Christian 'KhamTV' Rattay  id: 5623168
[ Match Ratings ]
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CS:S Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
created from rating comment match
29.04.12 5514982 Detail
29.04.12 Ares Maximus0408 Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Turbo Europe
created from rating comment match
26.03.12 Clinton05x Detail
31.10.11 3811518 Detail
11.09.11 745175 Detail
04.09.11 3811518 Detail
05.08.11 agresya Detail
05.08.11 4636601 Detail
04.08.11 5894643 Detail
02.08.11 5894643 Detail
01.08.11 1898981 gg sry for luck Detail
01.08.11 1086009 gg Detail
01.08.11 4959752 Detail
31.07.11 926134 Detail
31.07.11 4575703 Detail
31.07.11 3599688 Detail
31.07.11 543399 Detail
28.07.11 4695347 Detail
27.07.11 PenG Detail
27.07.11 5894643 Detail
27.07.11 3884071 Detail
26.07.11 BOB Detail
23.07.11 kjo Detail
23.07.11 Callmedady cheater Detail
23.07.11 Fr3ddyF Detail
23.07.11 6045982 Detail
23.07.11 1898981 -.- Detail
23.07.11 1479539 gg++ Detail
23.07.11 overdoxx Detail
23.07.11 michauek Detail
23.07.11 4695347 Detail
19.07.11 Grajo Detail
19.07.11 5724786 Detail
19.07.11 4435648 Detail
18.07.11 4544718 Detail
18.07.11 1660772 Detail
18.07.11 5036558 Detail
17.07.11 6022062 gg Detail
17.07.11 frechdax Detail
17.07.11 4575703 Detail
17.07.11 4490582 sehr freundlich Detail
16.07.11 Choco BN Detail
16.07.11 2275131 Detail
16.07.11 4490582 Detail
16.07.11 3338395 Detail
16.07.11 Grajo schönes spiel Detail
16.07.11 frechdax Detail
16.07.11 sanyifradi Detail
16.07.11 5085064 Detail
16.07.11 YaSs Detail
16.07.11 frechdax lucker of the year Detail
16.07.11 5867902 Detail
16.07.11 6022062 Detail
16.07.11 928388 Detail
16.07.11 2994919 Detail
16.07.11 5560202 Detail
16.07.11 frechdax Detail
07.07.11 1086009 Detail
07.07.11 3709265 Detail
07.07.11 bjoxu Detail
07.07.11 543399 Detail
07.07.11 3709265 Detail
07.07.11 2914874 Detail
07.07.11 1627474 Detail
07.07.11 4399754 gg Detail
07.07.11 4763553 full lucky ^^ omg Detail
06.07.11 FreekZ Detail
06.07.11 4747973 Detail
06.07.11 1129707 Detail
06.07.11 5081300 Detail
06.07.11 3709265 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
26.03.12 1314218 gg Detail
21.03.12 siraxta- Kein Flame. Detail
21.03.12 4409882 Detail
15.03.12 XMODE Detail
14.03.12 ROCKSTARRRRRR Detail
13.03.12 4043157 Detail
11.03.12 2248828 Detail
11.03.12 2890178 Detail
11.03.12 1705662 Detail
10.03.12 5421449 Detail
PokerTH Cup After EAS Cup #20
created from rating comment match
18.03.12 MC HAMMER Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 AIM Cups 2012 #03
created from rating comment match
15.03.12 4656851 Detail
15.03.12 sTEVEEE Detail
15.03.12 5040626 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 AWP Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.10.11 bavy gg++ Detail
30.10.11 4426333 Detail
29.10.11 yANNICK Detail
12.06.11 FloShu Detail
02.06.11 SolettiH Detail
01.06.11 3985195 Detail
01.06.11 2655097 Detail
HaxBall 1on1 Herbstcup 2011
created from rating comment match
30.10.11 5587554 Detail
HaxBall 1on1 Friday Night Cup #32
created from rating comment match
28.10.11 5628862 Detail
28.10.11 TieR only luck Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 HG Cup #5
created from rating comment match
28.10.11 1126554 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.10.11 3806254 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap 1on1 Knife Ladder
created from rating comment match
11.09.11 4086492 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
11.09.11 QooN Detail
14.08.11 brauni Detail
HaxBall 1on1 Golden Goal Cup #22
created from rating comment match
04.09.11 5628862 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder
created from rating comment match
10.08.11 3864632 Detail
02.06.11 5572908 Detail
02.06.11 5366085 Detail
01.06.11 4162353 flamed ununterbrochen rum - unfassbar ätzend Detail
01.06.11 4037302 Detail
01.06.11 5572908 Detail
01.06.11 SUNZ1 Detail
01.06.11 4283793 Sehr netter User Detail
OMGPOP Pool 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.08.11 4668163 Detail
02.08.11 4498212 Detail
02.08.11 NINJAWHAT Detail
02.08.11 6101093 Detail
01.08.11 4819837 Detail
27.07.11 2336928 Detail
23.07.11 5444377 Detail
23.07.11 Phenom Detail
ICQ Games RPS Online 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
01.08.11 Schnitzl Detail
22.06.11 2463515 gg++ Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Turbo Germany
created from rating comment match
01.08.11 1121840 Detail
01.08.11 Kai gg Detail
30.07.11 2426652 schlechtester pokerspieler ever.....haha Detail
28.07.11 543399 Detail
28.07.11 2904914 Detail
28.07.11 4212536 gerne wieder Detail
28.07.11 Devine ++ Detail
27.07.11 decomposeR Detail
23.07.11 Eraser gg so viel luck ist echt selten Detail
21.07.11 543399 Detail
20.07.11 4299308 Detail
20.07.11 overdoxx Detail
19.07.11 1627474 Detail
18.07.11 3087100 Detail
17.07.11 543399 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Fixed Ladder
created from rating comment match
26.07.11 5212748 Detail
PokerTH Cup Sommercup 2011 - Qualicup #2
created from rating comment match
21.07.11 skill2beReal Detail
21.07.11 738074 Detail
21.07.11 C a l 1 b a N Detail
21.07.11 TieR just luck Detail