poxi  id: 4908741
[ Match Ratings ]
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FIFA 20 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
19.04.20 15390762 Detail
FIFA 19 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
07.06.19 9983848 Detail
13.05.19 13626489 Detail
03.05.19 13626489 Detail
29.01.19 7536868 Detail
27.01.19 4356828 Detail
24.01.19 13214140 Detail
24.01.19 7536868 Detail
19.12.18 7359012 Detail
15.12.18 DGpoker111 Detail
11.12.18 7536868 Detail
11.12.18 7359012 Detail
11.12.18 DON_VEGA87 Detail
10.12.18 656064 Detail
10.12.18 dave Detail
10.12.18 lazik Detail
07.12.18 10502666 Detail
07.12.18 DON_VEGA87 Detail
05.12.18 eQualyzed Detail
05.12.18 7536868 Detail
05.12.18 7536868 Detail
05.12.18 10502666 Detail
04.12.18 eQualyzed Detail
03.12.18 Stefano1980 Detail
02.12.18 Gorkemlol Detail
01.12.18 rastineq Detail
01.12.18 Gorkemlol Detail
01.12.18 10502666 Detail
29.11.18 7359012 Detail
29.11.18 lazik Detail
27.11.18 brate Detail
27.11.18 eQualyzed Detail
26.11.18 11923904 Detail
26.11.18 7359012 Detail
26.11.18 eQualyzed Detail
26.11.18 10502666 Detail
25.11.18 7359012 Detail
25.11.18 7536868 Detail
24.11.18 8089504 Detail
24.11.18 11948232 Detail
21.11.18 13008268 Detail
21.11.18 7359012 Detail
21.11.18 7536868 Detail
21.11.18 7359012 Detail
21.11.18 13008268 Detail
21.11.18 11104891 Detail
21.11.18 eQualyzed Detail
20.11.18 7536868 Detail
20.11.18 eQualyzed rage Detail
19.11.18 7359012 Detail
19.11.18 eQualyzed Detail
18.11.18 12960335 Detail
14.11.18 US1 Detail
12.11.18 james Detail
11.11.18 7359012 Detail
11.11.18 7536868 Detail
11.11.18 pLease Detail
11.11.18 12034577 Detail
10.11.18 larien99 Detail
10.11.18 11923904 Detail
10.11.18 7536868 Detail
10.11.18 bitO Detail
09.11.18 7359012 Detail
09.11.18 Welli gg....gutes Spiel :-) Detail
FIFA 19 (PC) 1on1 Winter Cup #1 Europe
created from rating comment match
24.01.19 6270229 Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #8
created from rating comment match
25.11.18 13004450 Detail
CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
created from rating comment match
23.11.18 11206353 Detail
22.11.18 6740503 Detail
22.11.18 6740503 Detail
10.04.18 11225594 Detail
FIFA 19 (PC) 1on1 Autumn Cup #4 Europe
created from rating comment match
22.11.18 Shaeyyy Detail
22.11.18 K P O T Detail
CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
created from rating comment match
21.11.18 FloShu Detail
21.11.18 vaki Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #7
created from rating comment match
18.11.18 Cold-Blood Detail
18.11.18 Pluxer Detail
18.11.18 larien99 Detail
18.11.18 dvd_z Detail
Go4FIFA (PC) Europe Cup #6
created from rating comment match
11.11.18 12833244 Detail
FIFA 18 (PC) 1on1 Easter Cup 2018 Europe
created from rating comment match
02.04.18 11924962 Detail
FIFA 18 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
02.04.18 12354189 Detail
28.01.18 12040035 Detail
28.01.18 known Detail
28.01.18 11948232 Detail
28.01.18 11923904 Detail
27.01.18 11948232 Detail
27.01.18 11614458 Detail
27.01.18 2053915 Detail
26.01.18 PIR bad loser Detail
26.01.18 12097100 Detail
26.01.18 2053915 Detail
