TheCrow  id: 4736677
[ Match Ratings ]
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Briscola 1on1 Spring League Cup Finale
created from rating comment match
12.06.11 647719 Detail
Briscola 1on1 Spring League Cup #3
created from rating comment match
05.06.11 2608283 Detail
Briscola 1on1 Spring League Cup #2
created from rating comment match
29.05.11 2608283 Detail
29.05.11 Gabry Detail
29.05.11 3490103 Detail
Briscola 1on1 One Round
created from rating comment match
17.05.11 bugs kubrick Detail
16.05.11 4700035 Detail
15.05.11 3490103 Detail
09.05.11 Dre4dnaught Detail
09.05.11 illidas Detail
03.05.11 2912577 Detail
03.05.11 p i p p 0 0 Detail
01.05.11 3224586 Detail
29.04.11 2606216 Detail
25.04.11 3224586 Detail
20.04.11 5547354 Detail
18.04.11 HasKy Detail
16.04.11 Aramen Good Game Detail
03.04.11 647719 Detail
24.03.11 p i p p 0 0 Detail
24.03.11 5478808 Detail
18.03.11 p i p p 0 0 Detail
04.03.11 3519768 Detail
26.02.11 GaSPeX Detail
25.02.11 4404293 Detail
23.02.11 exil3d Detail
18.02.11 miami Detail
16.02.11 Dre4dnaught Detail
09.02.11 4147220 gg Detail
08.02.11 5107681 gg Detail
06.02.11 5343545 Detail
Briscola 1on1 King of Even Finale
created from rating comment match
18.04.11 2927335 Detail
18.04.11 3224586 Detail
18.04.11 p i p p 0 0 Detail
18.04.11 nieeJ Detail
Briscola 1on1 King of Even 3
created from rating comment match
14.04.11 Aramen Detail
14.04.11 p i p p 0 0 Detail
14.04.11 nieeJ Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
14.04.11 2434641 Detail
05.04.11 OpossumSAM Detail
30.03.11 Robbe Detail
28.03.11 2608283 Detail
28.03.11 3682260 Detail
25.03.11 5028058 Detail
Briscola 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
created from rating comment match
13.04.11 2927335 Detail
05.04.11 p i p p 0 0 Detail
01.04.11 2927335 Detail
20.03.11 647719 Detail
16.03.11 5656693 gg alla prossima :) Detail
08.03.11 5251232 Detail
02.03.11 2845983 Detail
23.02.11 3666338 Detail
18.02.11 5085617 Detail
10.02.11 4471698 Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 King of Night Cup
created from rating comment match
12.04.11 4892671 gg Detail
12.04.11 4978995 Detail
Briscola 1on1 King of Even 2
created from rating comment match
12.04.11 Gabry Detail
Briscola 1on1 King of Even 1
created from rating comment match
10.04.11 3224586 Detail
10.04.11 nieeJ Detail
10.04.11 illidas Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
27.02.11 3460187 Detail
24.11.10 5461164 Detail
11.11.10 5313104 gg++ Detail
08.10.10 3460187 Detail
07.10.10 5313104 GG++ Detail
02.10.10 Predator Detail
10.09.10 Predator Detail
01.09.10 5271866 Detail
28.08.10 El_Bandido - ste' Detail
Briscola 1on1 King of One Round Ladder 2010
created from rating comment match
28.01.11 647719 Detail
28.01.11 3688909 Detail
28.01.11 5153611 Detail
Briscola 1on1 One Round Old
created from rating comment match
06.01.11 GaSPeX Detail
06.01.11 5153611 Detail
08.12.10 5492935 Detail
25.11.10 4424886 Detail
13.10.10 4425556 Detail
07.10.10 4681318 Detail
06.10.10 4425556 Detail
02.10.10 4446757 Detail
01.10.10 squeeZ Detail
26.09.10 1825106 Detail
24.09.10 W4rn Detail
23.09.10 647719 Detail
21.09.10 Mata Detail
31.08.10 5033339 gg! Detail
31.08.10 Don Rambo Detail
25.08.10 El_Bandido - ste' Detail
25.08.10 5035090 Detail
22.08.10 3992395 senza parole Detail
22.08.10 647719 Detail
17.08.10 5038180 Detail
16.08.10 4425556 Detail
13.08.10 5033339 gg Detail
13.08.10 4404293 Detail
12.08.10 3226599 Detail
11.08.10 647719 Detail
09.08.10 4425556 Detail
04.08.10 T1tus Detail
30.07.10 3226599 Detail
15.07.10 5038180 Detail
15.07.10 3226599 Detail
01.07.10 T1tus Detail
01.07.10 3807995 Detail
30.06.10 5153125 Detail
30.06.10 3727727 Detail
30.06.10 5143310 Detail
30.06.10 Don Rambo Detail
29.06.10 5024569 Detail
29.06.10 4962323 Detail
29.06.10 4021808 Detail
29.06.10 5035090 Detail
26.06.10 5035085 Detail
25.06.10 3732258 Detail
Autumn League 2010 Briscola 1on1 1on1 Playoff
created from rating comment match
08.12.10 Mata Detail
Autumn League 2010 Briscola 1on1 Autumn League
created from rating comment match
02.12.10 3184267 Detail
01.12.10 3666338 Detail
25.11.10 4424886 Detail
23.11.10 647719 Detail
17.11.10 1825106 Detail
16.11.10 p i p p 0 0 Detail
09.11.10 Hyena___ Detail
03.11.10 3673141 Detail
29.10.10 2434641 Detail
27.10.10 4446757 Detail
26.10.10 4490928 Detail
26.10.10 1825106 Detail
24.10.10 3321169 Detail
19.10.10 4446757 gg Detail
19.10.10 Eternity Detail
17.10.10 Mata Detail
12.10.10 647719 Detail
11.10.10 qwert Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
31.08.10 5033339 gg! Detail
09.08.10 5141917 Detail
30.06.10 4021808 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
10.08.10 3515903 Detail
Call of Duty 4 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
10.08.10 3443671 Detail
Carom3D 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
05.07.10 5146422 Detail
04.07.10 5143310 Detail
28.06.10 5153125 Detail
26.06.10 5143310 Detail
25.06.10 5146419 Detail
25.06.10 5146422 Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.06.10 5024569 Detail
28.06.10 3732258 Detail
21.06.10 5035090 Detail
20.06.10 3492873 Detail
20.06.10 5136976 Detail