SleeP  id: 6164575
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League of Legends 1on1 IEM Ticket Challenge #1
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15.01.15 8374460 Detail
League of Legends EU Nordic & East 1on1 Series - Proving Grounds
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05.01.13 6086993 Detail
01.01.13 6086993 Detail
League of Legends EU Nordic & East 1on1 BenQ 1on1 Cup Finał #1
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19.10.12 Vysdow Detail
League of Legends EU Nordic & East 1on1 BenQ Cup #1
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05.10.12 7205506 Detail
OMGPOP 1on1 Season League
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30.09.12 w4 Detail
28.09.12 MILO Detail
26.09.12 6357485 Detail
24.09.12 4730497 Detail
League of Legends EU Nordic & East 1on1 Old Ladder
created from rating comment match
05.09.12 4429160 Not a polite person.. I said gg after the game, the only answer I got was \"yes I know I played go Detail
25.08.12 6641159 Detail
08.07.12 4438700 Detail
02.07.12 4824556 Detail
24.06.12 6954164 Detail
22.06.12 6762553 insulting and flame in chat, game loby, wrong game options, dont know rules Detail
09.06.12 6848156 Detail
06.06.12 Alex Regent Detail
01.06.12 6437967 Detail
27.05.12 4438700 Detail
20.05.12 5860537 Detail
12.05.12 5728633 Detail
08.05.12 5859301 Detail
03.01.12 6476088 Detail
31.12.11 5496220 Detail
24.12.11 6137254 Detail
24.12.11 5294357 Detail
23.12.11 5496220 Poczekał, gdy miałem dc Detail
23.12.11 5860537 Detail
20.12.11 5601695 Detail
18.12.11 4824556 Detail
17.12.11 6137254 Detail
10.12.11 3257105 Detail
07.12.11 PinkBanana Detail
06.12.11 6169163 Detail
04.12.11 6208393 Detail
30.11.11 2713644 gralem pierwszy mecz i był pomocny Detail
27.11.11 5721164 Detail
26.11.11 6137254 Detail
25.11.11 6298814 Detail
25.11.11 6102264 Detail
19.11.11 5802582 Detail
14.11.11 MrSeler Detail
11.11.11 5884084 Detail
11.11.11 6169163 Detail
11.11.11 6299881 Detail
10.11.11 6315270 Detail
10.11.11 5292736 Detail
08.11.11 2191861 Detail
07.11.11 5802495 Detail
05.11.11 6086993 Detail
05.11.11 6183436 Detail
05.11.11 6189278 Detail
05.11.11 5802582 bans: jax, udyr, trynd, lee sin Detail
League of Legends EU Nordic & East GoPL4LoL 1on1 #56 (21.08.12)
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21.08.12 7069927 Detail
21.08.12 Fernin Detail
21.08.12 6032688 Detail
21.08.12 6929510 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #55 (17.08.12)
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17.08.12 5987710 Detail
17.08.12 7071685 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #52 (07.08.12)
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08.08.12 5515086 Detail
07.08.12 5835954 Dziecinne zachowanie. Detail
07.08.12 6849018 Detail
07.08.12 4858649 Detail
07.08.12 5029622 Detail
07.08.12 7077391 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 Finał miesiąca - Lipiec (31.07.12)
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31.07.12 4708248 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #49 (24.07.12)
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24.07.12 7036321 Detail
24.07.12 6129405 Detail
24.07.12 5266719 Detail
24.07.12 Montrox Detail
24.07.12 5987710 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #48 (20.07.12)
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20.07.12 3477062 Detail
20.07.12 6449780 Detail
20.07.12 Fernin Detail
20.07.12 4290267 Detail
20.07.12 4903852 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #47 (17.07.12)
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17.07.12 5987710 Detail
17.07.12 7020778 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic 1on1 Proving Grounds #4
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17.07.12 6891025 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #46 (13.07.12)
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13.07.12 4671529 Detail
13.07.12 5842329 Detail
13.07.12 Detail
13.07.12 4892130 Detail
13.07.12 Widelec Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #45 (10.07.12)
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10.07.12 6629346 Detail
League of Legends EU Nordic & East 1on1 Ladder
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09.07.12 6750558 Detail
04.06.12 5110802 Detail
02.05.12 6830087 Detail
25.04.12 6466691 Detail
13.04.12 5910120 Detail
01.04.12 5224698 Detail
25.03.12 6612899 Detail
10.01.12 4562110 Detail
09.01.12 6028492 Detail
06.01.12 3591316 Detail
01.01.12 5915321 Detail
31.12.11 5496220 Detail
26.12.11 4459983 pomimo tego ze jechal mnie jak chcial to dal mi szanse ale i tak okazal sie lepszy(chuj z niego) ;d Detail
25.12.11 5764442 Detail
23.12.11 5496220 Detail
21.12.11 6436826 Detail
17.12.11 5100716 Detail
17.12.11 5915321 Detail
16.12.11 3711597 Detail
12.12.11 5129373 Detail
12.12.11 6246048 Dobrze gada:D Detail
10.12.11 4653191 Detail
09.12.11 4162819 Detail
07.12.11 2616495 Detail
07.12.11 6189278 Detail
05.12.11 3932989 Detail
04.12.11 5129373 Detail
03.12.11 3979131 Detail
26.11.11 5442162 Detail
19.11.11 3979131 Detail
18.11.11 4562110 Detail
14.11.11 kakaowe kulki Detail
12.11.11 3690618 Mimo mojego DC na 1 lvl grał dalej. Detail
11.11.11 6017166 Detail
08.11.11 5806744 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #44 (06.07.12)
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06.07.12 6298814 Detail
06.07.12 6210160 Detail
06.07.12 4621389 Detail
06.07.12 6588664 Detail
