Gilles 'iNk' Raccogli  id: 1382943
[ Match Ratings ]
[ ratings received ] [ ratings submitted ]

CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
created to rating comment match
09.07.17 Falkxnja Detail
23.03.15 vyrvejen Detail
09.03.15 qwee Detail
10.02.15 migu Detail
10.02.15 maideN Detail
CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created to rating comment match
17.11.15 8608578 Rage quit afer 4 rounds Detail
CS:GO Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
created to rating comment match
23.09.14 1734418 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
15.07.12 ROCKSTARRRRRR Detail
08.07.12 6898680 Detail
02.07.12 4686882 Detail
20.05.08 HURR1STARRR Detail
16.05.08 n1QuE Detail
16.05.08 1210622 Detail
16.05.08 2284014 mapskiller Detail
16.05.08 3094599 Detail
20.03.08 1674474 Detail
20.03.08 zyx6077 Detail
17.03.08 1684860 Detail
16.03.08 1813815 Detail
16.03.08 2764754 Detail
16.03.08 1749169 Detail
23.07.07 1188171 fucking lowbird. mapskiller Detail
23.07.07 flashi gg Detail
23.07.07 961560 Detail
21.07.07 thorhAmmer Detail
14.03.07 sbN Detail
14.03.07 1418433 kein gg einfach leave Detail
14.03.07 Ch34t3r Detail
05.02.07 1590774 Detail
05.02.07 1929975 gg Detail
CS:S Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
created to rating comment match
10.07.12 3718886 Detail
06.07.12 Lugga Detail
06.07.12 2197825 Detail
02.07.12 U N F A S S B A R Detail
02.07.12 3189887 Detail
02.07.12 6815059 Detail
25.06.12 4365770 Detail
CS:S Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created to rating comment match
06.07.12 Skyler luckboy nr1 Detail
17.05.12 2947626 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap 1on1 Knife Ladder
created to rating comment match
06.07.12 ShOtY Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Rush Ladder
created to rating comment match
29.06.12 nicolaz Detail
07.10.07 rm gg Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder
created to rating comment match
28.05.12 MORELZ Detail
23.05.12 n00iT Detail
23.05.12 3395922 Detail
23.05.12 3985195 Detail
21.05.12 4453371 Detail
20.05.12 6501914 Detail
20.05.12 3347103 Detail
13.05.12 mau_tv Detail
13.05.12 Der Architekt Detail
CS:S Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
created to rating comment match
23.05.12 3786472 Detail
20.05.12 3691484 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
07.02.10 1959505 Detail
03.02.10 3185429 Detail
03.02.10 2685974 Detail
01.02.10 3442402 very friendly i like Detail
23.01.10 1567508 Detail
15.07.09 Skyler Detail
15.07.09 3689048 Detail
14.07.09 3480298 Detail
06.07.09 3398293 Detail
06.07.09 Gonz0 Detail
29.06.09 1125848 Detail
29.06.09 1738597 Detail
15.06.09 1115261 Detail
05.04.09 1038136 Detail
16.03.09 Björn Detail
23.01.09 3755630 Detail
23.01.09 2603667 Detail
23.01.09 Opoken Detail
08.09.08 1810141 Detail
07.09.08 2947688 Detail
06.09.08 1220459 Detail
06.09.08 3347420 cry me a river Detail
06.09.08 nicerdicer Detail
06.09.08 1315869 Detail
28.08.08 jULE. Detail
14.08.08 Cube Detail
04.08.08 1291861 Detail
30.07.08 794077 Detail
30.07.08 PHILmaster Detail
29.07.08 3151246 Detail
29.07.08 729983 Detail
26.07.08 2634509 Detail
26.07.08 1332436 Detail
26.07.08 1097461 Detail
26.07.08 Spymach1ne Detail
14.02.08 1370505 Detail
13.02.08 1347546 Detail
07.02.08 1323104 Detail
05.02.08 pesHH Detail
02.02.08 2929648 Detail
30.01.08 1520516 Detail
06.01.08 BL.m Detail
