Ovidiu 'Ovvy' Patrascu  id: 1224871
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ESL Pro Series Season IV FIFA 14 1on1
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24.04.14 Theo Detail
24.04.14 1756008 Detail
22.04.14 Vasi Detail
22.04.14 2198445 Detail
15.04.14 7617889 Detail
FIFA 14 Go4FIFA ClickandBuy Cup #6 - 10/11/13
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10.11.13 dawnsson Detail
10.11.13 4534821 Detail
10.11.13 6704018 Detail
10.11.13 3844332 Detail
Euro Series Summer 2013 FIFA 13 Playoffs
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25.09.13 dawnsson Detail
23.09.13 2318552 Detail
19.09.13 1756008 Detail
11.09.13 2829337 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Tesoro FIFA13 Autumn Cup !
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24.09.13 Cold-Blood Detail
23.09.13 1756008 Detail
17.09.13 Theo Detail
16.09.13 Vasi Detail
14.09.13 6552043 Detail
Euro Series Summer 2013 FIFA 13 Groupstage
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08.09.13 4847135 Detail
27.08.13 ReDw1nG Detail
19.08.13 Bloody Face After the game he wished me and my family to die of cancer Detail
ESL Major Series Spring 2013 FIFA 13 Playoffs
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13.05.13 SaLz0r Detail
ESL Major Series Spring 2013 FIFA 13 Groupstage
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09.04.13 Bloody Face Detail
04.04.13 Scofield well played Detail
25.03.13 Tanell Detail
18.03.13 PEZZY Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Lenovo Challenge Cup 2013 @ Qualifier #1
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16.03.13 7338238 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Qualifier #1 Comic-Con
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15.03.13 7576297 Detail
15.03.13 Theo Detail
FIFA 13 IEM Poland EU Playoffs
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22.12.12 1916537 Detail
22.12.12 3958575 Detail
FIFA 13 IEM Poland Groupstage - EU
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18.12.12 2984367 Detail
18.12.12 7325679 Detail
17.12.12 7283463 Detail
ESL Major Series Winter 2012 FIFA 13 Playoffs
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18.12.12 dawnsson he uses legacy instead of tactical, unfair player, to bad in lan events he will be a noob Detail
05.12.12 Ultras Detail
FIFA 13 IEM Poland Your Road to Katowice – Qualifier cup I
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28.11.12 7211722 Detail
27.11.12 3447240 Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 Ladder
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23.11.12 6669738 Detail
18.11.12 FifAlin16 Detail
18.11.12 7211045 Detail
22.10.12 7209589 Detail
15.10.12 6669738 Detail
15.10.12 FifAlin16 Detail
15.10.12 7204550 Detail
14.10.12 maymlc Detail
14.10.12 Vasi Detail
13.10.12 2053020 Detail
13.10.12 6669738 Detail
12.10.12 4659741 Detail
12.10.12 4740370 Detail
12.10.12 7204550 Detail
12.10.12 6576898 Detail
11.10.12 Vasi Detail
ESL Major Series Winter 2012 FIFA 13 Groupstage
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22.11.12 Joker Detail
20.11.12 3756594 Detail
18.11.12 6510924 Detail
28.10.12 MaMat Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Ladder
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07.10.12 mokosg Detail
08.09.12 Ultras Detail
31.07.12 Ultras Detail
27.07.12 Jason Detail
26.07.12 6510924 Detail
26.07.12 Liviu Detail
26.07.12 dawnsson Detail
26.07.12 AleX Detail
23.07.12 5362523 but very bad con Detail
17.07.12 1705895 Detail
17.07.12 Jcena Detail
02.06.12 adkew bad conection and flamer, but not a bad player Detail
02.06.12 Kesariska Detail
30.05.12 3631022 Detail
30.05.12 5574154 Detail
30.05.12 6461530 Detail
30.05.12 FGT__N__T Detail
30.05.12 Ufenok77 Detail
30.05.12 984142 Detail
30.05.12 5469975 worst con I`ve ever played on Detail
30.05.12 5479503 Detail
28.05.12 2770787 Detail
28.05.12 6461530 Detail
26.05.12 5652874 Detail
26.05.12 6456518 Detail
26.05.12 984142 Detail
