Torte_des_Todes  id: 1480408
[ Match Ratings ]
[ ratings received ] [ ratings submitted ]

Counter-Strike 1on1 Pistols Only Zeitladder
created to rating comment match
28.06.10 1365604 gg mein süßer <3 Detail
27.06.10 sLy gg Detail
23.05.10 qLx Detail
14.05.10 LegendeNN bad server sonst bash Detail
07.05.10 3358601 gg Detail
04.05.10 cyn.n war zwar net 10 8 aba ist egal gg Detail
03.05.10 3692569 gg mein süßer <3 Detail
25.04.10 4544718 gg ~ serverleih Detail
25.04.10 P1979 flame flame flame Detail
24.04.10 954007 gammler und schlechter server Detail
17.04.10 2793016 serverleih Detail
17.04.10 ESPv2x Detail
CS 1.6 Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
created to rating comment match
26.12.09 4383471 never 09er / server by aldi Detail
26.12.09 alexdoesthings Detail
26.12.09 3743953 Detail
25.12.09 2286684 Detail
29.06.09 2073244 gg Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 Amateur Series
created to rating comment match
14.12.08 Fox Detail
20.10.08 2408043 Detail
20.10.08 2272672 Detail
12.10.08 Pandusky Detail
03.10.08 1282480 Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
08.05.08 1081207 angeberlike Detail
24.02.06 1576230 flame Detail
23.02.06 984753 Detail
23.02.06 1180705 Detail
23.02.06 Lattes Detail
21.02.06 knoxville Detail
20.02.06 910188 Detail
20.02.06 1656124 Detail
14.02.06 j4bu Detail
12.02.06 1589536 LACH MISCH TOT Detail
12.02.06 GOAL1905 Detail
07.02.06 1326404 AN Detail
07.02.06 988359 Detail
06.02.06 1037157 Detail
05.02.06 maideN Detail
04.02.06 ojanner kennst du wayne? Detail
Counter-Strike Funmap 1on1 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
06.08.06 1420736 goo game Detail
11.06.06 1420736 gg Detail
ICQ Games RPS Online 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
11.04.06 1420736 goog rps player - gg Detail
27.03.06 1420736 gg Detail
12.02.06 1354843 Detail
ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
23.02.06 L 4 s s e Detail
23.02.06 fallen Detail
23.02.06 grumbly Detail
23.02.06 1416239 Detail
23.02.06 1241852 Detail
23.02.06 1283900 Detail
23.02.06 917756 Detail
23.02.06 636853 Detail
23.02.06 Hoschi Detail
23.02.06 986615 Detail
22.02.06 328312 Detail
22.02.06 I n e t f a n t Detail
22.02.06 eLithium Detail
22.02.06 1444403 Detail
21.02.06 1078973 Detail
21.02.06 790376 Detail
21.02.06 aspn Detail
21.02.06 Zash Detail
21.02.06 595132 Detail
21.02.06 701325 Detail
21.02.06 727415 Detail
20.02.06 tilted Rootbär Detail
20.02.06 630311 Detail
31.01.06 1420736 #1 gegner Detail