12.12.07 1373272 Detail
12.12.07 487915 Detail
09.12.07 1722498 Detail
19.08.07 DIGITA Detail
19.08.07 1434193 Detail
19.08.07 1260126 MEGA LUCKER Detail
15.08.07 999112 Detail
11.08.07 2064452 inet acc Detail
20.07.07 Svenee gg Detail
20.07.07 2192241 gg Detail
23.06.07 1968285 Detail
23.06.07 K1NG HELTO Detail
25.04.07 1637718 Detail
25.04.07 2103989 gg Detail
25.04.07 934004 gg lucker (= Detail
29.03.07 572584 Dauerfeuer...Lucker... NC Detail
27.03.07 shaftinizzle gg Detail
25.03.07 fLn gg Detail
20.03.07 1438804 kack ping Detail
06.03.07 1089841 inet acc Detail
06.03.07 2233401 gg Detail
04.03.07 1147310 Detail
28.02.07 989412 Detail
21.02.07 1562088 GG Detail
07.02.07 1848604 flamer Detail
31.01.07 jLn Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Map Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
07.07.09 XSOO Detail
07.07.09 3224431 Only draw because of a crap server and 100ms Detail
06.07.09 2521690 Detail
06.07.09 Runzelberger_ Detail
06.07.09 3084400 Detail
06.07.09 schnugge Detail
06.07.09 kemo Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
29.06.09 Brainiac Detail
05.01.09 Schattentenzer Detail
05.01.09 1764792 Detail
04.01.09 namikk Detail
26.10.08 1203938 Detail
23.10.08 3586292 Detail
27.07.08 2679452 cry Detail
27.02.08 929629 Detail
17.02.08 1601905 Detail
17.02.08 2453202 Detail
17.02.08 2650059 Detail
14.02.08 1339219 Detail
ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
28.10.08 sCouTy zwangsforderung Detail
27.10.08 robbynat0r Detail
31.03.08 pT Detail
30.03.08 2080624 Detail
29.03.08 1449281 Detail
29.03.08 2420870 Detail
29.03.08 rAx Detail
29.03.08 1751300 Detail
28.03.08 1125848 Detail
30.08.07 380311 Detail
30.08.07 665065 Detail
30.08.07 1037661 Detail
30.08.07 b3nT Detail
30.08.07 2059358 Detail
29.08.07 812387 Detail
29.08.07 2365642 gg italiano Detail
29.08.07 Basher Detail
29.08.07 McFly no gg Detail
29.08.07 G0TTchiLLa Detail
28.08.07 1125053 Detail
03.08.07 ScorpJan blöde kugeln =/ gg xD n^1 Detail
03.08.07 1805782 Detail
03.08.07 black__yy Detail
02.08.07 1424492 Detail
02.08.07 ScorpJan gg Detail
02.08.07 1994475 gg Detail
18.06.07 1634429 Detail
14.06.07 2031132 Detail
14.06.07 Detail
14.06.07 1144085 Detail
13.06.07 1125848 scheiss noper Detail
26.02.07 1632028 Detail
26.02.07 hNz Detail
25.02.07 1672600 Detail
23.02.07 hobit2k5 Detail
23.02.07 1889012 Detail
23.02.07 1534601 gg Detail
22.02.07 1125848 gg, decKn Iesel Detail
22.02.07 1138092 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 AWP Ladder
created to rating comment match
01.10.08 2545649 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
20.04.08 raynzCASH Detail
20.08.07 2070255 Detail
20.08.07 1692316 Detail
02.08.07 2243170 gg Detail
22.07.07 2470668 gg Detail
19.07.07 2479846 Detail
19.07.07 1393613 Detail
14.06.07 2225112 gg Detail
13.06.07 2519505 gg Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 AWP Ladder
created to rating comment match
23.03.08 1840945 Detail
21.03.08 1637321 Detail
21.03.08 cRank- flamer Detail
20.07.07 2006180 gg Detail
20.07.07 2305527 gg Detail
10.03.07 zi0r Detail
10.03.07 MnKr_ Detail
10.03.07 1528604 gg Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Nightcup 1on1 #1
created to rating comment match
03.02.08 2397424 gg Detail
03.02.08 1382714 netter gegner Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Rush Ladder
created to rating comment match
23.06.07 1584806 Detail