Oneofthem  id: 1917838
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Enemy Territory 1on1 League Spring 2010 Play Offs
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07.06.10 Kartez Detail
02.06.10 2275618 Detail
23.05.10 3811030 He agreed when I wanted to change the server Detail
Enemy Territory 1on1 League Spring 2010 Groupstage
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24.04.10 2935053 Detail
05.04.10 3904371 We could play that match earlier Detail
Enemy Territory 1on1 Ladder
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29.03.10 3931218 Detail
20.03.10 4014839 Detail
17.03.10 2330092 Detail
17.03.10 ridji Detail
Enemy Territory 1on1 League Summer 2009 Part 1
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20.07.09 3584349 Detail
Enemy Territory League Winter 2008 1on1 Play-Offs
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08.02.09 stapec Detail
30.01.09 957342 Detail
25.01.09 822910 Detail
Enemy Territory League Winter 2008 1on1 Cup #2
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06.01.09 Swan Detail
05.12.08 2655352 Detail
30.11.08 guffy Detail
Enemy Territory Cups 1on1 ESL cup #2
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29.03.08 2203636 Detail
18.03.08 1558861 gg :) Detail
Enemy Territory Cups 1on1 ESL cup #1
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16.02.08 stapec żal mi przeciwnika bo nie gra fair, wystarczy ze uzyska przewage 1-2 fragow i od razu kampi w respi Detail
12.02.08 2938973 gg :-) Detail