Romain 'RomZz' Jourdan  id: 4843939
[ Match Ratings ]
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FIFA 20 (PS4) 1on1 Qualifications PGW PlayStation #4
created from rating comment match
21.10.19 Ploutbi77 Detail
FIFA 20 (PS4) 1on1 Qualifications PGW PlayStation #2
created from rating comment match
14.10.19 11136605 Detail
14.10.19 14200980 Detail
14.10.19 14185616 Detail
FIFA 19 (PS4) 1on1 Challenger Series Cup #31 Europe
created from rating comment match
05.05.19 13223935 Detail
05.05.19 Gazi Detail
05.05.19 13628933 Detail
05.05.19 13641408 Detail
05.05.19 13619170 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Europe Cup #30
created from rating comment match
28.04.19 13003703 Detail
28.04.19 13628847 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Europe Cup #16
created from rating comment match
20.01.19 12865168 Detail
20.01.19 12910006 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Europe Cup #3
created from rating comment match
21.10.18 vinceee92i Detail
21.10.18 12887513 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Europe Cup #11
created from rating comment match
17.12.17 11378222 Detail
17.12.17 11843109 Detail
FIFA 17 (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
15.02.17 10688994 Detail
13.02.17 10870366 Detail
13.02.17 9444185 BIG LUCKER Detail
13.02.17 10598807 Detail
27.11.16 enesayse Detail
09.11.16 10561003 Detail
09.11.16 dani.nm Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Europe Cup #17
created from rating comment match
22.01.17 10865018 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Europe Cup #9
created from rating comment match
27.11.16 David Mitrovic Detail
27.11.16 Alex Detail
27.11.16 10707626 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Europe Cup #8
created from rating comment match
20.11.16 10642021 Detail
20.11.16 brice1982 Detail
20.11.16 10628752 He played only one match and then just disappeared Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #6
created from rating comment match
06.11.16 Floxbiee Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #5
created from rating comment match
30.10.16 10595780 Detail
FIFA 17 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
24.10.16 Zi0m low connect, crying, low skill Detail
20.10.16 Raabi2711 Detail
16.10.16 MariussX Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #3
created from rating comment match
16.10.16 Zi0m Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #2
created from rating comment match
09.10.16 Aer0x7z.ND1 Match très serrez Detail
09.10.16 10522120 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #50 powered by Scuf Gaming
created from rating comment match
11.09.16 9313098 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #42 powered by Scuf Gaming
created from rating comment match
17.07.16 9762997 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #41 powered by Scuf Gaming
created from rating comment match
10.07.16 10150278 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #40 powered by Scuf Gaming
created from rating comment match
03.07.16 forz37 Detail
03.07.16 8912593 Detail
03.07.16 8517632 Detail
03.07.16 nero 360 Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
30.06.16 4654273 Detail
30.06.16 7200733 Detail
29.06.16 10226848 Detail
29.06.16 7200733 Detail
29.06.16 10099731 Detail
12.01.16 9619795 Detail
12.01.16 1256993 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #16 powered by Scuf Gaming
created from rating comment match
17.01.16 sroka Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #15 powered by Scuf Gaming
created from rating comment match
10.01.16 8595049 Detail
10.01.16 9460196 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #2 powered by Scuf Gaming
created from rating comment match
11.10.15 3150793 Detail
11.10.15 9280457 Detail
11.10.15 6247636 Detail
FIFA 16 (PC) 1on1 Kick Off Cup #2 Europe
created from rating comment match
26.09.15 Asylum0903 Detail
Go4FIFA Europe Cup #38 powered by Scuf Gaming
created from rating comment match
21.06.15 3756594 Detail
21.06.15 6644083 Detail
Go4FIFA Europe Cup #37 powered by Scuf Gaming
created from rating comment match
14.06.15 4024620 Detail
Go4FIFA Europe Cup #36 powered by Scuf Gaming
created from rating comment match
07.06.15 ManBarc Detail
Go4FIFA Europe Cup #31 powered by Scuf Gaming
created from rating comment match
03.05.15 x B r o S Detail
Go4FIFA Europe Cup #23 powered by Scuf Gaming
created from rating comment match
08.03.15 4534816 Detail
08.03.15 7230208 Detail
Go4FIFA Europe Cup #21 powered by Scuf Gaming
created from rating comment match
22.02.15 8792806 Detail
22.02.15 fabiovelhas Detail
Go4FIFA Europe Cup #20 powered by Scuf Gaming
created from rating comment match
15.02.15 7230208 Detail
15.02.15 8684195 Detail
15.02.15 8008134 Detail
FIFA 15 Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
14.02.15 Raabi2711 Detail
14.02.15 InfinitYn Detail
14.02.15 8911364 Detail
29.10.14 6158054 Detail
20.10.14 5073444 Detail
20.10.14 3629715 Detail
15.10.14 6907472 Detail
15.10.14 7686594 Detail
15.10.14 4680564 Detail
13.10.14 5281843 Detail
13.10.14 3481571 Detail
