Ciroxs  id: 4867898
[ Match Ratings ]
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FIFA 17 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
07.07.17 NOMINAK Detail
League of Legends EU West 1on1 Clash of Legends #11
created from rating comment match
24.11.11 6219730 Detail
24.11.11 6168475 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Summer Night Series - Cup #1
created from rating comment match
21.07.11 5350185 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
27.04.11 1983946 Detail
20.04.11 ShivasGuard Detail
13.04.11 t3mb4sh3r2 Detail
13.04.11 Forcezzz Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Fight Club #40 (Sat 12.03.11)
created from rating comment match
12.03.11 5374390 Detail
12.03.11 2096313 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
04.02.11 4878942 Detail
24.11.10 4878942 Detail
22.11.10 5347112 Detail
HaxBall 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
22.01.11 4878942 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Tuesday Cup VI (21/12/10 21:00)
created from rating comment match
21.12.10 5350617 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Tuesday Cup V (14/12/10 21:00)
created from rating comment match
14.12.10 4878942 Detail
14.12.10 5350617 Detail
14.12.10 4832725 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Tuesday Cup IV (07/12/10 21:00)
created from rating comment match
07.12.10 4955037 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Tuesday Cup III (30/11/10 21:00)
created from rating comment match
30.11.10 4955037 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Tuesday Cup II (23/11/10 16:30)
created from rating comment match
23.11.10 5372370 Detail
Briscola 1on1 Monday Cup IV
created from rating comment match
22.11.10 Eh beh Detail
Briscola 1on1 Monday Cup III
created from rating comment match
15.11.10 GuLp Detail
15.11.10 Gabry Detail
Briscola 1on1 Monday Cup II
created from rating comment match
08.11.10 3666338 Detail
Combat Arms Search & Destroy 1on1 Briscola Monday Cup
created from rating comment match
01.11.10 El_Bandido - ste' Detail
Briscola 1on1 Monday Cup
created from rating comment match
01.11.10 2434641 Detail
FIFA Online 1on1 Beta Ladder
created from rating comment match
24.09.10 4869621 Detail
19.09.10 Sheiker Detail
16.09.10 4869621 Detail
08.09.10 3030179 Detail
06.09.10 4869621 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
19.09.10 5310274 Detail
18.09.10 4869621 Detail
05.09.10 4869621 Detail
27.08.10 4869621 Detail
20.08.10 Banin_GG Detail
16.08.10 4869621 Detail
08.08.10 4869621 Detail
09.07.10 4869621 Detail
06.06.10 4869621 Detail
30.05.10 3244423 Detail
29.05.10 4869621 Detail
28.05.10 5071361 Detail
28.05.10 1636012 Detail
27.05.10 3419921 Detail
26.05.10 4878942 Detail
24.05.10 5071361 Detail
21.05.10 2327930 Detail
21.05.10 4869621 Detail
10.05.10 4869621 Detail
24.04.10 4869621 Detail
17.04.10 4869621 Detail
10.04.10 4869621 Detail
06.04.10 4878942 GG Detail
02.04.10 4869621 Detail
24.03.10 4869621 Detail
11.03.10 4869621 gg Detail
03.03.10 4889452 Detail
02.03.10 4869621 gg Detail
26.02.10 4878942 GG :) Detail
25.02.10 4747083 Detail
24.02.10 4647365 Detail
22.02.10 4869621 GG Detail
Summer League 2010 Briscola 1on1 Summer League
created from rating comment match
27.08.10 4490928 Detail
27.08.10 3688909 Detail
18.08.10 4425556 Detail
09.08.10 4425556 Detail
MSN Games Bowling 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
08.08.10 HiJACKED YOUR GiRL Detail
08.08.10 1250423 Detail
04.07.10 nNck Detail
28.06.10 4869621 Detail
23.05.10 3065682 Detail
21.05.10 4641791 nice match Detail
30.04.10 C.Style Detail
25.04.10 4869621 Detail
06.04.10 3157263 Detail
28.03.10 2580786 Detail
28.03.10 4079983 Detail
25.03.10 4869621 Detail
11.03.10 4869621 Detail
02.03.10 2621014 good game . Detail
01.03.10 3157263 Detail
01.03.10 4869621 Detail
01.03.10 ChImP Detail
MSN Games League Summer 2010
created from rating comment match
01.08.10 2143776 Detail
25.07.10 3543275 Detail
Briscola 1on1 One Round Old
created from rating comment match
03.07.10 5153611 Detail
12.06.10 Germinator Detail
11.06.10 DETOX Detail
11.06.10 4869621 Detail
10.06.10 3226717 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.07.10 4869621 Detail
01.06.10 4869621 Detail
25.04.10 4869621 Detail
29.03.10 4869621 Detail
26.03.10 4001788 Detail
25.03.10 4869621 Detail
02.03.10 4869621 Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
29.06.10 4021808 Detail
28.06.10 4869621 Detail
24.05.10 4869621 Detail
25.04.10 4869621 Detail
18.04.10 4869621 Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
29.06.10 4021808 Detail
10.06.10 4274322 Detail
05.06.10 Strimi Detail
24.05.10 4869621 Detail
25.04.10 4869621 Detail
20.04.10 Strimi Detail
18.04.10 4869621 Detail
Briscola 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
29.06.10 3226717 Detail
02.06.10 4869621 Detail
01.06.10 3992395 Detail
27.05.10 2137521 Detail
25.05.10 4417278 Detail
25.05.10 3992395 Detail
18.05.10 2137521 Detail
12.05.10 2583303 Detail
10.05.10 4869621 Detail
25.04.10 4869621 Detail
24.04.10 4090199 Detail
24.04.10 3992395 Detail
02.04.10 4869621 Detail
25.03.10 4869621 Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Beach Cup
created from rating comment match
25.06.10 Strimi Detail
20.06.10 4869621 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
31.05.10 4869621 Detail
02.05.10 4869621 Detail
07.04.10 EMpega Detail
01.04.10 Kram Detail
Briscola 1on1 Opening Cup One Round
created from rating comment match
18.05.10 Strimi Detail
MSN Games Mixed 1on1 European Championship 2010 Qualifier
created from rating comment match
07.05.10 Nesli gg Detail