Fatih 'AmK' Elmaci  id: 1707995
[ Match Ratings ]
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Go4FIFA (PS4) Europe Cup #5
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04.11.18 safin_77 Detail
04.11.18 12913522 Detail
04.11.18 12964693 Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 1on1 Night Cup #4 - 15/11
created to rating comment match
15.11.12 1844100 Detail
15.11.12 5238357 Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
05.11.12 4783839 Detail
22.10.12 4783839 Detail
22.10.12 6444255 Detail
21.10.12 6970974 bad connection Detail
03.10.12 5236432 Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2013 1on1 Opening Cup - GER - PES 2013
created to rating comment match
21.10.12 1844100 Detail
21.10.12 TroX Detail
21.10.12 AlwrAAiZzZ Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 1on1 Spring League 2012 - Playoffs
created to rating comment match
06.05.12 4783839 Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
02.05.12 Kure Detail
28.04.12 4783839 Detail
28.04.12 3967302 Detail
26.04.12 3967302 Detail
25.04.12 5803487 Detail
24.04.12 3995123 Detail
24.04.12 4783839 Detail
16.04.12 4783839 Detail
15.04.12 5803487 Detail
15.04.12 5238357 challed without to ask. cant lose Detail
11.04.12 3967302 challange without to ask || low con Detail
30.12.11 6478711 Detail
21.12.11 3995123 Detail
19.12.11 1267580 Detail
19.12.11 3637193 Dont answer. Let me wait along time. Detail
17.12.11 38457 Detail
17.12.11 4909640 Detail
17.12.11 5238357 Detail
17.12.11 5533219 Detail
14.12.11 4600431 low con sry Detail
14.12.11 TripReport Detail
13.12.11 38457 Detail
12.12.11 Dreeeamcatcher Detail
12.12.11 136536 Detail
11.12.11 1619653 Detail
10.12.11 4624533 Detail
08.12.11 3065868 Detail
26.11.11 5382218 Detail
14.11.11 1259547 Detail
12.11.11 Gibari Detail
11.11.11 3995123 Detail
10.11.11 4909640 Detail
10.11.11 1259547 Detail
09.11.11 Dreeeamcatcher Detail
09.11.11 R1SE Detail
08.11.11 4633702 Detail
08.11.11 1619653 Detail
08.11.11 3995123 Detail
08.11.11 2839605 Detail
07.11.11 1400879 Detail
05.11.11 Gibari Detail
04.11.11 2507949 Detail
04.11.11 x B r o S Detail
04.11.11 5238357 Detail
04.11.11 4394035 Detail
03.11.11 136536 Detail
03.11.11 4600431 Detail
03.11.11 3995123 Detail
03.11.11 GOAL1905 Detail
02.11.11 2507949 Detail
02.11.11 5864861 Detail
29.10.11 2839605 Detail
29.10.11 4360286 Detail
29.10.11 5545794 Detail
26.10.11 2226910 Detail
26.10.11 4568939 low connection Detail
26.10.11 5533219 Detail
26.10.11 5238357 Detail
21.10.11 3995123 Detail
20.10.11 6289515 Detail
19.10.11 136536 Detail
18.10.11 Kure Detail
18.10.11 5238357 Detail
18.10.11 Gibari Detail
18.10.11 4600431 Detail
18.10.11 1003565 Detail
15.10.11 5533219 Detail
14.10.11 5238357 Detail
14.10.11 Dreeeamcatcher Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 1on1 Spring Series 2012
created to rating comment match
15.04.12 1661190 Detail
07.04.12 5533219 Detail
05.04.12 5882867 Detail
League of Legends EU West 1on1 Old Ladder
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10.03.12 5289495 Detail
04.03.12 3944562 Detail
04.03.12 4086492 Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 1on1 Amateur Series
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19.01.12 Dreeeamcatcher Detail
13.01.12 1844100 Detail
05.01.12 2889677 Detail
05.01.12 TripReport Detail
20.12.11 136536 Detail
16.12.11 GOAL1905 Detail
12.12.11 1844100 Detail
11.12.11 TripReport Detail
06.12.11 GOAL1905 Detail
27.11.11 5010057 Detail
24.11.11 TripReport Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 1on1 Mixed Ladder
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09.01.12 TripReport low Detail
13.12.11 TripReport Detail
12.12.11 5725825 Detail
12.12.11 TroX Detail
