LuCleRoy  id: 7523087
[ Match Ratings ]
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FIFA 21 (PS4) 1on1 UEFA Champions League RBL vs LIV Europe
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15.02.21 mortelMathis4 Detail
Qualifica TIMVISION eNazionale FIFA (One) #16
created from rating comment match
18.03.20 Pignone1993 Detail
18.03.20 Mattehw9797 Detail
18.03.20 14841972 Detail
18.03.20 12388245 Detail
Qualifica TIMVISION eNazionale FIFA (One) #15
created from rating comment match
17.03.20 HOLLYWOOD285 Detail
17.03.20 14899469 Detail
Qualifica TIMVISION eNazionale FIFA (One) #14
created from rating comment match
16.03.20 14673558 Detail
Qualifica TIMVISION eNazionale FIFA (One) #13
created from rating comment match
13.03.20 12379027 Detail
13.03.20 SplashBroPaky Detail
13.03.20 14849012 Detail
Qualifica TIMVISION eNazionale FIFA (One) #12
created from rating comment match
12.03.20 14703206 Detail
12.03.20 14871419 Detail
Qualifica TIMVISION eNazionale FIFA (One) #10
created from rating comment match
08.03.20 GodMode_17 Detail
08.03.20 14816473 Detail
08.03.20 14799279 Detail
Qualifica TIMVISION eNazionale FIFA (One) #9
created from rating comment match
07.03.20 Tembius7 Detail
07.03.20 UnknownGreg Detail
07.03.20 14700669 Detail
07.03.20 Mago 10 Detail
Qualifica TIMVISION eNazionale FIFA (One) #8
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06.03.20 Seb97 Detail
Qualifica TIMVISION eNazionale FIFA (One) #7
created from rating comment match
05.03.20 Salvinus95 Detail
05.03.20 14846708 Detail
Qualifica TIMVISION eNazionale FIFA (One) #5
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16.02.20 14765179 Detail
Qualifica TIMVISION eNazionale FIFA (One) #4
created from rating comment match
15.02.20 captommy99 Detail
Qualifica TIMVISION eNazionale FIFA (One) #3
created from rating comment match
06.02.20 Ciccio Gas6914 Detail
06.02.20 14674354 Detail
Qualifica TIMVISION eNazionale FIFA (One) #2
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02.02.20 salvatore1808 Detail
Qualifica TIMVISION eNazionale FIFA (One) #1
created from rating comment match
01.02.20 HOLLYWOOD285 Detail
01.02.20 Ciccio Gas6914 Detail
01.02.20 14666809 Detail
FIFA 19 (PS4) H2H Cologne Cup 2019 Qualifier #2 South Europe
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20.07.19 Alex2744 Detail
FIFA 19 Global Series Italian Tournament
created from rating comment match
12.05.19 DAGNOLF Detail
12.05.19 pRoiz Detail
12.05.19 10611768 Detail
FIFA 19 (PS4) 1on1 FUT PlayStation Continental Cup 2018 Qualifier #2 Italy
created from rating comment match
14.10.18 5691484 Detail
14.10.18 Tastyyy_ Detail
14.10.18 12893033 Detail
14.10.18 Elcholo Detail
FIFA 19 (PS4) 1on1 FUT PlayStation Continental Cup 2018 Qualifier #1 Italy
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13.10.18 5691484 Detail
13.10.18 12396451 Detail
13.10.18 12867164 Detail
13.10.18 12887576 Detail
13.10.18 12871641 Detail
FIFA 18 (PS4) Italian Qualifier 2018 #6 powered by La Gazzetta dello Sport
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19.04.18 12381421 Detail
19.04.18 Hespaniko Detail
FIFA 18 (PS4) Italian Qualifier 2018 #5 powered by La Gazzetta dello Sport
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12.04.18 12403343 Detail
FIFA 18 (PS4) Italian Qualifier 2018 #4 powered by La Gazzetta dello Sport
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11.04.18 10715944 Detail
11.04.18 10464261 Detail
FIFA 18 (PS4) Italian Qualifier 2018 #3 powered by La Gazzetta dello Sport
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08.04.18 12365134 Detail
08.04.18 doonnyp Detail
FIFA 18 (PS4) Italian Qualifier 2018 #2 powered by La Gazzetta dello Sport
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07.04.18 10563478 Detail
FIFA 18 (PS4) Italian Qualifier 2018 #1 powered by La Gazzetta dello Sport
created from rating comment match
06.04.18 8906489 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Italy Cup #15
created from rating comment match
22.07.17 11516143 Detail
22.07.17 11440777 Detail
22.07.17 11534072 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Italy Cup #12
created from rating comment match
24.06.17 10665037 Detail
24.06.17 Rhapso Detail
24.06.17 11230640 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Italy Cup #11
created from rating comment match
17.06.17 11414748 Detail
17.06.17 Tonygallo Detail
FIFA 17 (PS4) Soccerdays Online Qualifier #14 Europe
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04.06.17 9500555 Detail
04.06.17 xRoman Detail
04.06.17 11261101 Detail
04.06.17 11334511 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Italy Cup #9
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03.06.17 CristianFenzi10 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Italy Cup #8
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27.05.17 Skloppa Detail