19.01.18 12067108 Detail
19.01.18 2519540 Detail
16.01.18 12067108 Detail
14.01.18 7359012 Detail
14.01.18 12052852 Se desconectó Detail
13.01.18 12045212 Detail
31.12.17 7359012 Detail
31.12.17 12021839 Detail
31.12.17 2782455 Detail
30.12.17 gokalpfirat Detail
30.12.17 12021839 Detail
30.12.17 11948232 Detail
30.12.17 7792569 Detail
30.12.17 12021839 Detail
29.12.17 7792569 Detail
29.12.17 DiogoVieira_ Detail
27.12.17 8833586 Detail
26.12.17 jerometh3fox.. Detail
25.12.17 NoLiFe Detail
25.12.17 7792569 Detail
23.12.17 7308073 just luck Detail
23.12.17 blizzardnn Detail
20.12.17 7792569 Detail
19.12.17 11998139 Detail
17.12.17 11948232 Detail
17.12.17 5252807 Detail
17.12.17 Qmpz Detail
17.12.17 Qmpz Detail
16.12.17 eQualyzed Detail
15.12.17 11964396 Detail
29.11.17 7308073 Detail
29.11.17 8513840 Detail
29.11.17 dorukhanilhan10 Detail
29.11.17 7308073 Detail
29.11.17 dorukhanilhan10 Detail
29.11.17 7359012 Detail
29.11.17 7308073 Detail
29.11.17 7200733 Detail
29.11.17 11926035 Detail
28.11.17 Qmpz Detail
28.11.17 10537606 Detail
28.11.17 7308073 Such players should be removed from the ESL!!! Detail
28.11.17 7200733 Detail
28.11.17 7359012 Detail
28.11.17 keMem he doesn\'t know how to lose, when he loses he says it was an unfair victory Detail
28.11.17 10547717 Detail
28.11.17 7200733 Detail
28.11.17 keMem thenext time it will not be so easy, bad day Detail
28.11.17 7261172 Detail
27.11.17 tNo freundlich fair ! Detail
27.11.17 dorukhanilhan10 Detail
27.11.17 11677077 Detail
27.11.17 Qmpz Detail
27.11.17 Snx Detail
27.11.17 dorukhanilhan10 Detail
26.11.17 11923904 Detail
22.11.17 7200733 Detail
20.11.17 3470289 Detail
18.11.17 8513840 Detail
18.11.17 LMNT4L Detail
18.11.17 11898678 Detail
15.11.17 9369600 Detail
15.11.17 Sheiker Detail
14.11.17 9369600 Detail
14.11.17 tato860 Detail
14.11.17 11898678 Detail
14.11.17 7308073 He call me faker ok :D Detail
09.11.17 11885605 Detail
09.11.17 7308073 Just play a game bro.you only now lucky and lags Detail
09.11.17 7359012 Detail
09.11.17 qwer Detail
08.11.17 7359012 Detail
08.11.17 8079087 Detail
07.11.17 qwer Detail
06.11.17 10800784 Detail
06.11.17 8513840 Detail
06.11.17 11883451 Detail
06.11.17 Rees_FIFA slight delay but gg Detail
06.11.17 11880608 Detail
05.11.17 8513840 Detail
04.11.17 11877473 Detail
04.11.17 6313666 Detail
03.11.17 qwer Detail
03.11.17 eQualyzed Detail
03.11.17 11874624 Detail
24.10.17 11800319 Detail
23.10.17 5420235 Detail
22.10.17 7359012 Detail
22.10.17 7359012 Detail
21.10.17 Supbit quitter Detail
21.10.17 7359012 Detail
21.10.17 PIR Detail
21.10.17 7359012 Detail
21.10.17 11802437 Detail
19.10.17 3426874 Detail
19.10.17 eQualyzed Detail
17.10.17 Kalasznikow Detail
17.10.17 Kalasznikow Detail
17.10.17 maxilinho Detail
16.10.17 10287973 Detail
14.10.17 eQualyzed Detail
14.10.17 11802437 Detail
13.10.17 Nicolas Detail
13.10.17 3470289 Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
23.01.18 Kamikaze6992 Detail
18.01.18 Kamikaze6992 Detail
18.12.17 Kamikaze6992 Detail
17.12.17 Qmpz Detail
FIFA 18 (PC) Open Ladder 1on1 Germany
created from rating comment match
16.10.17 5914171 schlechter verlierer Detail