12.12.11 1844100 Detail
12.12.11 3065868 Detail
12.12.11 GOAL1905 Detail
11.12.11 1108738 Detail
11.12.11 136536 Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Turbo Germany
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30.12.11 TripReport Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
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26.12.11 TripReport Detail
25.12.11 Ragnarr Lodbrok Detail
25.12.11 5305766 Detail
25.12.11 MC HAMMER Detail
24.12.11 4899746 Detail
24.12.11 4344991 Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 1on1 Weihnachtscup
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25.12.11 1108738 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Ladder
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21.12.11 3864686 Detail
21.12.11 JOK3R Detail
21.12.11 6420318 Detail
21.12.11 6454445 Detail
20.12.11 Dan1sh88 Detail
26.11.11 Mösentapezierer Detail
22.11.11 Daleri0n Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
19.12.11 GOAL1905 Detail
14.12.11 TripReport Detail
12.12.11 Dreeeamcatcher Detail
07.12.11 1549420 Detail
07.12.11 TripReport Detail
06.12.11 3065868 Detail
06.12.11 GOAL1905 Detail
28.11.11 1619653 Detail
26.11.11 136536 Detail
26.11.11 2681116 Detail
26.11.11 Mösentapezierer Detail
26.11.11 GOAL1905 Detail
26.11.11 AlwrAAiZzZ Detail
24.11.11 5725825 Detail
24.11.11 5469404 Detail
24.11.11 5010057 Detail
23.11.11 1267580 Detail
17.11.11 2839605 Detail
17.11.11 3065868 Detail
17.11.11 TroX übelst Detail
15.11.11 1619653 Detail
14.11.11 1436393 Detail
14.11.11 1549420 Detail
12.11.11 Mösentapezierer Sein Geld hat halt nur für ein UE gereicht :D Detail
10.11.11 6021217 Detail
10.11.11 2839605 Detail
10.11.11 GOAL1905 Detail
04.11.11 5725825 Detail
02.11.11 2839605 Detail
31.10.11 1619653 Detail
31.10.11 6021217 Detail
30.10.11 Dreeeamcatcher Detail
30.10.11 GOAL1905 Detail
29.10.11 4511644 Detail
29.10.11 Mösentapezierer Detail
27.10.11 Raabi2711 Detail
27.10.11 1256993 Detail
27.10.11 4275342 Detail
26.10.11 6021217 Detail
25.10.11 1549420 Detail
25.10.11 2839605 Detail
24.10.11 2860102 Detail
24.10.11 1619653 Detail
21.10.11 Mösentapezierer Detail
20.10.11 GOAL1905 Detail
19.10.11 Raabi2711 Detail
18.10.11 38457 Detail
18.10.11 1256993 Detail
18.10.11 5725825 Detail
16.10.11 1619653 Detail
15.10.11 GOAL1905 Detail
14.10.11 2440734 Detail
14.10.11 Dreeeamcatcher Detail
14.10.11 1436393 Detail
14.10.11 3065868 Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 1on1 Herbstcup 2011
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27.11.11 Mösentapezierer Detail
27.11.11 GOAL1905 Detail
27.11.11 D4VID0 Detail
27.11.11 1619653 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 International Cup #2
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22.11.11 93417 Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 1on1 WaPo Cup #12
created to rating comment match
20.11.11 D4VID0 Detail
20.11.11 136536 Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 1on1 Opening Cup
created to rating comment match
30.10.11 1661190 Detail
30.10.11 2481172 Detail
30.10.11 ExA mellow Detail
30.10.11 2980812 lowest con i ever played Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 1on1 Openingcup Endrunde
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24.10.11 D4VID0 Detail
23.10.11 5010057 Detail
23.10.11 4883213 Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 1on1 Opening Cup Quali #1
created to rating comment match
19.10.11 DasAuge Detail
19.10.11 4883213 Detail
19.10.11 GOAL1905 Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2012 1on1 WaPo Cup #10
created to rating comment match
16.10.11 D4VID0 Detail
16.10.11 1108738 Detail
16.10.11 1619653 Detail
16.10.11 Mösentapezierer Detail