Roberto 'yNk' López  id: 4492893
[ Match Ratings ]
[ ratings received ] [ ratings submitted ]

League of Legends Cup Series 1on1 Semana 1 - T1
created from rating comment match
09.01.12 6507638 Detail
09.01.12 2907390 Detail
League of Legends EU West 1on1 Old Ladder
created from rating comment match
09.12.11 NemOmeN Detail
25.11.11 6329792 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Copa Rapida #4
created from rating comment match
19.10.11 4221670 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Copa Series #6 Ronda 4
created from rating comment match
17.10.11 6223566 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Fin de semana Ed.#23
created from rating comment match
06.03.11 4759817 Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
17.02.11 3046165 Detail
09.02.11 4551534 Detail
07.02.11 3029197 Detail
07.02.11 3922675 Detail
27.07.10 2106844 Detail
27.07.10 xunshine gg++ Detail
24.07.10 3759266 Detail
07.07.10 SISTEMAZO Detail
06.07.10 3204104 Detail
03.05.10 2807362 Detail
03.05.10 Pharakz gg wp :) Detail
01.05.10 4540863 Detail
01.05.10 3114553 Detail
01.05.10 Liethy Detail
30.04.10 3358987 Detail
23.04.10 Ker0 Detail
21.04.10 4517278 Detail
21.04.10 3040276 Detail
16.04.10 3094072 Detail
16.04.10 1741113 all in only -.- Detail
16.04.10 3307573 Detail
13.04.10 MacGyver Detail
13.04.10 Wilson Detail
12.04.10 4897266 Detail
12.04.10 436704 Detail
12.04.10 4438539 Detail
12.04.10 Dudu Detail
12.04.10 3358987 Detail
31.03.10 3440958 Detail
24.03.10 3571195 Detail
23.03.10 ajko Detail
23.03.10 3250388 Detail
23.03.10 Razerer Detail
23.03.10 cOco.Star Detail
22.03.10 3808727 Detail
22.03.10 4255170 Detail
22.03.10 3102207 Detail
22.03.10 1500327 Detail
19.03.10 3258952 Detail
19.03.10 4539269 Detail
18.03.10 bRaUnA Detail
11.03.10 4513940 Detail
09.03.10 C.Style Detail
09.03.10 ERAZOR. Detail
09.03.10 2309586 Detail
09.03.10 3258090 Detail
08.03.10 2309586 Detail
08.03.10 3154393 Detail
08.03.10 bounty.syx Detail
08.03.10 3236922 Detail
08.03.10 3364475 Detail
08.03.10 1889281 Detail
08.03.10 4255170 Detail
08.03.10 4053099 Detail
08.03.10 4896160 Detail
04.03.10 2646523 Detail
04.03.10 3659954 Detail
04.03.10 qlboiii Detail
04.03.10 LEI Detail
04.03.10 sleepy Detail
04.03.10 4509353 Detail
04.03.10 3257045 Detail
04.03.10 3412111 Detail
03.03.10 3659954 Detail
03.03.10 3670426 Detail
03.03.10 4890241 Detail
03.03.10 4834972 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Summer League 10
created from rating comment match
26.08.10 JuSt Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.07.10 xandr0 Dash Detail
26.07.10 xandr0 Dash Fue divertido Detail
03.05.10 eXistenzZ Detail
12.04.10 4453371 Detail
03.03.10 areskJ Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Fixed Europe
created from rating comment match
28.07.10 1358171 Detail
26.07.10 bX Detail
07.07.10 2124460 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder2
created from rating comment match
26.07.10 4194427 Detail
10.03.10 3647412 Detail
26.02.10 3340099 Detail
24.02.10 3748121 Detail
22.02.10 4143603 Detail
30.01.10 3236875 Detail
30.01.10 4399919 Detail
22.12.09 4323367 Detail
11.12.09 Pinga Detail
09.12.09 3385956 Nos hemso equivocado en el resultado, tras revisar las screenshots el resultado es 10-5 Detail
28.10.09 F-15 gg suerte en proximos partidos Detail
26.10.09 Dicrew Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Summer Sunday Cup #1
created from rating comment match
25.07.10 4996204 Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
09.07.10 flo Detail
21.04.10 4068202 Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Worse of Ladder Cup
created from rating comment match
08.07.10 BETITO Detail
07.07.10 4723085 Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.04.10 3895626 Detail
13.04.10 2964809 Detail
13.04.10 Zas Detail
ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
14.04.10 E N T E Detail
03.04.10 3509683 Detail
31.03.10 2329805 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 AWP Ladder2
created from rating comment match
01.04.10 4866384 Detail
24.03.10 3233051 Detail
11.03.10 4240819 Detail
05.03.10 4189457 Detail
26.02.10 4213448 Detail
28.10.09 2669802 Detail
25.10.09 4517971 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aimmap Ladder2
created from rating comment match
31.03.10 4240819 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
25.03.10 2114450 Detail
25.03.10 3307573 Detail
24.03.10 3570094 Detail
23.03.10 1823500 Detail
02.03.10 3276402 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
23.03.10 4874116 Detail
10.03.10 SK8ER_ Detail