Anton 'Fomko' Fomkin  id: 5484523
[ Match Ratings ]
[ ratings received ] [ ratings submitted ]

League of Legends 1on1 Gamezet West Cup #1
created from rating comment match
11.09.11 6071033 Detail
11.09.11 6006891 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Clash of Legends #5
created from rating comment match
02.07.11 4394547 Detail
02.07.11 6021521 Detail
02.07.11 eXiistence gg Detail
02.07.11 5123428 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Fight Club #69 (Sat 25.06.11)
created from rating comment match
25.06.11 4907027 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Fight Club #66 (Sat 11.06.11)
created from rating comment match
11.06.11 UnkTime Detail
11.06.11 4796108 Detail
11.06.11 5458986 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Fight Club #60 (Sat 21.05.11)
created from rating comment match
21.05.11 5537822 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Clash of Legends #4
created from rating comment match
09.04.11 Bandicot Detail
09.04.11 5420272 Detail
09.04.11 5334811 Detail
09.04.11 5682235 Detail
09.04.11 4750412 Detail
09.04.11 Gr33n Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
19.03.11 5723312 Detail
14.03.11 5563873 Detail
25.02.11 MyHappyEnding hm yi laming no gg and leave ;o Detail
25.02.11 5293202 Detail
16.01.11 Fallott Detail
15.01.11 2194773 Detail
02.01.11 CJ bebe never play against him !!! he got no skill .. Detail
30.12.10 3995095 Detail
30.12.10 3210457 Detail
30.12.10 Forza BVB Detail
30.12.10 Sense. Resultfaker Detail
30.12.10 5194028 Detail
29.12.10 Hueftsteak Detail
29.12.10 merle Detail
29.12.10 3029334 Detail
29.12.10 5543060 Detail
28.12.10 5293202 Detail
27.12.10 3210457 Detail
27.12.10 5521891 Tryed Backdoor all the time Detail
27.12.10 2381295 Detail
27.12.10 Ace Detail
26.12.10 3210457 Detail
26.12.10 ARNAUW Detail
26.12.10 3029334 Detail
25.12.10 4256820 Detail
25.12.10 3981683 Detail
25.12.10 1712524 Detail
24.12.10 3210457 Detail
24.12.10 5456797 Detail
24.12.10 5521891 Detail
23.12.10 5438336 Detail
23.12.10 3210457 Detail
23.12.10 5429322 Detail
23.12.10 Ace Detail
22.12.10 5438336 Detail
22.12.10 3133307 Detail
22.12.10 5521891 Tryed too backdoor but failed hard Detail
22.12.10 4068573 Detail
21.12.10 5521891 Detail
21.12.10 1712524 Detail
20.12.10 5518929 Detail
20.12.10 5521891 Detail
20.12.10 4421803 Detail
20.12.10 1712524 Detail
20.12.10 5438336 Detail
20.12.10 1712524 Detail
19.12.10 MyHappyEnding Detail
19.12.10 3029334 Detail
18.12.10 5501118 =))молодца=)жди через 14 дней ещё вызов=) Detail
18.12.10 4256820 Detail
18.12.10 5510082 Detail
17.12.10 3995095 Detail
17.12.10 3133307 Detail
17.12.10 5479933 Detail
League of Legends 1on1 Fight Club #24 (Thu 13.01.11)
created from rating comment match
13.01.11 5347112 Detail
13.01.11 4796108 Detail