TC.Crypt0n2404  id: 836151
[ Match Ratings ]
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FIFA 18 (PS4) PlayStation Masters Season 2 Qualifier #1 Germany
created from rating comment match
10.10.17 Fruchtiii Detail
FIFA 17 (PS4) ESL Meisterschaft Winter 2016 Qualifikation #5
created from rating comment match
31.10.16 GuErReRo Detail
31.10.16 ImBaFanTa Detail
31.10.16 ZedeX Detail
FIFA 17 (PS4) ESL Meisterschaft Winter 2016 Qualifikation #4
created from rating comment match
24.10.16 geilerHarry Detail
24.10.16 7966299 Detail
24.10.16 2111488 Detail
24.10.16 Mar1nhoX Detail
FIFA 17 (PS4) ESL Meisterschaft Winter 2016 Qualifikation #3
created from rating comment match
17.10.16 9948205 Detail
17.10.16 2017161 Detail
17.10.16 Hensoo Detail
17.10.16 nasty Detail
FIFA 17 (PS4) ESL Meisterschaft Winter 2016 Qualifikation #2
created from rating comment match
10.10.16 10290858 Detail
10.10.16 9681006 Detail
10.10.16 7980313 Detail
FIFA 16 (PS4) Major Ladder 1on1 Germany
created from rating comment match
10.02.16 Dope Rich Detail
06.02.16 9606064 Detail
06.02.16 9773340 Detail
13.06.14 Cihat6161 nicht erschienen hab 30min gewartet Detail
Go4FIFA (PS4) Germany Cup #12
created from rating comment match
14.12.14 1855427 Detail
Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy 1on1 Saber Ladder
created from rating comment match
28.08.09 2152747 gg Detail
14.08.09 2152747 gg :) Detail
10.08.09 3092933 Detail
10.08.09 1544549 Detail
10.08.09 4255945 Detail
22.04.09 4045053 Detail
18.04.09 3471091 gg Detail
15.04.09 3979076 Detail
14.04.09 mapcleaner Detail
07.04.09 3471091 luck... Detail
07.04.09 nbdy Detail
30.03.09 cptdno Detail
25.03.09 3471091 Detail
24.03.09 eSp Detail
24.03.09 3861536 Detail
02.03.09 3907988 Detail
17.02.09 eSp Detail
27.01.09 3536726 Detail
29.12.08 2152747 just spam Detail
14.12.08 2000541 Detail
14.12.08 Westbam Detail
13.12.08 2860136 Detail
11.12.08 1632815 Detail
09.12.08 3462843 Detail
04.12.08 Abaddon Detail
16.11.08 2152747 Detail
11.11.08 3563092 Detail
03.11.08 Abaddon Detail
02.11.08 2000541 Detail
03.12.07 1802292 Detail
15.11.07 1953492 Detail
02.10.07 dexo.dll Detail
18.09.07 1802292 Detail
18.09.07 rzr Detail
18.09.07 1951531 Detail
17.09.07 dexo.dll Detail
30.08.07 1802292 Detail
29.08.07 650566 Detail
25.12.06 1946982 Detail
01.12.06 2152747 Detail
11.11.06 1397803 wp Detail
03.11.06 2055660 Detail
01.11.06 1998469 crypton lamer i have demo ;) Detail
22.10.06 828739 well played but very unhappily Detail
17.10.06 2078728 Detail
17.10.06 Nikeey Detail
16.10.06 2000541 Detail
23.11.05 1523942 Detail
08.11.05 1176016 Detail
07.11.05 ToasteR. gg :P Detail
14.06.05 1278295 Detail
11.06.05 1008257 xo Detail
07.06.05 1252670 Detail
03.06.05 1222706 well it was 7 - 3 for me in the second round ... and then he was laugh ping of 999 .. and he disconnected .. and i waited 30 minutes .. but he\'s still not back... i tryed him on icq.. but hes not on icq. .. i wanna finish the second round ... Detail
30.05.05 1125414 Detail
29.05.05 b3liar gg Detail
17.05.05 1004097 n1 match !!!! netter gegner !!!! Detail
02.05.05 824669 Detail
09.02.05 1106492 Detail
10.01.05 cptdno nett :) Detail
13.12.04 cptdno netter pG xD Detail
Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy 1on1 Spontan Cup #1
created from rating comment match
07.07.09 afi gg Detail
TrackMania Nations Forever Speed 1on1 Rounds Ladder
created from rating comment match
27.01.09 Rigo Detail
Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy 1on1 Saber Old Ladder
created from rating comment match
02.01.09 barneeh Detail
02.12.08 1802292 Detail
01.11.08 mapcleaner gg =) Detail
29.10.08 2170762 Detail
27.10.08 afi Detail
27.10.08 Westbam nene das geht mal gar nicht deine blocks waren schon krass 2. runde aufgegeben ._. Detail
27.10.08 1802292 Detail
07.05.08 3095659 nice match bist ziehmlcih schnell Detail
17.04.08 1802292 Detail
25.01.07 1802292 Detail
24.01.07 1069903 Detail
28.12.06 1354299 Detail
28.11.06 dREAMZ naja... eigentlich nur rumgespinne mit yellow und red.. und nur geblocke.. :/ Detail
30.11.05 818841 Detail
21.11.05 917043 Detail
16.11.05 1288024 ...................... Detail
16.05.05 gromAz nice match gratz Detail
23.03.05 961236 Detail
11.03.05 1042404 Detail
28.02.05 1119206 Detail
22.02.05 757424 n1 match hat fun gemacht Detail
21.02.05 1079905 ....spin.... Detail
20.02.05 1057676 Detail
09.02.05 619706 Detail
04.02.05 1023730 Detail
02.02.05 708884 ich hätt gern dein luck ;) Detail
02.02.05 941243 Detail
01.02.05 816581 Detail
Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy 1on1 Saber Deutsch-Polnischer Freundschaftscup
created from rating comment match
22.05.08 1632815 Detail
15.05.08 2424400 Detail
Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy 1on1 Saber 1on1 Herbstferien Cup #1
created from rating comment match
30.09.07 Westbam vgg Detail
Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy 1on1 Saber Premiership Saison I
created from rating comment match
28.05.07 748067 Detail
02.05.07 deHEHEspair Detail
02.05.07 bimon gg Detail
10.04.07 917043 ich glaube da cheatet jemand .... Detail
20.03.07 489395 Detail
27.02.07 1758965 Detail
12.02.07 2107052 gg Detail
Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy 1on1 Saber Taun Taun Cup #2
created from rating comment match
23.04.07 Hammond gg Detail
Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy 1on1 Saber Taun Taun Cup #1
created from rating comment match
18.03.07 slize Detail
FIFA 08 1on1 Amateur Series
created from rating comment match
14.03.07 1488300 gg, bisle laggy Detail
04.03.07 1784372 netter gegner, gerne wieder Detail
04.03.07 Josh gg Detail
05.02.07 1892156 gg Detail
30.01.07 962028 Detail
Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy 1on1 Saber Random Cup
created from rating comment match
07.01.07 1951531 Detail
Jedi Knight:Jedi Academy 1on1 Saber Bantha Cup Feb 05
created from rating comment match
13.02.05 849867 Detail