13.10.14 LuCleRoy Detail
11.10.14 6980399 Detail
11.10.14 SF-NEOone Detail
11.10.14 5556384 Detail
11.10.14 x B r o S Detail
11.10.14 2198075 Detail
11.10.14 1516939 Kick Off bug only Detail
03.10.14 6484991 Detail
03.10.14 7308073 Detail
03.10.14 DonB4 Detail
03.10.14 MaMat Detail
03.10.14 3447480 Detail
Go4FIFA Europe Cup #19 powered by Scuf Gaming
created from rating comment match
08.02.15 8817778 Detail
08.02.15 5975086 Detail
FIFA 15 Go4FIFA Cup #4 - 26/10/14
created from rating comment match
26.10.14 Spz-BaX Detail
26.10.14 Hilly Detail
FIFA 15 Go4FIFA Cup #2 - 12/10/14
created from rating comment match
12.10.14 Siirio Detail
12.10.14 andreyka1715 gg! Detail
FIFA 15 1on1 Opening Cup Europe
created from rating comment match
11.10.14 Skizzo Detail
FIFA 15 1on1 finale release cup series2014
created from rating comment match
09.10.14 2589187 Detail
FIFA 15 1on1 Release Cup #8
created from rating comment match
06.10.14 2017776 Detail
06.10.14 8140208 Detail
06.10.14 KzRR_ Detail
06.10.14 7020118 Detail
FIFA 15 1on1 Release Cup #1
created from rating comment match
29.09.14 Bloody Face Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #50 - 14/09
created from rating comment match
14.09.14 6907472 Detail
FIFA 14 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
21.08.14 Miecu Detail
11.08.14 The wolf is destiny Detail
11.08.14 1863711 rage Detail
11.08.14 8542320 Detail
08.08.14 1244754 Detail
08.08.14 7433448 Detail
08.08.14 2266454 Detail
08.08.14 3891925 Detail
08.08.14 3891925 Detail
06.08.14 2059828 GG! Detail
01.08.14 8542320 Detail
31.07.14 KarCud Detail
24.07.14 SkraneZ Detail
24.07.14 crnk Detail
24.07.14 8526708 Detail
24.07.14 5469975 cryy :\\ Detail
24.07.14 Siirio Detail
15.07.14 Kawka Detail
14.07.14 8453979 Detail
14.07.14 5482342 Detail
30.06.14 6247636 Detail
28.06.14 2635853 Detail
22.06.14 5987781 Detail
21.06.14 6410757 Detail
21.06.14 407041 Detail
21.06.14 1923980 Detail
13.06.14 3242481 Detail
11.06.14 daviliyO Detail
05.05.14 forz37 Detail
05.05.14 6484991 Detail
01.05.14 7505584 Detail
29.04.14 5039548 Detail
28.04.14 7998041 worst con Detail
26.04.14 4483464 Detail
25.04.14 8355400 Detail
23.04.14 TeLLe Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #45 - 10/08
created from rating comment match
10.08.14 8139029 flame Detail
10.08.14 5652874 Detail
10.08.14 Kawka Detail
10.08.14 2783839 Detail
FIFA 14 1on1 Summer League 2014 #Playoff
created from rating comment match
07.08.14 6053492 Detail
07.08.14 SchLeX Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #44 - 03/08
created from rating comment match
03.08.14 7203055 Detail
03.08.14 8114588 Detail
03.08.14 8428740 Detail
03.08.14 8506589 Detail
FIFA 14 1on1 Summer League 2014 #4
created from rating comment match
31.07.14 8478261 Detail
31.07.14 Bloody Face Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #43 - 27/07/14
created from rating comment match
27.07.14 4168284 Detail
27.07.14 5472754 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #42 - 20/07/14
created from rating comment match
20.07.14 7803045 Detail
20.07.14 Miecu Detail
20.07.14 7643725 Detail
20.07.14 8498678 Detail
FIFA 14 1on1 Summer League 2014 #2
created from rating comment match
17.07.14 Kaio Detail
17.07.14 Pari Detail
17.07.14 7686594 Detail
17.07.14 3499744 mega luck Detail
FIFA 14 1on1 Summer League 2014 #1
created from rating comment match
10.07.14 7803686 Detail
10.07.14 SchLeX Detail
10.07.14 8498315 Detail
10.07.14 6988632 Detail
10.07.14 raayzek_twitch Detail
10.07.14 4659741 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #40 - 06/07/14
created from rating comment match
06.07.14 F 1 n Detail
06.07.14 7846936 Detail
06.07.14 GYOKHAN Detail
06.07.14 7859184 Detail
06.07.14 3572646 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #39 - 29/06/14
created from rating comment match
29.06.14 7393809 Detail
29.06.14 8176192 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #37 - 15/06/14
created from rating comment match
15.06.14 dawnsson Detail
15.06.14 8095198 Detail
15.06.14 7859184 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #36 - 08/06/14
created from rating comment match
08.06.14 gouvy Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #35 - 01/06/14
created from rating comment match
01.06.14 4671558 Detail
01.06.14 SchLeX Detail
01.06.14 Piotr Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Monthly Final April 2014
created from rating comment match
12.05.14 dawnsson Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #32 - 11/05/14
created from rating comment match
11.05.14 bucu.exe Detail
11.05.14 6878687 random to the fullest lal Detail
11.05.14 6635432 Detail
11.05.14 8376649 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #31 - 04/05/14
created from rating comment match
04.05.14 8154808 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #30 - 27/04/14
created from rating comment match
27.04.14 2770787 Detail
27.04.14 7799010 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA Cup #29 - 20/04/14
created from rating comment match
20.04.14 dawnsson Detail
20.04.14 7393809 Detail
20.04.14 7086532 Detail
20.04.14 K10_972 Detail