BaPoR  id: 447539
[ Match Ratings ]
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StarCraft II 1on1 Diamond/Master Cup #95
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18.10.11 5043477 Detail
17.10.11 5521591 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 GoFr4SC2 Cup #69
created from rating comment match
14.05.11 5239582 Detail
14.05.11 4631777 Detail
14.05.11 4049764 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 GoFr4SC2 Cup #61 (Sam,16/04)
created from rating comment match
16.04.11 5607622 gg Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
created from rating comment match
25.04.09 3190704 Detail
C&C3: Tiberium Wars 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.07.07 2565957 Detail
27.06.07 2371463 Detail
25.06.07 2542820 Detail
22.06.07 2441333 Detail
21.06.07 2436467 Detail
13.06.07 1500190 gg imba :D Detail
05.06.07 2457686 gayzou :) Detail
29.04.07 2429192 Detail
19.04.07 2420213 Detail
17.04.07 MiMat Detail
C&C3: Tiberium Wars 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
27.06.07 876159 Netter Kontakt, gerne wieder. Detail
16.06.07 2386080 Detail
12.06.07 2111205 gg steamrolled ;/ Detail
11.06.07 534905 gg Detail
11.06.07 1920581 Detail
29.04.07 1488408 Detail
29.04.07 933375 gg Detail
28.04.07 1865513 Detail
Dawn of War 1on1 DoW DC 1on1 Cup
created from rating comment match
22.12.06 1906222 Detail
14.12.06 2138215 Detail
11.12.06 1906222 GG Detail
01.12.06 2145650 Detail
Dawn of War Dark Crusade 1on1 Opening Cup
created from rating comment match
19.11.06 658927 Detail
created from rating comment match
18.07.06 1605889 Detail
17.06.06 wuff gg Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 5 1on1 Nation Ladder
created from rating comment match
27.02.06 1678989 Detail
26.02.06 1688176 Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 5 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
26.02.06 1172836 gg Detail
Wintercup Age of Empires 3 Hercules Gameplazza Open
created from rating comment match
03.02.06 791745 Ba voila deja jdecouvre hollan a belli age2 ensuite putin de virus ki me lager a mort mes peons von nimporte ou :/ = une game perdu davance enfin tanpi Detail
16.01.06 1528448 N\'a dit mot après sa défaite, j\'ai un peu peur d\'un coup fourré de sa part... Detail
Age of Empires 3 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
15.01.06 1548372 Detail
04.12.05 1539883 Detail
Dawn of War 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
16.02.05 586847 gg Detail
29.01.05 991903 Detail
28.01.05 1050991 gg Detail
27.01.05 R08 omg 2 wochen nciht spielen und das -_- Detail
26.01.05 987474 gg, well played Detail
26.01.05 586475 Detail
26.01.05 1011487 gg Detail
26.01.05 474616 Detail
26.01.05 1091693 Detail
26.01.05 1008897 Detail
24.01.05 652556 gg! THX 4 Game! Detail
24.01.05 761544 Detail
18.01.05 448561 Detail
20.12.04 389671 Detail
19.12.04 Brossea Detail
15.12.04 999399 Detail
Dawn of War 1on1 Coupe
created from rating comment match
09.02.05 1106654 match sympa à jouer Detail
Dawn of War 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
04.02.05 1005024 Son Detail
27.01.05 735721 je deconseil ce joueur qui confond LP abuse et sauvegarde de LP ; il LP abuse alors quil avait clairement l avantage... joueur déconseillé, je suis pas contre le LP abuse mais dans certaines cituations ca fait pitié... Detail
CCG Stunde Null 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
06.01.05 664060 Detail
06.01.05 664060 Detail
23.12.04 664060 Detail
20.12.04 630777 Detail
30.11.04 824820 Detail
19.11.04 779318 Detail
18.11.04 984810 Detail
12.11.04 795176 Detail
05.11.04 PSYCHOxnc Detail
01.11.04 QUAKERxnc good boy ;-] Detail
24.10.04 632069 gg,next i win :) Detail
13.12.03 611015 leider wars disconect von ihm, er meint es wär 24 h trennung....naja, ich glaub ich hätt auch ohne das gewonnen. Detail
13.12.03 557770 Detail
09.12.03 534905 very good china player Detail
22.10.03 612139 Detail
22.10.03 613732 Detail
19.10.03 124549 Detail
18.10.03 587517 Guter Spieler, aber ihc hätte es schaffen können... naja, es ist rumm Detail
CCG Stunde Null 1on1 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
22.12.04 124549 n1 playing Detail
20.12.04 meyG gg\'s , nice player Detail
14.12.04 730642 Awesome friendly Player - maybe again in 2 weeks ? Detail
14.12.04 124549 fair player Detail
12.12.04 Canavar Detail
30.11.04 737442 Detail
29.11.04 124549 you play good Detail
29.11.04 PSYCHOxnc Detail
28.11.04 714660 Detail
23.11.04 meyG nett , nicht verstanden , aber nett Detail
22.11.04 636612 gg but a bit laggy Detail
11.11.04 Canavar Detail
04.11.04 737442 Detail
CCG Stunde Null 1on1 Christmas Cup
created from rating comment match
17.12.03 486843 gg :) Detail
Warcraft 3 1on1 EAS TFT Quali Cup #3
created from rating comment match
14.12.03 522041 Detail
CCG 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.10.03 398281 Detail
31.07.03 136811 Detail
11.06.03 485434 Detail
11.06.03 505195 gg , yeah fucking map ^^ Detail
08.06.03 124549 Detail
01.06.03 Chewie Excellenter Rusher Detail
01.06.03 505207 Awesome game ^^ Detail
29.05.03 458203 Detail
29.05.03 245890 Good Game Detail
18.05.03 450398 Detail
15.05.03 AFIREICEE Detail
14.05.03 124497 Detail
14.05.03 476046 spannendes spiel! Detail
14.05.03 391641 i need a new computer Detail
13.05.03 496306 Detail
06.05.03 443706 he was a littel bit too late, but it was a fair and good game. Detail
27.04.03 391641 Detail
19.04.03 450398 Detail
19.04.03 124549 nice play Detail
16.04.03 473027 Detail
15.04.03 QUAKERxnc gg dude Detail
11.04.03 244252 Detail
10.04.03 PSYCHOxnc Detail
10.04.03 444787 Detail
10.04.03 452372 alles ok Detail
08.04.03 426908 GG Detail
08.04.03 145365 tough game :) Detail
08.04.03 473341 Detail
06.04.03 56891 Detail
03.04.03 443706 alter lucker :(( Detail
31.03.03 Lovely well played by bapor, my strat sucks some major ass ;) nice guy, gg mate Detail
30.03.03 465619 He is a nice dude!!! And he plays well!!! Detail
30.03.03 231726 Detail
30.03.03 248317 Detail
30.03.03 339365 Detail
27.03.03 461999 Detail