Vladimir 'Magic8' Kachanov  id: 4450817
[ Match Ratings ]
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Crysis Wars Instant Action 1on1 Free for All Cup
created from rating comment match
12.11.10 Behnomnom gg Detail
10.11.10 Agent.5123 Detail
04.11.10 4556801 Detail
01.11.10 4141250 nice and good player Detail
Crysis Wars Instant Action 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.09.10 4470171 Detail
11.09.10 4470171 Detail
05.09.10 5259171 Detail
04.09.10 4697556 Detail
29.07.10 4351099 gg, very nice player, thnx :) Detail
27.07.10 4371947 Detail
22.07.10 3133469 It was the best game I have ever played. Man 4 rounds was nice everytime you played 100% good game! Detail
14.07.10 4632858 gg Detail
13.07.10 4951703 Detail
05.06.10 4412949 Detail
31.05.10 4960366 Detail
31.05.10 5040970 speedbob Detail
31.05.10 Twice Detail
26.05.10 4945079 Detail
22.01.10 4117579 Detail
19.01.10 HKworld Detail
18.01.10 3728171 Detail
Warsow 1on1 Instagib Ladder
created from rating comment match
20.08.10 3261282 Detail
19.08.10 3442084 Detail
Crysis Wars Instant Action 1on1 Summer Bash #2
created from rating comment match
25.07.10 3133469 Very good match again. Best of luck in the future! Always good games! Detail
25.07.10 5040970 i had weapons bug and he wanted not restart map.. n1 fair Detail
25.07.10 4951703 Detail
Crysis Wars Instant Action 1on1 Summer Bash #1
created from rating comment match
21.07.10 4272095 Detail
21.07.10 4272095 Detail
21.07.10 596146 Detail
Crysis Wars Instant Action 1on1 EX Ladder
created from rating comment match
21.01.10 4697002 Detail