Christoph 'Malumii' Zacher  id: 6104031
[ Match Ratings ]
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FIFA 19 (PS4) 1on1 FUT Open Cup #29 Germany
created from rating comment match
02.05.19 Leon Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
03.11.16 C.Style Detail
01.11.16 2275131 Detail
21.10.16 eiGi Detail
PlayOK Open Ladder 1on1 Ludo Europe
created from rating comment match
03.11.16 C.Style Detail
31.10.16 exzz Detail
PlayOK Open Ladder 1on1 Dice Europe
created from rating comment match
02.11.16 C.Style Detail
CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
12.11.14 masterACE Detail
26.07.14 schmusi bisschen netter psl Detail
19.07.14 ak-peitsche Detail
18.07.14 4866384 cryer Detail
25.03.14 2246841 Detail
25.03.14 4797619 Detail
28.07.13 basi Detail
20.07.13 Kamphu Detail
18.07.13 927931 Detail
12.07.13 5499013 Detail
01.07.13 1203938 Detail
26.06.13 6025639 Detail
25.06.13 3473172 Detail
25.06.13 2828193 Detail
25.06.13 R1SE Detail
23.06.13 masterACE Detail
22.06.13 5176837 Detail
05.06.13 tryy k_k Detail
02.06.13 4319692 Detail
31.05.13 3366063 vajdu ga pajvane nemacki Detail
27.05.13 dimi Detail
26.05.13 3074371 Detail
25.05.13 FrederiqueVW Detail
06.05.13 544159 Detail
06.05.13 450118 Detail
01.05.13 aLx weint only der lütte Detail
28.04.13 6025639 Detail
28.04.13 masterACE Detail
27.04.13 1106985 Detail
24.04.13 7556752 Detail
23.04.13 Switchr Detail
23.04.13 5108889 Detail
21.04.13 masterACE Detail
20.04.13 6025639 Detail
20.04.13 krees Detail
24.03.13 4439765 Detail
21.03.13 1230526 flame :/ wnb Detail
21.03.13 6025639 Detail
21.03.13 2269547 flamer Detail
18.03.13 izaax Detail
18.03.13 SAM. Guter Gegner ! Detail
18.03.13 7114211 Detail
18.03.13 rikeE Detail
15.03.13 MORELZ cucumber Detail
15.03.13 3182780 Detail
12.03.13 2895370 Detail
CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
created from rating comment match
10.11.14 Stev0se Detail
29.07.13 Reflexb0y Detail
28.07.13 3032205 Detail
28.07.13 7853856 Detail
23.07.13 Hargon Detail
23.07.13 7595731 Detail
18.03.13 kiD Detail
18.03.13 7222100 Detail
17.03.13 izaax Detail
15.03.13 rejsu Detail
15.03.13 ros3 Detail
15.03.13 No1se Detail
14.03.13 3480781 flamer and low player Detail
14.03.13 bastieeh Detail
13.03.13 2424598 Detail
12.03.13 b1sQüv1'O7 Detail
12.03.13 6501914 Detail
12.03.13 kiD Detail
12.03.13 4365770 Detail
CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
created from rating comment match
29.07.14 Mario Detail
19.07.14 8299749 Detail
19.07.14 1131196 Detail
19.07.14 fokse Detail
18.07.14 8299749 Detail
03.03.14 mSr Detail
23.07.13 carlsoN Detail
22.07.13 souLk1d Detail
22.07.13 yha eher semi starker spieler Detail
20.07.13 4748471 Detail
20.07.13 7794946 Detail
17.07.13 4568250 Detail
17.07.13 T C P H E L M Detail
17.07.13 86942 Detail
17.07.13 86942 Detail
11.07.13 1926611 Just crying Detail
11.07.13 Rayd3R Detail
09.07.13 3198780 Detail
07.07.13 2906392 Detail
07.07.13 xiu Detail
06.07.13 86942 Detail
05.06.13 rawinho Detail
22.04.13 NOST Detail
22.04.13 3737690 Detail
22.04.13 2286987 Detail
22.04.13 kabumm2k Detail
19.04.13 J0NNNNYX Detail
19.04.13 rawinho Detail
19.04.13 souLk1d Detail
18.04.13 3737690 Detail
02.04.13 5200162 Detail
30.03.13 3802569 Detail
26.03.13 sh0kyN Detail
26.03.13 7616069 Detail
15.03.13 shnorhela Detail
13.03.13 dN Detail
12.03.13 shnorhela Detail
12.03.13 7394694 Detail
12.03.13 812598 Detail
11.03.13 shixo Detail
