Thomas 'Tom' Day  id: 8638409
[ Match Ratings ]
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Staffcup 2017 #02 - Curve Fever
created from rating comment match
28.02.17 Frixos Detail
War Rock 1on1 Lord of Byway Europe
created from rating comment match
28.09.16 10432254 Detail
28.09.16 7920491 Detail
28.09.16 Casa Detail
War Rock 1on1 Khyber Corner #5 Europe
created from rating comment match
21.09.16 8544679 Detail
War Rock 1on1 Only Assault #4 Europe
created from rating comment match
01.06.16 10032150 Detail
01.06.16 9873150 Detail
War Rock 1on1 King of Deathmatch #1 Europe
created from rating comment match
28.05.16 9027137 Detail
War Rock 1on1 Open Spring Cup 2016 3rd Place Europe
created from rating comment match
18.05.16 Casa Detail
War Rock Open Ladder 1on1 CQC Quick Europe
created from rating comment match
09.05.16 9953631 Detail
09.05.16 7929554 Detail
09.05.16 Masad Detail
09.05.16 3458498 Detail
09.05.16 3458498 Detail
05.05.16 9541482 Detail
05.05.16 8676718 Detail
02.05.16 9537842 Detail
28.04.16 8914025 Detail
26.04.16 Shankz Detail
22.04.16 9809961 Detail
01.02.16 9729275 Detail
31.01.16 Maniek Detail
31.01.16 9789753 Detail
25.01.16 8010021 Detail
22.01.16 4228838 Detail
21.01.16 9405777 Detail
06.01.16 9106115 Detail
04.01.16 8676718 Detail
04.01.16 8577176 Detail
28.12.15 8830649 Detail
18.12.15 8577176 Detail
15.12.15 9331375 Detail
14.12.15 9499118 Detail
13.12.15 Dubiks Detail
13.12.15 9571676 Detail
04.06.15 Maniek Detail
02.06.15 8246017 Detail
29.05.15 9037149 Detail
28.05.15 8516647 Detail
26.05.15 Saitama Detail
26.05.15 Jamming Detail
26.05.15 8246017 Detail
26.05.15 4787761 Detail
30.04.15 6889160 Detail
27.04.15 8115932 Detail
26.04.15 8726745 Detail
26.04.15 7024135 Detail
25.04.15 7367449 Detail
24.04.15 laca Detail
24.04.15 5929560 Detail
22.04.15 7872034 Detail
17.04.15 Silence Detail
17.04.15 9027137 GG Detail
16.04.15 8765801 it was nice game Detail
15.04.15 9023416 Detail
15.04.15 5580826 Detail
15.04.15 6437471 Detail
14.04.15 armi93 Detail
13.04.15 6957587 Detail
12.04.15 8961372 gg next time we will see :))) Detail
12.04.15 8942037 very naiz Detail
12.04.15 Fazzh Detail
13.03.15 mfkr Detail
12.03.15 8371892 Detail
08.03.15 6681381 Detail
08.03.15 8939075 Detail
02.03.15 laca Detail
02.03.15 8633894 Detail
02.03.15 R N B E A S T Z Detail
02.03.15 7875049 Detail
01.03.15 8482409 Detail
War Rock 1on1 Open Spring Cup 2016 #3 Europe
created from rating comment match
27.04.16 7810904 Detail
27.04.16 7920491 Detail
War Rock 1on1 Open Spring Cup 2016 #2 Europe
created from rating comment match
20.04.16 ShowOffAG Detail
War Rock 1on1 Easter Cup 2016 Europe
created from rating comment match
26.03.16 8544679 Detail
War Rock 1on1 King of FFA 1# Afternoon Europe
created from rating comment match
19.03.16 6057570 Detail
War Rock 1on1 King of Cadoro #1 Europe
created from rating comment match
17.03.16 Phenom Detail
16.03.16 8156068 Detail
16.03.16 Chaoseadra Detail
16.03.16 Master gg Detail
War Rock 1on1 King of Artifact Europe
created from rating comment match
20.01.16 7920491 Detail
20.01.16 Casa Detail
20.01.16 Shankz Detail
20.01.16 9765851 Detail
War Rock 1on1 Christmas Cup 2015
created from rating comment match
20.12.15 Chaoseadra Detail
War Rock Open Ladder 1on1 CQC Khyber Corner Europe
created from rating comment match
02.05.15 9072608 Detail
05.04.15 8322951 Detail
05.04.15 Casa Detail
04.04.15 8874714 Detail
03.04.15 8544679 Detail
25.03.15 8890646 Detail
25.03.15 Radamesh Detail
24.03.15 7920491 Detail
22.03.15 8577176 GG Detail
15.03.15 mfkr Detail
14.03.15 8954156 Detail
13.03.15 UK_Darren Detail
12.03.15 6057570 Detail
08.03.15 laca Detail
02.03.15 8948001 Detail
02.03.15 8544679 Detail
02.03.15 xn0time Detail
02.03.15 R N B E A S T Z Detail
01.03.15 7521393 Detail
01.03.15 8783923 Detail
28.02.15 8544679 Detail
28.02.15 6057570 nice guy Detail
28.02.15 8890646 Detail
28.02.15 8544679 Detail