FalCon  id: 608626
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PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
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19.05.12 3865127 Paye ton rage. Detail
17.05.12 4839599 Detail
Combat Arms Nightcup #33 - 1on1 OMA Fun Cup
created from rating comment match
13.03.12 ERMAC Detail
13.03.12 5824630 Detail
13.03.12 4809702 Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 1on1 Roccat Series Qualifier # 1
created from rating comment match
13.03.12 4649932 Detail
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 1on1 Opening Cup
created from rating comment match
22.11.11 5132476 Detail
Combat Arms One Man Army 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
13.05.10 exsul he has left from the match Detail
15.11.09 Ooschwerbleede_ gg Detail
15.11.09 2316850 nice game dude:] Detail
26.10.09 4215821 Gg and thanks for lesson :) Detail
04.10.09 J03TA Detail
12.02.09 3064981 it was good match Detail
01.02.09 3676890 Detail
30.01.09 360583 Detail
15.01.09 klps- gg nice player Detail
Combat Arms Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
10.01.10 Staanoux gg Detail
01.08.09 4303503 Detail
Combat Arms One Man Army 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
05.11.09 4464974 Detail
30.09.09 4372574 camp only... Detail
30.09.09 4457142 Detail
30.09.09 spAwn Detail
29.09.09 J03TA Detail
29.09.09 4439265 Detail
28.09.09 4375948 Detail
Combat Arms Nightcup #5 - OMA 1on1 Cup (Tue 29.09.09)
created from rating comment match
29.09.09 4059943 Detail
29.09.09 3326176 Detail
Combat Arms One Man Army 1on1 Wild West Cup
created from rating comment match
31.08.09 4002290 did not report at the time given, are the participants \'Pioshy\', the adversary has waited twen Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
created from rating comment match
01.08.09 3639038 Detail
01.08.09 728204 Detail
Combat Arms Nightcup #1 - 1on1 OMA Cup (Wed 04.03.09)
created from rating comment match
04.03.09 Solo only flame, he means im a cheater but i m only hearing him Detail
Combat Arms Search & Destroy 1on1 Cup
created from rating comment match
11.02.09 3004615 Good Game Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
09.01.09 3766194 Bj :) joueur cool Detail
07.01.09 2465823 gg joueur cOol :p Detail
03.01.09 2892981 Detail
03.01.09 794336 Detail
10.12.08 3103628 gg Detail
30.11.08 1833662 Detail
29.11.08 2060273 gg Detail
Combat Arms Search & Destroy 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
06.01.09 3719465 nice Detail
06.01.09 2530383 gg Detail
ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
03.11.08 2765752 Detail
29.10.08 HaSi gg Detail
29.10.08 1486167 Detail
28.10.08 1449281 fu...ESL...lagy on pool :x Detail
28.10.08 1485866 Detail
04.04.07 1294216 Detail
MSN Games Minesweeper 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
21.02.08 745175 gg but... lol Detail
29.01.08 Gamf gg Detail
17.01.08 2026200 Detail
05.01.08 1846734 gg Detail
02.01.08 CeLL Detail
02.01.08 2277755 gg, dmg ke t t pa concentrer .. Detail
24.12.07 706112 Detail
07.12.07 2292177 Detail
KartRider Item 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
17.01.08 2803980 Detail
07.01.08 MoanDer gg Detail
29.11.07 2353469 Detail
10.11.07 2217114 Detail
10.11.07 1144662 Detail
10.11.07 2299219 Detail
08.11.07 2749609 gg =) but very lucky this game ;D Detail
08.11.07 2817964 Good Match no complaints Detail
07.11.07 1254488 Detail
06.11.07 JOHNNY BRAVO Detail
02.11.07 2329377 Detail
02.11.07 2229531 Detail
02.11.07 1804473 gg! Detail
Red Faction 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
04.11.07 1096154 camping ftw. Detail
29.09.07 2365707 Detail
08.09.07 2691583 Detail
22.08.07 2672527 Detail
23.05.07 1587603 Detail
09.05.07 1311808 nice one ;) Detail
30.04.07 1603378 Detail
24.03.07 2302469 Detail
16.03.07 2207872 gg but camp in your map. You are good railler ;P Detail
10.03.07 2339671 tout simplement tres fort Detail
09.03.07 1607040 Detail
08.03.07 2223166 Very good joob you are adversaire not my level ^^ but its fun play vs you Detail
26.02.07 2307626 Detail
29.01.07 Prototowb n!ce x3 Detail
12.01.07 2207872 gg Detail
10.01.07 2225791 Detail
07.01.07 2223166 La raclée!!! Mais j\'me suis pas ennuiez dans le match alors bravo man j\'ai adore ta facon de Detail
