heywaimec  id: 1492285
[ Match Ratings ]
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CS 1.6 Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
created to rating comment match
11.04.10 2230551 AHAHA gg Detail
11.04.10 2769779 gg Detail
08.04.10 2014365 Detail
02.12.09 1677520 gg Detail
16.11.09 4324553 gg dmg 1er match Detail
14.11.09 sHUR gg funny match Detail
06.11.09 3499012 n1 player =) Detail
08.10.09 525000 Gg Detail
08.10.09 2133571 Gg Detail
08.10.09 kubix Detail
07.10.09 Znickas gg Detail
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 1on1 FastCup Edition #15 Quickie
created to rating comment match
21.03.10 vINC Detail
21.03.10 3350146 Detail
21.03.10 4849763 Detail
21.03.10 SpO Detail
CS 1.6 Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
created to rating comment match
28.02.10 3942449 Detail
28.02.10 2354683 Detail
24.02.10 3561051 Detail
04.02.10 3282688 Detail
01.01.10 3947366 aldiserver Detail
18.12.09 FuME Detail
18.11.09 n1c Detail
18.11.09 4486234 Detail
18.11.09 3098253 Detail
18.11.09 dule gg Detail
14.11.09 2993502 gg n1 player Detail
14.11.09 1461589 gg Detail
04.11.09 4497885 gg srry bug Detail
08.10.09 1872203 Detail
07.10.09 3165040 gg Detail
07.10.09 1275306 Detail
07.10.09 1906398 gg Detail
07.10.09 1430304 Detail
07.10.09 1716043 srry for my ping Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 MR15 Ladder
created to rating comment match
20.02.10 3878959 gg Detail
21.01.10 4713749 Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created to rating comment match
28.12.09 Styvensen XD Detail
28.12.09 2084612 only all in JOKE? Detail
28.12.09 3526445 gg Detail
28.12.09 ChImP Detail
12.04.09 Styvensen mdrr Detail
12.04.09 1735854 dsl pour le bug Detail
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero 1on1 Autumn Cup Quickie 1on1 by eSport-Eu
created to rating comment match
16.12.09 2158712 Detail
03.12.09 Win gg Detail
29.11.09 2785387 Detail
26.11.09 2313713 Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 Quickie Ladder
created to rating comment match
21.10.09 4285797 gg Detail
21.10.09 3582819 gg Detail
26.02.09 720828 Detail
26.02.09 2769779 Detail
20.02.09 3394444 gg Detail
20.02.09 3556117 gg Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Poker Cash Race Acte 1
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12.06.09 DiamantiK gg =) Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Uno master qualification France
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09.06.09 1885479 Detail
MSN Games Pierre Feuille Ciseaux 1on1 Ladder
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07.06.09 One Detail
03.06.09 3586606 Detail
03.06.09 3227203 mauvais perdant Detail
03.06.09 3174725 Detail
01.06.09 akakaz Detail
01.06.09 HaRiiBo Detail
01.06.09 zEkkk Detail
01.06.09 4165982 Detail
01.06.09 4032147 Detail
01.06.09 3286262 Detail
01.06.09 3416426 noraj en fermant vite la fenetre pour que l\'on puisse pas prendre screen Detail
01.06.09 592677 Detail
01.06.09 znk Detail
31.05.09 3322007 Detail
31.05.09 3035013 go apprendre le mot attendre Detail
31.05.09 SeeL-dA-k1nG Detail
31.05.09 3682811 dmg Detail
31.05.09 2980692 Detail
31.05.09 3400295 gg Detail
31.05.09 2917068 gg Detail
IL-2 Sturmovik 1on1 Duel Ladder
created to rating comment match
06.06.09 2014365 Detail
05.06.09 1464134 Detail
MSN Games Poker 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
04.06.09 4170678 gg Detail
03.06.09 1805744 leave des le lose Detail
01.06.09 4165982 Detail
31.05.09 2917068 gg Detail
29.05.09 3497835 gg Detail
29.05.09 Ccouz srry pour le bug =) Detail
29.05.09 CBKKK gg Detail
24.05.09 2857932 gg Detail
14.04.09 RiFiNoO gg Detail
13.04.09 3659726 Detail
13.04.09 1250423 paye tes kartes >< Detail
12.04.09 3920030 Detail
12.04.09 CaNy gg Detail
12.04.09 3629480 GG Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
04.06.09 3227203 Detail
01.06.09 akakaz Detail
31.05.09 3322007 paye ta chance Detail
31.05.09 3682811 Detail
27.05.09 3917401 ste chance -_- Detail
27.05.09 2110117 gg Detail
26.05.09 barjO' gg Detail
17.05.09 3051316 Detail
17.05.09 2706779 Detail
17.05.09 2949255 Detail
17.05.09 4032270 gg Detail
14.04.09 3123987 gg dsl pour les bots mdrr Detail
13.04.09 2337369 Detail
