Cat.MS  id: 1660319
[ Match Ratings ]
[ ratings received ] [ ratings submitted ]

Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder
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20.07.11 bass gg Detail
11.10.10 mCL gg Detail
27.12.09 3235275 gg Detail
22.05.09 1459850 flame Detail
30.04.09 1973849 super netter gegner Detail
01.04.09 1470320 netter gegner !! Detail
25.03.09 2971129 sehen uns stammkneipe xD Detail
22.12.08 1951698 netter junge !!! Detail
28.11.08 2650547 Detail
25.11.08 Splatt0 Detail
22.11.08 2538106 bischen flame; evtl. mal aufs spielen konzentrieren ! Detail
25.10.08 2271800 Detail
25.10.08 854843 bissel flame Detail
13.05.08 Matsch netter typ und namensfetter :) Detail
06.05.08 1562368 Detail
23.04.08 HILBE The Trebor bist ja voll in der scene ;) Detail
26.03.08 1474509 sehr nett Detail
13.03.08 Punkbanana Detail
08.11.06 816408 gg nice gamer Detail
04.10.06 1647548 gg Detail
06.09.06 1969300 sehr netter gegner Detail
11.08.06 1865153 nice Detail
15.05.06 925505 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap 1on1 Knife Ladder
created to rating comment match
26.06.11 2168158 Detail
25.06.11 hati Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder
created to rating comment match
25.06.11 4320119 flame ... Detail
24.08.09 3487791 nett Detail
24.08.09 3490695 Detail
22.05.09 1375216 weisst ja wofür ! Detail
22.05.09 idle gg nice player Detail
02.05.09 Spiderman flame Detail
02.05.09 FREAKY FLWN Detail
02.05.09 2998338 Detail
StarCraft II 1on1 Bronze/Silver Cup #59 (Do 21.10.10)
created to rating comment match
21.10.10 377865 Detail
21.10.10 3778245 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Experiment Ladder
created to rating comment match
31.07.10 2085896 flame Detail
31.07.10 2659246 gg Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Amateur Series
created to rating comment match
31.01.10 1765769 Detail
28.01.10 3732572 gg n1 Detail
07.01.10 1865087 Detail
09.08.09 2667663 flame Detail
07.06.08 673031 Detail
21.05.06 Duriel Detail
21.05.06 1526706 Detail
21.05.06 1242148 Detail
21.05.06 1307732 Detail
14.03.06 1697178 Detail
12.03.06 1686407 bin krank ! sorry für die lange afk zeit ! Detail
09.03.06 Winner Detail
07.03.06 1318057 nett ! Detail
05.03.06 1325153 War nett ! Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Map Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
31.10.09 1496396 Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 Quickie Ladder
created to rating comment match
24.08.09 2093144 Detail
24.08.09 steffeN Detail
23.08.09 Heumi Detail
23.08.09 4151292 Detail
23.08.09 Resk1337 Detail
23.08.09 391975 Detail
23.08.09 TobsenToby Detail
23.08.09 Lattes whine Detail
08.08.09 1252754 Detail
08.08.09 1396648 Detail
08.08.09 TobsenToby Detail
08.08.09 VX Detail
08.08.09 3050995 Detail
07.08.09 Detail
07.08.09 adkew Detail
07.08.09 fLAXXN Detail
07.08.09 2363007 Detail
07.08.09 Tini Detail
06.08.09 TobsenToby Detail
06.08.09 2341763 Detail
06.08.09 3050995 Detail
06.08.09 4087246 Detail
06.08.09 julz Detail
06.08.09 838344 Detail
06.08.09 1908579 Detail
06.08.09 1320829 Detail
22.11.08 GerMan Detail
14.04.08 OeTen Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
25.07.09 1764792 unfriendly girl Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Rush Ladder
created to rating comment match
25.07.09 2027434 Detail
14.03.07 1132685 Detail
Counter-Strike 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
22.11.08 2587499 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
12.06.08 Sas Detail
ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
07.02.08 1947430 Detail
31.01.08 2175800 Detail
31.01.08 1177672 Detail
31.01.08 Der_Kribbler Detail
31.01.08 1121785 Detail
31.01.08 2094762 Detail
31.01.08 2630273 Detail
31.01.08 teceha Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 AWP Ladder
created to rating comment match
24.12.07 2507488 Detail
23.01.07 153719 Detail
Playray Minigolf 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
14.04.07 2101169 Detail
14.04.07 1895469 Detail
28.03.07 Ripper von Vreden Detail
28.03.07 hamster Detail
28.03.07 1737049 Detail
17.03.07 phos hilaron Detail
17.03.07 1787843 ... Detail
17.03.07 a T z e_ Detail
16.03.07 skaot Detail
16.03.07 1672600 Detail
16.03.07 fe Detail
14.03.07 1278222 Detail
14.03.07 gg Detail
14.03.07 Ripper von Vreden Detail
14.03.07 1468413 gg Detail
14.03.07 1401192 Detail
14.03.07 kirsch gg Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 1on1 AWP Opening Cup
created to rating comment match
05.01.07 1009942 Detail