05.01.07 1089800 Detail
24.12.06 672448 bad server Detail
18.12.06 2061178 he wasnt too serious :p Detail
Red Faction 1on1 Autumn Cup 2007
created from rating comment match
29.10.07 890488 Detail
20.10.07 2691583 Detail
MSN Games Poker 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
17.07.07 2322874 Detail
17.07.07 1959107 Simpath0che Detail
MSN Games Solitaire 1on1 1on1 July Cup
created from rating comment match
11.07.07 Psycho Detail
MSN Games Demineur 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
05.07.07 1808021 Detail
05.07.07 2560093 g pa eu de chance :s Detail
04.07.07 1888750 Detail
04.07.07 2302469 Detail
04.07.07 2439740 Detail
03.07.07 2472727 gg Detail
03.07.07 2208686 gg trés sympa merci au plaisir d\'un prochain match Detail
03.07.07 2382491 Detail
03.07.07 1162057 Detail
02.07.07 1857973 Detail
02.07.07 MARXXX Detail
02.07.07 2467238 Detail
02.07.07 2270607 Detail
02.07.07 1714624 GG ^^ Detail
02.07.07 2572108 Detail
01.07.07 2443367 Detail
01.07.07 2312952 GG ! Fun à 100 % ! Detail
01.07.07 1713457 Detail
30.06.07 1595972 Detail
27.06.07 1389867 gg, c\'était sympa ! Detail
20.06.07 1774255 Detail
11.06.07 2535672 j\'ai pas de chance Detail
07.06.07 2248067 gg! Detail
05.06.07 2518549 Detail
03.06.07 1294216 Detail
31.05.07 2077630 gg Detail
31.05.07 2491008 Pas mal de chance sur 1 round ^^ Detail
28.05.07 1291164 Detail
28.05.07 2456666 Detail
24.05.07 1817417 Detail
21.05.07 2483442 Detail
20.05.07 1824158 Detail
04.05.07 706112 Detail
04.05.07 2034445 gg bon demineur :) Detail
03.05.07 2370405 GG à toi Detail
02.05.07 1870454 gg Detail
02.05.07 1832375 Detail
02.05.07 1249010 Detail
01.05.07 aZn GG ^^ Detail
01.05.07 2229379 Detail
01.05.07 1587830 Detail
30.04.07 1958500 Super player vraiment serré tjs avec lui ! Detail
30.04.07 2229226 Detail
30.04.07 1565190 GG, très bon joueur, encore une fois ma chance m\'a tué.. GL Pour la suite ^^ Detail
29.04.07 1584767 Detail
28.04.07 2277755 Detail
26.04.07 1595972 Detail
25.04.07 706112 Detail
25.04.07 1870454 gg Detail
25.04.07 1852875 Detail
25.04.07 1622737 Detail
17.04.07 KrmS Detail
16.04.07 2291750 GayGay :D Detail
16.04.07 1958500 Super player ! Recommandé ! no rage , super fair play ! rien a dire ! a si ! GG :p Detail
15.04.07 2302469 Detail
09.04.07 2222752 trés bon joueur mais j\'était sv_moule 0 :D Detail
05.04.07 2376165 euhh TROP FORT et il a la chance avec lui !!!! PGM aux Demineur ^^ ;) Detail
05.04.07 2365969 Detail
05.04.07 1587830 Detail
05.04.07 931173 gg :) Detail
05.04.07 1754029 Detail
04.04.07 1956655 Bj Bj c\'était serré ^^ Detail
04.04.07 2167709 Detail
04.04.07 1757948 Detail
03.04.07 908448 Detail
03.04.07 2207872 Detail
31.03.07 1873064 cool mec ;) Detail
29.03.07 2241700 Detail
28.03.07 2307375 Detail
28.03.07 2322087 Bien jouer Detail
27.03.07 1113891 Detail
26.03.07 1410581 Detail
26.03.07 1587830 Detail
26.03.07 1611535 Trop chanceux Detail
09.02.07 2242746 1 joueur tres fairplay Gl a lui Detail
09.02.07 931173 Detail
09.02.07 p0d Detail
08.02.07 Ccouz Detail
08.02.07 2207872 espece de ^^ Detail
Playray Minigolf Only Short 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
15.06.07 693723 Detail
26.02.07 1294216 Detail
15.02.07 1520007 Detail
12.02.07 magix Detail
01.02.07 2162198 Detail
31.01.07 1022426 Detail
29.01.07 885988 Detail
29.01.07 mando Detail
28.01.07 1696400 Detail
28.01.07 1804203 Detail
24.01.07 2230923 Detail
23.01.07 1385431 Detail
23.01.07 1301612 fart ;x Detail
22.01.07 1290337 gg Detail
22.01.07 1294216 Detail
MSN Games Dames 1on1 Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
03.06.07 1294216 Detail
11.02.07 1085306 Detail
11.02.07 1836320 Detail
11.02.07 1467533 Detail
MSN Games Solitaire 1on1 Showdown Opening Cup
created from rating comment match
25.04.07 1113925 Detail
25.04.07 1776390 Great game m8! Detail
Red Faction 1on1 Capture The Flag Ladder
created from rating comment match
15.02.07 1652554 Detail
02.02.07 1057130 Detail
29.01.07 1294216 Detail
Playray Minigolf Premiership Gold Series Hole-in-One
created from rating comment match
08.02.07 Roque Detail
08.02.07 Roque Detail
Red Faction 1on1 Funmaps Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.09.06 1625737 o falcon you are a god and you are so sexy chocolate lol Detail
27.09.06 1864699 Detail