13.04.09 3659726 srry j\'ai eut trop de chance.. Detail
12.04.09 Styvensen gg Detail
MSN Games Solitaire 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
01.06.09 akakaz Detail
01.06.09 2762105 Detail
31.05.09 2803980 Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
31.05.09 3322007 Detail
31.05.09 3682811 Detail
26.05.09 barjO' gg Detail
14.04.09 2541432 !corde mdrr Detail
14.04.09 3663118 gg Detail
14.04.09 3123987 gg Detail
12.04.09 Styvensen gg les bots t\'aime pas ! Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 Knife Ladder
created to rating comment match
29.05.09 2582827 gg Detail
27.05.09 3523405 Detail
27.05.09 4091452 gg Detail
26.05.09 3809550 gg Detail
17.05.09 4091452 gg Detail
17.05.09 1854201 gg Detail
17.05.09 3699469 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 koth34
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29.05.09 Nours Detail
MSN Games Pierre Feuille Ciseaux 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
27.05.09 2110117 gg Detail
26.05.09 Prophete gg Detail
23.05.09 3358921 gg Detail
23.05.09 2694252 gg Detail
17.05.09 lek0 Detail
17.05.09 592677 gg Detail
17.05.09 2706779 Detail
17.05.09 2138025 gg Detail
17.05.09 2626832 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
created to rating comment match
23.05.09 2449606 Detail
23.05.09 2892212 Detail
21.05.09 2337369 Detail
21.05.09 3369488 Detail
21.05.09 4130052 Detail
17.05.09 3236918 gg Detail
17.05.09 2337369 gg Detail
13.04.09 2337369 faut go train brain pas hasard =) Detail
12.04.09 Styvensen Go rererereraise ! Detail
PokerTH 1on1 koth24
created to rating comment match
21.05.09 2966950 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 koth21
created to rating comment match
16.05.09 1394128 gg Detail
ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
14.04.09 Mahony Detail
14.04.09 PHILmaster gg kein Glück für mich Detail
12.04.09 2948382 GG Detail
12.04.09 robbynat0r gg PRO =p Detail
12.04.09 SiR. gg Detail
11.12.07 258401 GG Detail
11.12.07 cHris GG Detail
11.12.07 Dentist GG bug =s Detail
11.12.07 2602989 GG Detail
10.12.07 Exter GG Detail
10.12.07 1885848 GG Detail
10.12.07 2258657 GG ^^ n1 Detail
10.12.07 2196631 GG Detail
10.12.07 2103765 GG Detail
08.12.07 Styvensen GG Detail
05.12.07 1325722 GG unlucky! Detail
05.12.07 826226 GG Detail
05.12.07 cas GG srry bug Detail
03.12.07 Kingkai138 ^^ Good player Detail
01.12.07 2552306 Bj ^^^ Detail
29.11.07 1299824 GG Detail
29.11.07 2633120 bug =s Detail
29.11.07 2249137 GG Detail
29.11.07 1816409 GG Detail
29.11.07 NeoX GG Detail
29.11.07 1240040 GG Detail
29.11.07 937257 GG MDR tro de shanse ^^ Detail
MSN Games Tic-A-Tac Poker 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
12.04.09 3518666 gg trop de moules =s Detail
MSN Games 7 Hand Poker 1on1 Ladder
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12.04.09 Styvensen gg =p go karré! Detail
Counter-Strike Aimmap 1on1 Aimmap Ladder
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04.03.09 720828 Detail
03.03.09 2769779 Detail
25.02.09 720828 Detail
23.02.09 2769779 Detail
09.12.07 720828 GG Detail
Counter-Strike Aimmap 1on1 Coupe *aAa*
created to rating comment match
01.03.09 2012698 gg dmg que j\'ai planté =) Detail
27.02.09 GuiTouN Detail
ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
26.02.09 2337369 dmg retente ta shanse ahaha Detail
26.02.09 PrY_ GG n1 moule shoot =p Detail
20.02.09 2337369 gg Detail
16.02.09 3345392 bug internet met direct win owwi -_- Detail
15.02.09 2337369 gg Detail
26.03.08 2403022 j\'ai la poisse =s Detail
12.03.08 1955676 GG les coups de magisien =D Detail
12.03.08 2329377 GG Detail
11.12.07 Styvensen GG Detail
11.12.07 2769779 GG Detail
11.12.07 2769779 GG Detail
08.12.07 Styvensen GG Detail
04.12.07 Styvensen GG hah Detail
03.12.07 2769779 GG Detail
MSN Games Poker 1on1 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
09.12.07 720828 GG Detail
04.12.07 2014365 GG Detail
03.12.07 2769779 GG Detail
03.12.07 720828 GG Detail
02.12.07 1805744 GG Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 AWP Ladder2
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08.12.07 Styvensen MDR! Detail
Carom3D 8 Ball 1on1 Ladder
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06.12.07 2277755 Detail