Sonik  id: 1762430
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Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #95 Europe
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22.11.21 Sok Detail
22.11.21 ToD Detail
22.11.21 heyanor Detail
22.11.21 FAiL.Life Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #94 Europe
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15.11.21 kevinwc3 Detail
15.11.21 VLADZISLAU Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #93 Europe
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08.11.21 THEGREATWALL Detail
08.11.21 BsK Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #92 Europe
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01.11.21 Atanas Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #91 Europe
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25.10.21 Cucaracha Detail
25.10.21 DisaKhv Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #90 Europe
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20.10.21 aSiaNe Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #88 Europe
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04.10.21 CRO.RaZZoR Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #84 Europe
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06.09.21 Soin Detail
06.09.21 GC.Godfather Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #82 Europe
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23.08.21 Bamboocha Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #81 Europe
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16.08.21 Fish Detail
16.08.21 Xorc Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #80 Europe
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09.08.21 StiCkla Detail
09.08.21 Pandabaernd Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #79 Europe
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02.08.21 Denb94 Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #78 Europe
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26.07.21 KnOfF Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #77 Europe
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19.07.21 Ower Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #74 Europe
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28.06.21 ZeLL Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #73 Europe
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21.06.21 VS_LuChaeL Detail
21.06.21 ssm Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #71 Europe
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07.06.21 Hipposaur Detail
07.06.21 MuscleMike Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #70 Europe
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31.05.21 MisterWinner Detail
31.05.21 PteN Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #68 Europe
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17.05.21 Inspired Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #67 Europe
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10.05.21 Celebrate Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #66 Americas
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04.05.21 fredaleixo Detail
04.05.21 olcoyote Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #65 Americas
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27.04.21 SaysO Detail
27.04.21 SUED Detail
27.04.21 EDGE Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #65 Europe
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26.04.21 Rail Detail
DreamHack WC3: Reforged Open Summer 2021 - Closed Qualifier Europe
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24.04.21 Dise Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #64 Americas
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20.04.21 SharK Detail
20.04.21 HunteR Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #64 Europe
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19.04.21 p1nke Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #64 Asia
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19.04.21 Fish Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #63 Americas
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13.04.21 MisterWinner Detail
13.04.21 Deathnote Detail
13.04.21 RoDriX Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #63 Europe
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12.04.21 Inspired Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #62 Americas
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06.04.21 Shear Detail
06.04.21 Alexchen Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #62 Europe
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05.04.21 SyDe Detail
05.04.21 Fish Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #61 Europe
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29.03.21 deucetobi Detail
29.03.21 NovA Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #60 Europe
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22.03.21 Powlok Detail
22.03.21 k1ngsta Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #56 Europe
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22.02.21 NoBigThing Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #55 Europe
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15.02.21 ToD Detail
15.02.21 Dise Detail
15.02.21 k1ngsta Detail
DreamHack WC3: Reforged Regional Championship 2021 - Open Qualifier - Europe
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13.02.21 Lubber Detail
13.02.21 Speedyrogue Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #54 Europe
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08.02.21 Fish Detail
08.02.21 Celebrate Detail
08.02.21 Elf1mba Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #53 Europe
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01.02.21 Edoboii Detail
01.02.21 Dise Detail
01.02.21 L7RenZNek Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #52 Europe
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25.01.21 lilyal Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #51 Europe
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18.01.21 NovA Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #50 Europe
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11.01.21 ZEIKO Detail
11.01.21 11670870 Detail
11.01.21 jonik_000 Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #49 Europe
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04.01.21 Edoboii Detail
04.01.21 Skutt Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #48 Europe
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29.12.20 MisterWinner Detail
29.12.20 Fowzark Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #47 Europe
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22.12.20 cooper Detail
22.12.20 Fish Detail
22.12.20 Stormrage55 Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #45 Europe
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08.12.20 Edoboii Detail
08.12.20 Stormrage55 Detail
08.12.20 sun Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #43 Europe
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24.11.20 Reinforcement- Detail
24.11.20 16344550 Detail
DreamHack WC3: Reforged Masters Winter 2020 - Closed Qualifier Europe
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22.11.20 Please- Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #42 Europe
