R N B E A S T Z  id: 8479730
[ Match Ratings ]
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War Rock 1on1 Community Cup #1
created from rating comment match
22.10.17 Jendawy Detail
22.10.17 E m B o Detail
War Rock Open Ladder 1on1 CQC Khyber Corner Europe
created from rating comment match
03.10.17 5754385 Detail
27.09.17 xn0time Detail
30.03.17 9541482 Detail
29.03.17 9541482 Detail
26.02.17 Dilwale Detail
06.02.17 10921266 Detail
02.02.17 10592586 Detail
31.01.17 xNawien Detail
29.01.17 10658377 Detail
29.01.17 Jendawy Detail
27.01.17 10823867 Detail
24.01.17 10592586 Detail
24.01.17 6119591 Detail
06.04.16 9793447 Detail
23.10.15 4987945 Detail
20.10.15 7965881 Detail
19.10.15 8130059 Detail
17.10.15 9165648 Detail
13.10.15 9165648 Detail
07.10.15 xn0time Detail
06.10.15 5540080 Detail
06.10.15 9449361 Detail
06.10.15 9455409 Detail
06.10.15 8130059 Detail
04.10.15 9165648 Detail
03.10.15 7965881 Detail
03.10.15 8322951 Detail
02.04.15 8890646 Detail
31.03.15 7920491 Detail
25.03.15 8890646 Detail
23.03.15 5580826 Detail
19.03.15 Shankz Detail
15.03.15 8890646 Detail
14.03.15 8977171 Detail
14.03.15 UK_Darren Detail
13.03.15 6057570 so laggy Detail
06.03.15 Eternity GG EZ Detail
06.03.15 8874714 Detail
05.03.15 7965881 Detail
05.03.15 Koso Detail
04.03.15 6681381 Detail
03.03.15 Denis Detail
02.03.15 8948001 Detail
02.03.15 Tom Detail
01.03.15 6057570 Detail
28.02.15 Masad only QQ Detail
27.02.15 8890646 Detail
26.02.15 6658683 Detail
26.02.15 8890646 Detail
11.12.14 8172444 Detail
11.12.14 8775818 Detail
10.12.14 8783923 Detail
19.11.14 5580826 Detail
18.11.14 6889160 Detail
17.11.14 7920491 Detail
16.11.14 8371892 Detail
07.10.14 8134722 Detail
07.10.14 8173639 Detail
18.08.14 5490914 Detail
War Rock 1on1 Summer Cup Qualifier #1 2017 Europe
created from rating comment match
12.07.17 ShowOffAG Detail
War Rock 1on1 Easter Cup 2017
created from rating comment match
15.04.17 5362528 Detail
15.04.17 Casa Detail
15.04.17 ShowOffAG Detail
15.04.17 9203466 Detail
War Rock 1on1 Nightmare Cup #8 Europe
created from rating comment match
22.02.17 8156068 Detail
22.02.17 E m B o Detail
War Rock 1on1 Nightmare Cup #7 Europe
created from rating comment match
12.02.17 10592586 Detail
12.02.17 xNawien Detail
12.02.17 xn0time Detail
12.02.17 10769793 Detail
War Rock 1on1 Nightmare Cup #4 Europe
created from rating comment match
22.01.17 9968028 Detail
22.01.17 9203466 Detail
22.01.17 9571676 Detail
War Rock 1on1 Khyber Corner #5 Europe
created from rating comment match
21.09.16 8544679 Detail
War Rock 1on1 Open Spring Cup 2016 #5 Europe
created from rating comment match
11.05.16 9793447 Detail
11.05.16 8577176 Detail
11.05.16 8287994 Detail
War Rock 1on1 Easter Cup 2016 Europe
created from rating comment match
26.03.16 9969058 Detail
26.03.16 8156068 Detail
26.03.16 9027137 Detail
26.03.16 9861868 Detail
War Rock 1on1 King of FFA 1# Afternoon Europe
created from rating comment match
19.03.16 ShowOffAG Detail
War Rock 1on1 Winter Seasonal 2015 Only Assault
created from rating comment match
17.02.16 ShowOffAG Detail
War Rock 1on1 Khyber Corner #2 Europe
created from rating comment match
28.10.15 Detail
28.10.15 Mr. INS Detail
28.10.15 Ricky Detail
28.10.15 MrHating Detail
28.10.15 7864323 Detail
War Rock 1on1 Night Cup #7 Europe
created from rating comment match
19.08.15 8043796 Detail
War Rock 1on1 Night Cup #1
created from rating comment match
10.06.15 8301161 Detail
War Rock Open Ladder 1on1 CQC Quick Europe
created from rating comment match
26.03.15 5580826 Detail
18.03.15 8783923 Detail
17.03.15 8979035 Detail
16.03.15 4675057 Detail
14.03.15 8939075 Detail
14.03.15 8977171 Detail
14.03.15 Masad QQ Detail
13.03.15 8956421 gg wp ++ Detail
11.03.15 5580826 Detail
10.03.15 8954156 Detail
09.03.15 Dimi_n4p Detail
06.03.15 8874714 Detail
06.03.15 7872034 Detail
05.03.15 7965881 Detail
05.03.15 6681381 Detail
03.03.15 Denis Detail
03.03.15 5929560 Detail
02.03.15 Tom Detail
15.02.15 7521393 Detail
11.02.15 8890646 Detail
10.02.15 7810904 Detail
10.02.15 Casa Detail
07.02.15 5580826 Detail
06.02.15 8775818 Detail
05.02.15 5929560 Detail
05.02.15 7914723 Detail
Warrock 1on1 King of Cadoro Europe
created from rating comment match
25.02.15 Masad Detail
War Rock 1on1 King of Marien Europe
created from rating comment match
11.02.15 mfkr Detail
11.02.15 Jamming Detail
11.02.15 7647750 Detail