OMGPOP Cups Summer Cup 2012
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05.07.12 Maxorga Detail
04.07.12 CAbiceps Detail
League of Legends EU West 1on1 Proving Grounds #1
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03.07.12 6494834 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 Finał Miesiąca - Czerwiec
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29.06.12 4956462 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #43 (26.06.12) - All Mid - Darmowa rotacja
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26.06.12 Detail
26.06.12 6111311 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #41 (19.06.12) - All Mid - Darmowa rotacja
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19.06.12 Aingue Detail
19.06.12 6869965 Detail
19.06.12 6946012 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #40 (15.06.12) - All Mid - Darmowa rotacja
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15.06.12 6019602 Detail
15.06.12 Fernin Detail
15.06.12 5980833 Detail
15.06.12 3652144 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #39 (12.06.12) - All Mid - Darmowa rotacja
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12.06.12 5515086 Detail
12.06.12 6387820 Detail
12.06.12 6347204 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #38 (08.06.12) - All Mid - Darmowa rotacja
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08.06.12 3355912 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #37 (05.06.12) - All Mid - Darmowa rotacja
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05.06.12 Witek Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 Finał Miesiąca - Maj
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29.05.12 Sebiq Detail
29.05.12 1640895 Detail
29.05.12 6855708 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #35 (25.05.12) All Mid - Darmowa Rotacja
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25.05.12 Thiv Detail
25.05.12 6860189 Detail
25.05.12 6096603 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #34 (22.05.12) All Mid - Darmowa Rotacja
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22.05.12 1640895 Detail
22.05.12 6761232 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic 1on1 Fight Club #95
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22.05.12 4438700 Detail
22.05.12 Krolik Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #33 (18.05.12) All Mid - Darmowa Rotacja
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18.05.12 5969436 Detail
18.05.12 6019897 Detail
18.05.12 Thiv Detail
18.05.12 5226503 Detail
18.05.12 5688087 Detail
18.05.12 5871221 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #32 (15.05.12) All Mid - Darmowa Rotacja
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15.05.12 5969436 Detail
15.05.12 5993958 Detail
15.05.12 6679321 Detail
15.05.12 6616817 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #31 (11.05.12) All Mid - Darmowa Rotacja
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11.05.12 6855708 Detail
11.05.12 6629346 Detail
11.05.12 1344197 Detail
11.05.12 6257671 Detail
11.05.12 6237941 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #30 (08.05.12) All Mid - Darmowa Rotacja
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08.05.12 5746679 Detail
08.05.12 6375295 Detail
08.05.12 6597551 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #24 (02.05.12) - King of the Random
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02.05.12 6298814 Detail
02.05.12 1640895 Detail
02.05.12 6276474 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #28 (30.04.12) - King of the Random
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30.04.12 6230466 Detail
30.04.12 6237941 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #21 (30.03.12) - All Mid
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30.03.12 6613858 Detail
30.03.12 6596526 Detail
30.03.12 6732925 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic 1on1 Clash of Legends #13
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10.01.12 6009732 Detail
10.01.12 6399925 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic GoPL4LoL 1on1 #1 (09.01.12)
created from rating comment match
09.01.12 6139406 Detail
09.01.12 3807449 Detail
09.01.12 5208782 Detail
09.01.12 5630755 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic 1on1 Turniej świąteczny - Faza Finałowa
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02.01.12 Mataha Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic 1on1 Turniej świąteczny #4 (26.12.11)
created from rating comment match
26.12.11 4553036 Detail
26.12.11 6158938 Detail
26.12.11 6139406 Detail
26.12.11 6455003 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic 1on1 Turniej świąteczny #3 (23.12.11)
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23.12.11 MrSeler Detail
23.12.11 5875411 Flamed all the time, sweared, called me bad because i played nidalee who is a \"pussy champion\" Detail
23.12.11 6455161 DC ;/ Detail
23.12.11 4303595 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic 1on1 Turniej świąteczny #2 (22.12.11)
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22.12.11 3257105 Detail
22.12.11 6323685 Detail
22.12.11 5103288 Detail
League of Legends EU East and Nordic 1on1 Turniej świąteczny #1 (20.12.11)
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20.12.11 6298814 Detail
20.12.11 4162819 Detail
20.12.11 6458261 Detail
20.12.11 5671814 Detail