Atomie  id: 6059293
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StarCraft II CM Storm Go4SC2 Cup #292 - €150 Prize Money (Sun 16.06.13)
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16.06.13 7774630 Detail
SC2 Major Ladder 1on1 Germany
created from rating comment match
10.06.13 Wilko Detail
28.03.13 Stahlbolzen Detail
21.03.13 Sheggi Detail
17.03.13 4648635 Detail
10.03.13 5305681 Detail
03.02.13 5201255 Detail
27.01.13 Stahlbolzen Detail
23.12.12 5201255 Detail
16.12.12 5201255 Detail
13.12.12 2182718 Detail
02.12.12 4450083 Detail
25.11.12 5201255 Detail
11.11.12 NephewJ GG WP GL in der A Series Detail
28.10.12 3487084 Detail
14.10.12 5201255 Detail
11.10.12 KAISER Detail
07.10.12 KnowMe Detail
07.10.12 6756950 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #286 - €150 Prize Money (Sun 28.04.13)
created from rating comment match
28.04.13 5242444 Detail
DGS Saison 7 - StarCraft 2 Finals
created from rating comment match
13.04.13 5851104 Cry me a river - Justin Timberlake Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #280 - Qualify for monthly finals (Wed 03.04.13)
created from rating comment match
03.04.13 6065952 Detail
03.04.13 4042575 Detail
03.04.13 Detail
03.04.13 7505815 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #279 - Qualify for monthly finals (Wed 27.03.13)
created from rating comment match
27.03.13 1448479 Detail
27.03.13 4729368 Detail
27.03.13 5063709 Detail
27.03.13 Friend Detail
Saison 7 Schüler Star Craft 2 - 1on1 Series
created from rating comment match
26.03.13 5853576 Detail
16.03.13 5851104 Detail
09.03.13 5851104 Detail
28.02.13 6650331 atomie-zitat : \"fick dich\" er ist nicht so nett :/ Detail
19.02.13 6650331 Detail
14.02.13 5332096 Detail
05.02.13 InZaNe Detail
31.01.13 5853576 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 HotS Release Cup
created from rating comment match
12.03.13 666905 gg Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Open Cup #423 (05.03.13)
created from rating comment match
05.03.13 5214489 Detail
05.03.13 4648635 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #272 - Win €200 (Sun 03.03.13)
created from rating comment match
03.03.13 1426908 Detail
03.03.13 3788900 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #270 - Win €200 (Sun 24.02.13)
created from rating comment match
24.02.13 6105675 gutes spiel Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #267 - Win €200 (Sun 10.02.13)
created from rating comment match
10.02.13 1929538 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #263 - Win €200 (Sun 27.01.13)
created from rating comment match
27.01.13 7431143 no gg from him Detail
27.01.13 6065952 Detail
27.01.13 7076331 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #261 - Win €200 (Sun 20.01.13)
created from rating comment match
20.01.13 6012699 Detail
20.01.13 Detail
20.01.13 7447740 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #257 - Win €200 (Sun 06.01.13)
created from rating comment match
06.01.13 5026384 Detail
06.01.13 2401473 Detail
06.01.13 4000150 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 A-Series
created from rating comment match
10.12.12 JackO Detail
02.12.12 6521191 Detail
30.11.12 7154424 Detail
04.11.12 7274564 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #250 - Win €200 (Sun 09.12.12)
created from rating comment match
09.12.12 5521325 Detail
09.12.12 robiH Detail
Saison 7 Pre Schulmeisterschaft SC2 by Tesoro
created from rating comment match
04.12.12 HeroMarine Detail
04.12.12 6226042 Detail
04.12.12 7349744 Detail
04.12.12 6994242 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #248 - Win €200 (Sun 02.12.12)
created from rating comment match
02.12.12 5446892 Detail
02.12.12 5433002 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #246 - Win €200 (Sun 25.11.12)
created from rating comment match
25.11.12 5851104 bm,crying after the game Detail
25.11.12 SMMN Detail
25.11.12 Creed Detail
25.11.12 2058517 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #243 - Win €200 (Sun 11.11.12)
created from rating comment match
11.11.12 7114885 Detail
11.11.12 7260168 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #239 - Win €200 (Sun 28.10.12)
created from rating comment match
28.10.12 5469095 Detail
28.10.12 6055868 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #235 - Win Go4SC2 Points (Wed 10.10.12)