27.05.17 11313394 Detail
FIFA 17 (PS4) Soccerdays Online Qualifier #10 Europe
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07.05.17 11220524 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Italy Cup #5
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06.05.17 11172346 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Italy Finale Aprile 2017
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04.05.17 NastiXz Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Italy Cup #4
created from rating comment match
30.04.17 Rinothelegend Detail
30.04.17 DRUGO_J_1897 Detail
30.04.17 10934545 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Italy Cup #3
created from rating comment match
23.04.17 11172619 Detail
23.04.17 BigEasy Detail
23.04.17 9212060 Detail
23.04.17 11169948 Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Italy Cup #1
created from rating comment match
09.04.17 MasinhoUTS Detail
09.04.17 11143156 Detail
09.04.17 10895845 Detail
09.04.17 10675619 Detail
09.04.17 rave 71 Detail
Go4FIFA Europe Cup #23 powered by Scuf Gaming
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08.03.15 7467788 Detail
08.03.15 Ro5Star Detail
FIFA 15 Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
09.02.15 Dom Sebastiao Detail
06.02.15 5351155 Detail
06.02.15 7960730 Detail
05.02.15 7484090 Detail
04.02.15 5252807 quit match after 85 minutes when score was 3-1 Detail
10.01.15 982101 Detail
09.01.15 Csabcsi Detail
09.01.15 user040534340105 Detail
09.01.15 ReDw1nG Detail
08.01.15 8712915 Detail
07.01.15 4483464 Detail
07.01.15 SchLeX dont ask before challenge Detail
07.01.15 SK.TornAdo Detail
06.01.15 pyromilkz Detail
05.01.15 4345029 Hello and good bye it\'s to much for him... Detail
05.01.15 Qunio Detail
04.01.15 8018494 Detail
03.01.15 Csabcsi Detail
03.01.15 3687700 Detail
03.01.15 7536868 Detail
03.01.15 8817778 Detail
02.01.15 8018494 Detail
02.01.15 2385613 Detail
02.01.15 krabbe1337 Detail
02.01.15 Diamond only defensive pas Detail
02.01.15 4082664 Detail
02.01.15 1316625 Detail
02.01.15 7536868 Detail
31.12.14 1230526 Detail
30.12.14 2188807 Detail
30.12.14 7484090 Detail
14.12.14 7973898 Detail
21.11.14 1558604 Detail
21.11.14 5201534 Detail
15.11.14 850955 Detail
15.11.14 6048177 Detail
08.11.14 Rionap Detail
08.11.14 3447480 Detail
08.11.14 8694245 Detail
08.11.14 6247636 Detail
07.11.14 GW Detail
07.11.14 3544386 Detail
07.11.14 2198075 Detail
05.11.14 1554584 gg Detail
05.11.14 8561526 Detail
05.11.14 1537409 easy Detail
03.11.14 8712915 Detail
03.11.14 5361924 Detail
03.11.14 Rionap Detail
03.11.14 poxi cr7 cr7 cr7 cr7cr7 cr7 cr7 cr7cr7 cr7 cr7 cr7cr7 cr7 cr7 cr7cr7 cr7 cr7 cr7cr7 cr7 cr7 cr7cr7 cr7 cr Detail
03.11.14 8712915 penalty penalty penlty penalty.. fifa 15,,, Detail
02.11.14 UFO666 extreme timeplay Detail
02.11.14 2887863 Detail
02.11.14 8317627 Detail
30.10.14 Kku Detail
30.10.14 5472754 Detail
30.10.14 2198075 Detail
30.10.14 6096477 Detail
30.10.14 3140444 Detail
30.10.14 Piotr Detail
29.10.14 8317627 Detail
29.10.14 NeO Detail
28.10.14 2523869 crying about real hahahaha Detail
28.10.14 Shadows Detail
28.10.14 Dom Sebastiao Detail
28.10.14 RNB6 25 min timeplay make fun to play Detail
28.10.14 Rionap Detail
28.10.14 6158054 Detail
28.10.14 RNB6 Detail
28.10.14 Seven Detail
27.10.14 6580186 Detail
27.10.14 6247636 Detail
27.10.14 6007664 Detail
26.10.14 2628627 Detail
26.10.14 2198075 Detail
24.10.14 6484991 Detail
24.10.14 4483464 Detail
21.10.14 8234249 cry Detail
21.10.14 4772095 Detail
21.10.14 bugriboy Detail
20.10.14 dREAMZ running running running... Detail
20.10.14 8561526 Detail
20.10.14 2194572 Detail
20.10.14 1068844 Detail
20.10.14 4168284 Detail
19.10.14 1733484 Detail
19.10.14 7738705 Detail
18.10.14 1979520 quit Detail
17.10.14 3027171 gg wp Detail
17.10.14 Rionap Detail
17.10.14 2198075 Detail
17.10.14 2198075 Detail
17.10.14 Seven He was complaining about the game settings I used... But there wasn\'t any problem.... Detail
16.10.14 Twikii Detail
13.10.14 8234249 Detail
13.10.14 forz37 Detail
13.10.14 2863778 time play. unfair player Detail
13.10.14 RomZz Detail
12.10.14 8561526 ss Detail
09.10.14 ezpzyyyy Detail
09.10.14 1068844 Detail
09.10.14 Rionap Detail
09.10.14 andreyka1715 Detail
09.10.14 1940027 Detail
Go4FIFA Europe Cup #14
created from rating comment match
04.01.15 8377453 Detail
04.01.15 7396257 gg Detail
Go4FIFA Europe Cup #13
created from rating comment match
28.12.14 6247636 Detail
28.12.14 dekaer Detail
28.12.14 8763059 Detail
28.12.14 ezioo Detail
Go4FIFA Europe Cup #10
created from rating comment match
07.12.14 7203055 Detail
07.12.14 8114588 Detail
07.12.14 8148789 Detail
FIFA 15 Go4FIFA Cup #6 - 09/11/14
created from rating comment match
09.11.14 8684195 Detail
FIFA 15 Go4FIFA Cup #4 - 26/10/14
created from rating comment match
26.10.14 6907472 Detail