 Whizzler gg Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder
created from rating comment match
21.11.11 B3RbY Detail
18.05.11 5630176 gg ++ Detail
29.04.11 inaaktiv gg++ Detail
24.04.11 2655670 Detail
24.04.11 mSr Detail
21.04.11 3764035 Alles bestens! Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
created from rating comment match
13.07.09 3089087 Detail
03.07.09 3089087 gg Detail