Jakub 'Rebi' Rębisz  id: 6264767
[ Match Ratings ]
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Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft IEM Poland Trzeci turniej
created from rating comment match
06.03.14 6094623 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft IEM Poland Drugi turniej
created from rating comment match
04.03.14 8012403 Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft IEM Poland Pierwszy turniej
created from rating comment match
02.03.14 Kubaks Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Beta Cup #18
created from rating comment match
23.02.14 jckl Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Hero Cup #12: Priest
created from rating comment match
18.02.14 Detail
18.02.14 8211733 Detail
18.02.14 7481257 \'\'Flames\'\' me so much. Detail
18.02.14 5298110 Detail
18.02.14 Krevos Detail
Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft 1on1 Beta Cup #17
created from rating comment match
16.02.14 8074864 Detail
16.02.14 8215849 well played! Detail
World of Tanks 1on1 BenQ Fun Cup #1
created from rating comment match
14.11.12 Bartek_H Detail
14.11.12 5758801 Detail
14.11.12 6641291 Detail
14.11.12 6467674 Detail
World of Tanks 1on1 Halloween Cup 2012
created from rating comment match
31.10.12 5918378 Detail
31.10.12 5469328 Detail
31.10.12 6516497 Detail
31.10.12 5662127 Detail
World of Tanks 1on1 Tier 4 Tanks Ladder
created from rating comment match
26.07.12 7028520 Detail
24.07.12 r0cksteady Detail
23.07.12 Bartek_H Detail
20.07.12 6260229 Detail
20.07.12 Bartek_H Detail
10.07.12 6260229 Detail
27.06.12 6550466 Detail
23.06.12 6516091 Detail
23.06.12 4846468 Detail
18.06.12 6898883 Detail
17.06.12 Bartek_H Detail
17.06.12 5758801 Detail
15.06.12 r0cksteady Detail
15.06.12 6260229 Detail
12.06.12 Bartek_H Detail
10.06.12 6260229 Detail
10.06.12 4718234 Detail
09.06.12 6533901 Detail
07.06.12 5296820 Detail
06.06.12 r0cksteady Detail
06.06.12 6094992 Detail
06.06.12 4718234 Detail
05.06.12 6516091 Detail
05.06.12 Bartek_H Detail
03.06.12 5296820 Detail
02.06.12 6566507 Detail
01.06.12 4846468 Detail
31.05.12 5522460 Detail
31.05.12 Bartek_H Detail
30.05.12 6518199 Detail
29.05.12 5758801 Detail
27.05.12 6533901 Detail
26.05.12 6641291 Detail
26.05.12 3446695 Detail
26.05.12 4995132 Detail
24.05.12 r0cksteady Detail
22.05.12 5758801 Detail
22.05.12 6516091 Detail
21.05.12 6533901 Detail
19.05.12 4718234 Detail
19.05.12 3845713 Detail
18.05.12 6094992 Detail
16.05.12 3845713 Detail
14.05.12 Bartek_H Detail
11.05.12 6494510 Detail
10.05.12 6245824 Detail
10.05.12 6516091 Detail
10.05.12 6529211 Detail
09.05.12 6504195 Uzupełnił moją wiedzę na temat ustawień meczy Detail
09.05.12 6244632 Detail
09.05.12 6794869 Detail
09.05.12 4718234 Detail
07.05.12 Krajal Detail
07.05.12 6839650 Detail
07.05.12 6793486 Detail
06.05.12 majmaaa Detail
06.05.12 6839372 Detail
05.05.12 6467674 Detail
03.05.12 3446695 Detail
03.05.12 r0cksteady Detail
03.05.12 6793449 Detail
02.05.12 6839650 Detail
World of Tanks 1on1 Summer Cup 2012
created from rating comment match
26.06.12 6001262 Detail
26.06.12 6523303 Detail
26.06.12 5296820 Detail
World of Tanks 1on1 Heavy Tanks
created from rating comment match
23.06.12 6260229 Detail
18.06.12 QUAKERxnc befriedigend Detail
17.06.12 6712477 Detail
13.06.12 6260229 Detail
12.06.12 QUAKERxnc hervorragend Detail
12.06.12 6132678 Detail
04.06.12 6132678 Detail
02.06.12 QUAKERxnc akzeptabel Detail
02.06.12 6763521 Detail
01.06.12 6327886 Detail
01.06.12 6252316 Detail
31.05.12 r0cksteady Detail
30.05.12 6260176 Detail
30.05.12 6759802 Detail
26.05.12 6132678 Detail
23.05.12 6260176 Detail
22.05.12 QUAKERxnc akzeptabel Detail
21.05.12 6260176 Detail
21.05.12 StGefr_Ignatz Detail
16.05.12 6132678 Detail
11.05.12 6555995 Detail
11.05.12 BVBPOWER Detail
10.05.12 Venom gg Detail
10.05.12 MaGGus Detail
10.05.12 6516380 Detail
10.05.12 6132678 Detail
09.05.12 6283195 Detail
09.05.12 StGefr_Ignatz Detail
07.05.12 6260176 Detail
07.05.12 QUAKERxnc akzeptabel Detail
06.05.12 6251643 Detail
05.05.12 6290497 Detail
04.05.12 6833461 Detail
04.05.12 6245993 Detail
04.05.12 4758382 Detail
03.05.12 6090683 Detail
03.05.12 6809500 Detail
03.05.12 6516465 Detail
03.05.12 6699622 Detail
03.05.12 4684357 Detail
03.05.12 6533997 Detail
30.04.12 928572 Detail
29.04.12 Areston Detail
29.04.12 6754712 Detail
World of Tanks 1on1 Top Cup #4
created from rating comment match
18.06.12 4940944 Detail
18.06.12 4718234 Detail
18.06.12 6225803 Detail
18.06.12 6839372 Detail
World of Tanks 1on1 Funcup #30 - Final Funcup
created from rating comment match
29.05.12 6121516 Detail
World of Tanks 1on1 Funcup #29
created from rating comment match
22.05.12 6471628 Detail
22.05.12 6245257 Detail
World of Tanks 1on1 Top Cup #2
created from rating comment match
21.05.12 Bartek_H Detail
21.05.12 6839372 Detail
21.05.12 6629893 Detail
World of Tanks 1on1 Gold Cup HT #6
created from rating comment match
18.05.12 6245993 Detail
18.05.12 2700543 Detail
World of Tanks 1on1 Funcup #28
created from rating comment match
15.05.12 6542404 Detail
15.05.12 6768906 Detail
15.05.12 6871586 Miła i przyjemna gra :) Detail
World of Tanks 1on1 Funcup #27
created from rating comment match
08.05.12 6792706 Detail
08.05.12 6501355 Detail
08.05.12 6851926 Detail
08.05.12 6672629 Detail
08.05.12 6833226 Detail
World of Tanks 1on1 Top Cup #1
created from rating comment match
07.05.12 6471628 Detail
World of Tanks 1on1 Funcup #26
created from rating comment match
01.05.12 6567052 Detail
01.05.12 6515561 Detail
01.05.12 6178064 Detail
01.05.12 6842371 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Ladder
created from rating comment match
30.04.12 Piotr Detail
FIFA 12 Mistrzostwa Polski PC 1on1 Rzuty karne
created from rating comment match
08.11.11 3038229 Uprzejmy. Detail
FIFA 12 Mistrzostwa Polski PC 1on1 Pierwszy gwizdek
created from rating comment match
12.10.11 2144642 Detail