11.03.13 696255 Detail
11.03.13 3334305 Detail
11.03.13 7468846 Detail
11.03.13 5256561 Detail
11.03.13 benitz Detail
10.03.13 Slize Detail
10.03.13 kolle Detail
09.03.13 PolakK Detail
09.03.13 Crasy Detail
08.03.13 NEZ Detail
08.03.13 mosez Detail
08.03.13 4010659 Detail
08.03.13 Briese Detail
08.03.13 3898054 Detail
08.03.13 7509030 Detail
PokerTH Cup PokerTH Cup Warmup Friday #4
created from rating comment match
04.04.14 inte Detail
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 ESL Series
created from rating comment match
03.04.14 Acid Detail
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Cups 1on1 Summer League 2013
created from rating comment match
28.07.13 5584758 Detail
22.07.13 MORELZ Detail
OMGPOP Booya 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
20.07.13 irvi Detail
19.07.13 7112385 Detail
14.07.13 imAxe Detail
14.07.13 7807822 Detail
14.07.13 6991036 Detail
11.07.13 6441318 Detail
11.07.13 Escape the Fate Detail
10.07.13 7473233 Detail
10.07.13 7251146 Detail
10.07.13 Flindigo Detail
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 HG Ladder
created from rating comment match
20.07.13 7398109 Detail
01.07.13 298828 Detail
26.05.13 2581625 Detail
25.05.13 SAM. Detail
25.05.13 2553049 Detail
04.05.13 759340 Detail
04.05.13 6550448 Detail
19.04.13 darky Detail
19.04.13 1715093 gg Detail
19.04.13 1578213 Detail
19.04.13 SAM. Beleidigt nur ... schlechter verlierer Detail
29.03.13 banger flamer halt wie immer wenn er kassiert weint er Detail
29.03.13 ScrunK Detail
28.03.13 LegendTV Detail
24.03.13 3701019 Detail
24.03.13 SLD Detail
21.03.13 3857610 Detail
21.03.13 banger glock luck+schleichen is kult Detail
15.03.13 darky Detail
13.03.13 dN Detail
13.03.13 1744454 Detail
12.03.13 banger Detail
11.03.13 7514267 Detail
11.03.13 izaax Detail
11.03.13 hel1x Detail
11.03.13 fbn Detail
10.03.13 Björn Detail
09.03.13 jn Detail
09.03.13 banger Detail
08.03.13 Snoty Detail
08.03.13 3334305 Detail
08.03.13 2669557 Detail
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Cups 1on1 AIM Cup #03
created from rating comment match
05.07.13 hELL Detail
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Cups 1on1 Spring League Playoffs 2013
created from rating comment match
06.05.13 MORELZ Detail
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive Cups 1on1 MR15 Cup 2013 #05
created from rating comment match
02.05.13 delaine schlechter verlierer Detail
02.05.13 KaRaOkE Detail
Counter-Strike: Global Offensive 1on1 Spring HG Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.04.13 HaSo Detail
28.04.13 Björn Detail
21.04.13 544159 ich muss uppen :( ohje Detail
21.04.13 2948382 nach jeder runde ein flame =) Detail
21.04.13 2870301 Detail
20.04.13 6025639 Detail
20.04.13 2581625 Detail
20.04.13 6025639 Detail
20.04.13 544159 log log ^^ passt aber zu dir Detail
19.04.13 creech Detail
19.04.13 544159 Detail
19.04.13 4005077 Detail
19.04.13 izaax Detail
19.04.13 LENDI Detail
04.04.13 4005077 Detail
03.04.13 5714199 Detail
03.04.13 5910441 Detail
01.04.13 5251883 beleidigung Detail
01.04.13 3334305 Detail
League of Legends EU West 1on1 Series - Howling Abyss
created from rating comment match
22.04.13 5815389 Detail
League of Legends EU West 1on1 Old Ladder
created from rating comment match
19.04.13 7648202 Detail
19.04.13 7641912 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Mixed Ladder Old
created from rating comment match
14.03.13 7391121 Detail