created from rating comment match
10.10.12 6510899 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #234 - Win €200 (Sun 07.10.12)
created from rating comment match
07.10.12 The Situation Detail
07.10.12 6085735 Detail
07.10.12 5362113 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #233 - Win Go4SC2 Points (Wed 03.10.12)
created from rating comment match
03.10.12 6085735 Detail
03.10.12 2862881 Detail
03.10.12 waylander Detail
03.10.12 4973195 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #232 - Win €200 (Sun 30.09.12)
created from rating comment match
30.09.12 2017576 Detail
30.09.12 5233154 Detail
30.09.12 7198952 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Late Night Cup #109
created from rating comment match
28.09.12 5248413 Detail
28.09.12 4515108 Detail
28.09.12 Rick Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Amateur Series Summer 2012
created from rating comment match
28.09.12 6818256 Detail
15.07.12 3016409 Detail
10.07.12 3051740 Detail
08.07.12 6001138 afk zum Matchzeitpunkt, ungeduldig, cheesed, bm, nicht nochmal, sowas gehört nicht in den eSport Detail
01.07.12 5030145 Beleidigungen Detail
18.06.12 4927235 Detail
10.06.12 5420499 Detail
09.06.12 4455213 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #230 - Win €200 (Sun 23.09.12)
created from rating comment match
23.09.12 Detail
23.09.12 Zazu Detail
23.09.12 7167956 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Late Night Cup #108
created from rating comment match
21.09.12 6246240 Detail
21.09.12 3804769 Detail
21.09.12 1184051 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 September 2012 Premium Quali #3
created from rating comment match
20.09.12 5840801 Detail
20.09.12 5896657 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #226 - Win €200 (Sun 09.09.12)
created from rating comment match
09.09.12 1387117 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #224 - Win €200 (Sun 02.09.12)
created from rating comment match
02.09.12 3809478 Detail
02.09.12 4626205 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #222 - Win €200 (Sun 26.08.12)
created from rating comment match
26.08.12 6799867 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #214 (Wed 25.07.12) - Qualify for €500 monthly final
created from rating comment match
25.07.12 2694088 Detail
25.07.12 5840801 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #208 (Wed 27.06.12) - Qualify for €500 monthly final
created from rating comment match
27.06.12 6370804 Detail
27.06.12 5656926 Detail
27.06.12 Detail
27.06.12 4794512 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Open Cup #362 (26.06.12)
created from rating comment match
26.06.12 5768023 Detail
26.06.12 6818256 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #207 (Sun 24.06.12) - Win €200
created from rating comment match
24.06.12 6919318 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #205 (Sun 17.06.12) - Win €200
created from rating comment match
17.06.12 6754632 using bad word Detail
17.06.12 422920 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Late Night Cup #94
created from rating comment match
16.06.12 5248413 Detail
16.06.12 6246240 Detail
15.06.12 DivinesiaTV Detail
15.06.12 3277659 Detail
15.06.12 5588319 Detail
15.06.12 5732272 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #203 (Sun 10.06.12) - Win €200
created from rating comment match
10.06.12 BsK Detail
10.06.12 Zythus Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 June 2012 Premium Quali #1
created from rating comment match
07.06.12 5775697 Detail
07.06.12 1421859 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #198 (Sun 20.05.12) - Win €200
created from rating comment match
20.05.12 5519209 Detail
StarCraft II Germany Nationals 2012 Qualifier #3
created from rating comment match
12.05.12 5768023 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #194 (Sun 06.05.12) - Win €200
created from rating comment match
06.05.12 4237249 Detail
06.05.12 6110353 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #192 (Wed 25.04.12)
created from rating comment match
25.04.12 6718453 Detail
25.04.12 Avalon Detail
25.04.12 6811830 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #191 (Sun 22.04.12) - Win €200
created from rating comment match
22.04.12 4572786 Detail
22.04.12 4966012 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #189 (Sun 15.04.12) - Win €200
