ReachTheStar  id: 6978558
[ Match Ratings ]
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Go4ProjectCARS (PS4) Europe Cup #21
created from rating comment match
21.02.16 9291279 Detail
21.02.16 9498975 Great driver, thanks for the race! Detail
21.02.16 9824402 Detail
Go4ProjectCARS (PS4) Europe Cup #20
created from rating comment match
14.02.16 9869230 Detail
Go4ProjectCARS (PS4) Europe Cup #19
created from rating comment match
07.02.16 9400595 Detail
07.02.16 Nik_Makozi Detail
07.02.16 9780668 Detail
SC2 Platinum/Diamond Cup #490 Europe
created from rating comment match
02.02.16 NukeOfficial Detail
Go4ProjectCARS (PS4) Europe Cup #16
created from rating comment match
17.01.16 9268474 Detail
17.01.16 6627524 Detail
Go4ProjectCARS (PS4) Europe Cup #15
created from rating comment match
10.01.16 9272563 Detail
10.01.16 9686757 Detail
Go4ProjectCARS (PC) Europe Cup #14
created from rating comment match
04.01.16 9579527 he have not even buy the game so the system whit join and invite dont work. Detail
03.01.16 Mangator Detail
03.01.16 6367101 Detail
03.01.16 9457581 Detail
Go4ProjectCARS (PS4) Europe Cup #12
created from rating comment match
20.12.15 8910785 Detail
20.12.15 9665797 Detail
Go4ProjectCARS (PS4) Europe Cup #11
created from rating comment match
13.12.15 9280299 Detail
13.12.15 9577358 Detail
Go4ProjectCARS (PS4) Europe Cup #2
created from rating comment match
11.10.15 9275306 Detail
11.10.15 Da_Real_Don_P Detail
11.10.15 9452496 Detail
Project CARS (PS4) Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
05.10.15 9308442 Detail
05.10.15 9392294 Detail
Project Cars (PS4) PlayStation Plus Cup Europe
created from rating comment match
31.08.15 9280299 Detail
26.08.15 9298303 Detail
23.08.15 9161804 Detail
16.08.15 9280550 Top drive and gamer!!!!! Detail