crazykid  id: 9030980
[ Match Ratings ]
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StarCraft 2 Open Cup #36 Europe
created from rating comment match
14.09.20 Indy Detail
StarCraft 2 Open Cup #33 Europe
created from rating comment match
24.08.20 Madlife Detail
Go4ClashRoyale Europe Cup #6
created from rating comment match
17.03.19 13015175 Detail
Clash Royale 1on1 Grand Challenge #70 Global
created from rating comment match
23.09.18 12842706 Detail
23.09.18 Bakota Detail
Clash Royale 1on1 A1 eSports League Austria Season 2 Qualifier #4
created from rating comment match
08.09.18 Kutscha Detail
Clash Royale 1on1 King's Ladder Global Season 3
created from rating comment match
09.09.17 11351429 Detail
09.09.17 Mentioned Detail
09.09.17 Detail
09.09.17 11678253 Detail
09.09.17 11678253 Detail
09.09.17 11678253 Detail
09.09.17 11678253 Detail
08.09.17 DauntLesS Detail
08.09.17 11678253 Detail
07.09.17 11678253 Detail
07.09.17 Detail
07.09.17 Detail
06.09.17 11678253 Detail
05.09.17 11677375 Detail
05.09.17 Detail
04.09.17 11678253 Detail
04.09.17 Detail
04.09.17 10669384 Detail
03.09.17 11678253 Detail
03.09.17 3970157 Detail
23.08.17 3970157 Detail
23.08.17 10221051 Detail
15.08.17 Detail
15.08.17 spaming **** all matches Detail
15.08.17 Detail
15.08.17 Detail
15.08.17 9210642 Detail
13.08.17 bad behaviour Detail
13.08.17 11449601 Detail
10.08.17 Mushahid Detail
10.08.17 11594091 Detail
10.08.17 11594091 Detail
10.08.17 11594091 Detail
10.08.17 11594091 Detail
10.08.17 11594091 Detail
10.08.17 11608780 Detail
10.08.17 11594091 Detail
10.08.17 11594091 Detail
10.08.17 11594091 Detail
10.08.17 11594091 Detail
09.08.17 11594091 Detail
09.08.17 Detail
08.08.17 11594091 Detail
08.08.17 11594091 Detail
08.08.17 11594091 Detail
08.08.17 11594091 Detail
19.07.17 DG Detail
19.07.17 11533771 Detail
Clash Royale 1on1 Grand Challenge #15
created from rating comment match
13.08.17 11621165 Detail
13.08.17 11586497 Detail
CR 1on1 King's Ladder Global Season 1
created from rating comment match
22.01.17 10064868 Detail
22.01.17 10064868 Detail
22.01.17 10064868 Detail
22.01.17 10615835 Detail
22.01.17 Detail
22.01.17 Detail
22.01.17 Detail
22.01.17 Detail
22.01.17 10838042 Detail
27.12.16 10516599 Detail
18.12.16 10767304 Detail
18.12.16 Detail
18.12.16 wnb Detail
17.12.16 8252712 Detail
16.12.16 Detail
16.12.16 Detail
16.12.16 10180103 Detail
Go4SC2 Europe Cup #581 (€150)
created from rating comment match
12.06.16 Matvey Detail
SC2 Major Ladder 1on1 Germany
created from rating comment match
03.02.16 HolyHit Detail
SC2 Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created from rating comment match
31.08.15 2868353 Detail
07.06.15 Soon Detail
22.05.15 7694169 Detail
16.05.15 5589983 Detail
13.05.15 Soon Detail
SC2 Platinum/Diamond Cup #471 Europe
created from rating comment match
25.08.15 Detail
25.08.15 9269933 Detail
SC2 Platinum/Diamond Cup #470 Europe
created from rating comment match
18.08.15 5686376 Detail
SC2 Platinum/Diamond Cup #459 Europe
created from rating comment match
19.05.15 9102677 Detail
SC2 King of Cup #89 Europe (Cactus Valley)
created from rating comment match
13.05.15 5589983 Detail
SC2 Platinum/Diamond Cup #457 Europe
created from rating comment match
05.05.15 Detail
05.05.15 8808687 Detail
SC2 King of Cup #87 Europe (Coda)
created from rating comment match
29.04.15 9071103 Detail
29.04.15 9058789 Detail
SC2 King of Cup #84 Europe (Inferno Poolsg
created from rating comment match
08.04.15 9031257 Detail