created from rating comment match
15.04.12 5379194 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #188 (Wed 11.04.12)
created from rating comment match
11.04.12 6367790 Detail
11.04.12 5432068 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Open Cup #343 (10.04.12)
created from rating comment match
10.04.12 6794377 Detail
10.04.12 6794237 Detail
10.04.12 Detail
10.04.12 4288877 Detail
10.04.12 6245738 Detail
10.04.12 4490964 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #184 (Sun 25.03.12) - Win €200
created from rating comment match
25.03.12 2475012 Detail
25.03.12 5353278 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Late Night Cup #82
created from rating comment match
23.03.12 6651992 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #183 (Wed 21.03.12)
created from rating comment match
21.03.12 4966942 Detail
21.03.12 Hqrdest Detail
21.03.12 5870410 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #178 (Sun 04.03.12) - Win €200
created from rating comment match
04.03.12 Detail
04.03.12 5026384 Detail
04.03.12 5971132 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #176 (Sun 26.02.12) - Win €200
created from rating comment match
26.02.12 6647712 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Open Cup #326 (25.02.12)
created from rating comment match
25.02.12 ESGBoRdAn Detail
25.02.12 2255039 Detail
25.02.12 Anonymous Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Late Night Cup #77
created from rating comment match
18.02.12 6034642 Detail
17.02.12 5044281 Detail
17.02.12 2346114 Detail
17.02.12 2662671 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #173 (Sun 12.02.12) - Win €200
created from rating comment match
12.02.12 5007003 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Late Night Cup #76
created from rating comment match
10.02.12 2358493 gg Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Diamond+ Cup #200 (08.02)
created from rating comment match
08.02.12 6571572 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #172 (Wed 08.02.12)
created from rating comment match
08.02.12 1461472 Detail
08.02.12 5380505 Detail
08.02.12 5180265 Detail
08.02.12 998440 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #171 (Sun 05.02.12) - Win €200
created from rating comment match
05.02.12 Detail
05.02.12 5888037 Detail
05.02.12 6248196 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #170 (Wed 01.02.12)
created from rating comment match
01.02.12 SortOf Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Open Cup #11
created from rating comment match
28.01.12 Sheggi Detail
28.01.12 6537073 Detail
28.01.12 5872373 Detail
28.01.12 5814019 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Late Night Cup #74
created from rating comment match
27.01.12 Latex Detail
27.01.12 6543415 Detail
StarCraft II Go4SC2 Cup #167 (Sun 22.01.12) - Win €200
created from rating comment match
22.01.12 1461472 Detail
22.01.12 6378557 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Late Night Cup #73
created from rating comment match
20.01.12 5245262 Detail
20.01.12 2431702 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Open Cup #315 (19.01.12)
created from rating comment match
19.01.12 hypnotoad Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Diamond+ Cup #194 (18.01)
created from rating comment match
18.01.12 4523926 Detail
18.01.12 6377950 Detail
18.01.12 6195853 Detail
18.01.12 5432158 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Late Night Cup #72
created from rating comment match
13.01.12 6246240 Detail
13.01.12 5386567 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Diamond+ Cup #192 (11.01)
created from rating comment match
11.01.12 5559963 Detail
11.01.12 5801203 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Late Night Cup #71
created from rating comment match
06.01.12 6246240 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Open Cup #309 (22.12.11)
created from rating comment match
22.12.11 5894720 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Homestory Cup IV EU Qualifier
created from rating comment match
17.12.11 4552816 Detail
17.12.11 5432158 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Late Night Cup #68
created from rating comment match
17.12.11 5228226 Detail
16.12.11 5491525 Detail
16.12.11 5420499 Detail