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17.11.20 ArminvB Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #41 Europe
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10.11.20 Hipposaur Detail
10.11.20 W1gan Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #40 Europe
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03.11.20 Inspired Detail
03.11.20 YoungUndead Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #39 Europe
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27.10.20 CRODeny Detail
27.10.20 Dragonborn_BR Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #38 Europe
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20.10.20 Hipposaur Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #37 Europe
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13.10.20 HawK Detail
13.10.20 Reinforcement- Detail
13.10.20 SDmK Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #36 Europe
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06.10.20 Lubber Detail
06.10.20 DeMiGoD Detail
06.10.20 Atanas Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #35 Europe
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27.09.20 Sheik Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #33 Europe
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15.09.20 HawK Detail
15.09.20 Pokey26 Detail
15.09.20 Soulful Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #32 Europe
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06.09.20 HawK Detail
06.09.20 Fish Detail
06.09.20 16115806 Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #31 Europe
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30.08.20 Dise Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #30 Europe
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24.08.20 wakadaka Detail
24.08.20 16115806 Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #28 Europe
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10.08.20 scimitar Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #27 Europe
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03.08.20 Dise Detail
03.08.20 W1gan Detail
DreamHack WC3: Reforged Masters Summer 2020 - Closed Qualifier Europe
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01.08.20 Dise Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #26 Europe
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27.07.20 Please- Detail
27.07.20 p_w Detail
27.07.20 Anathema Detail
DreamHack WC3: Reforged Masters Summer 2020 - Open Qualifier #1 Europe
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24.07.20 TeRRoR Detail
24.07.20 15785480 Detail
24.07.20 HammBamm Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #24 Europe
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12.07.20 W1gan Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #23 Europe
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05.07.20 HawK Detail
05.07.20 LeMei.330 Detail
05.07.20 Philo Detail
05.07.20 Hazu Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #22 Europe
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28.06.20 Rob Detail
28.06.20 PteN Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #21 Europe
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21.06.20 Blade Detail
21.06.20 Dise Detail
21.06.20 10595139 Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #20 Europe
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14.06.20 Sheik Detail
14.06.20 Please- Detail
14.06.20 8843440 Detail
14.06.20 Bamboocha Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #19 Europe
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07.06.20 Drunken Detail
07.06.20 YoutubeMrGannicus Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #18 Europe
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31.05.20 Fish Detail
31.05.20 Infsfred Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #17 Europe
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24.05.20 ToD Detail
24.05.20 KurCo Detail
24.05.20 Fowzark Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Random Spell Cup #1 Europe
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22.05.20 Blade Detail
22.05.20 EW.GaRFyelD Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #15 Europe
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10.05.20 Happy Detail
10.05.20 ZEIKO Detail
10.05.20 15397562 Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #14 Europe
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03.05.20 Foggy Detail
03.05.20 inGamingSimbiat Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #13 Europe
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26.04.20 Foggy Detail
26.04.20 15462746 Detail
26.04.20 KurCo Detail
26.04.20 Fowzark Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #12 Europe
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19.04.20 Foggy Detail
19.04.20 Lubber Detail
19.04.20 14902757 Detail
19.04.20 sakhalin Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #11 Europe
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12.04.20 IamLiiLD.C Detail
12.04.20 Robinson Detail
12.04.20 2426489 Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #10 Europe
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05.04.20 Happy Detail
05.04.20 ToD Detail
05.04.20 Lubber Detail
05.04.20 ag3nt Detail
05.04.20 MightyBlade Detail
05.04.20 14759373 Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #9 Europe
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29.03.20 LeMei.330 Detail
29.03.20 Dise Detail
29.03.20 15011820 Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #8 Europe
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22.03.20 Pride Detail
22.03.20 L7Maru Detail
22.03.20 3611804 Detail
22.03.20 MuscleMike Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #7 Europe
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15.03.20 Foggy Detail
15.03.20 cooper Detail
15.03.20 WaN Detail
15.03.20 Kucher Detail
15.03.20 14947913 Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #6 Europe
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08.03.20 GC.Shorty Detail
08.03.20 Helbisch Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #5 Europe
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01.03.20 Lubber Detail
01.03.20 kevinwc3 Detail
01.03.20 13131341 Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #4 Europe
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23.02.20 JohnnyCage Detail
23.02.20 ZEIKO Detail
23.02.20 8843440 Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #3 Europe
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16.02.20 HawK Detail
16.02.20 kevinwc3 Detail
16.02.20 13640948 Detail
16.02.20 14800174 Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #2 Europe
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09.02.20 orc-worker Detail
09.02.20 8809495 Detail
09.02.20 Ser Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 Open Cup #1 Europe
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02.02.20 14653709 Detail
02.02.20 RBB pischner Detail
02.02.20 SyDe Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 MYM Open Cup #16 Global
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06.10.19 AleX Detail
06.10.19 Mosura Detail
06.10.19 ChampAgnepapy Detail
06.10.19 Deathnote Detail
Warcraft III 1on1 MYM Open Cup #14 Global
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22.09.19 Edoboii Detail
22.09.19 Buu Detail