26.05.12 6461530 Detail
26.05.12 5652874 Detail
01.04.12 Ultras Detail
11.03.12 6438023 Detail
24.02.12 5472750 Detail
23.02.12 6201621 Detail
22.02.12 WolborQ Detail
22.02.12 Vasi Detail
22.02.12 6299546 worst con I`ve ever played on Detail
22.02.12 Liviu Detail
22.02.12 4950153 Detail
21.02.12 bejott Detail
21.02.12 Vasi ca de obicei ;) Detail
18.02.12 DominatoR Detail
18.02.12 6461530 Detail
18.02.12 3481571 Detail
18.02.12 bejott Detail
18.02.12 5362523 Detail
17.02.12 Joker Detail
16.02.12 Dr.Erhano Detail
16.02.12 Vasi Detail
14.02.12 5538928 idiot with 5-4-1 he was making timeplay for a draw. PATHETHIC! Detail
13.02.12 347534 Detail
11.02.12 2770787 Detail
08.02.12 2460151 Detail
05.02.12 Joker Detail
05.02.12 6391242 flamer with bad atitude, gives - - because he cannot defend Detail
05.02.12 WolborQ Detail
03.02.12 Riv9 Detail
03.02.12 2751995 Detail
03.02.12 5362523 Detail
03.02.12 4711106 but lucky as usual Detail
02.02.12 3442284 Detail
02.02.12 4452708 Detail
02.02.12 5574154 Detail
02.02.12 2460151 Detail
02.02.12 bejott Detail
01.02.12 DominatoR Detail
01.02.12 1883677 Detail
01.02.12 6461530 Detail
31.01.12 Liviu Detail
31.01.12 3632426 Detail
31.01.12 6247636 amazing luck, only timeplay Detail
31.01.12 badii Detail
31.01.12 2134227 Detail
31.01.12 5574154 Detail
31.01.12 1973170 Detail
31.01.12 2460151 gg but only luck Detail
31.01.12 5362523 Detail
31.01.12 3165286 Detail
30.01.12 6461530 Detail
30.01.12 1972096 Detail
30.01.12 DominatoR Detail
29.01.12 4711106 Detail
29.01.12 6456518 Detail
24.01.12 6409980 Detail
24.01.12 Joker Detail
18.01.12 semjke Detail
18.01.12 5773952 Detail
18.01.12 VanPavora Detail
18.01.12 VoVaN Detail
15.01.12 1973170 very Detail
15.01.12 2460151 Detail
13.01.12 bejott Detail
13.01.12 mrn Detail
13.01.12 3893926 Detail
13.01.12 3617120 Detail
13.01.12 1951107 Detail
11.01.12 4711106 Detail
11.01.12 4950153 not his fault that he has luck, sry and gl in future Detail
11.01.12 3687298 Detail
10.01.12 2460151 Detail
09.01.12 Shadows Detail
09.01.12 Saddler Detail
09.01.12 DominatoR good player , very lucky though, gl with 3 defenders in lan;) Detail
09.01.12 4950153 Detail
09.01.12 6247636 Detail
09.01.12 3442284 Detail
08.01.12 Bydlo Detail
05.01.12 5362523 Detail
25.12.11 5472750 <tomstylEzzz> i give you a punch in lan <tomstylEzzz> lol <tomstylEzzz> pff --- WHAT A RETARD ! Detail
25.12.11 5360378 Detail
24.12.11 2460151 Detail
23.12.11 DominatoR nice conection, ur formation only works because of the lag you have Detail
23.12.11 3442284 your game is lag game , also fair, but mostly LAG Detail
FIFA 13 1on1 A-Series
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04.10.12 RED very bad con and luck Detail
04.10.12 2893258 Detail
ESL Major Series Season X FIFA 12 Playoffs
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27.05.12 3978460 Detail
13.05.12 Pari please next time try to act fair and dont con bug , gl Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Ladder
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12.05.12 Geo0rge Detail
01.04.12 Ultras Detail
22.02.12 Liviu Detail
21.02.12 Spero Detail
19.02.12 6448953 Detail
04.02.12 6305530 Detail
03.02.12 2887863 Detail
01.02.12 MariussX Detail
01.02.12 1883677 Detail
31.01.12 Vasi Detail
24.01.12 1763734 Detail
19.01.12 Ultras Detail
18.01.12 2887863 Detail
15.01.12 6448953 Detail
30.12.11 Ultras Detail
18.12.11 1763734 Detail
ESL Major Series Season X FIFA 12 Groupstage
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26.04.12 3958575 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Calificari EMS X
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26.02.12 Cold-Blood Detail
22.02.12 Cold-Blood Detail
20.02.12 Jepcar Detail
16.02.12 1883677 Detail
15.02.12 6404249 Detail
13.02.12 6235372 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Winter Cup Final 2012
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13.02.12 Liviu Detail
09.02.12 5459400 Detail
07.02.12 2887863 Detail
01.02.12 Cold-Blood Detail