Atrox Alpha  id: 1959686
[ Match Ratings ]
[ ratings received ] [ ratings submitted ]

FIFA Online 1on1 Beta Ladder
created to rating comment match
04.08.10 Zi0m Detail
03.08.10 4054013 Detail
02.08.10 5199898 Detail
01.08.10 3504149 Detail
31.07.10 5186170 Detail
30.07.10 MOON Detail
30.07.10 4670481 Detail
23.07.10 4811895 Detail
18.07.10 burdzio gg Detail
17.07.10 3871317 Detail
17.07.10 Buki gg Detail
17.07.10 2790205 mega płacz po meczu.. 1:8 ! elo partugalski skillowcu ;D Detail
FIFA Online 1on1 Beta Ladder
created to rating comment match
03.08.10 Zi0m Detail
03.08.10 Sheiker Detail
02.08.10 5199898 Detail
02.08.10 4869873 Detail
01.08.10 3504149 Detail
01.08.10 necroW8 Detail
01.08.10 4670481 Detail
01.08.10 Favorite Detail
01.08.10 3348133 Detail
31.07.10 3218782 Detail
31.07.10 5143763 Detail
31.07.10 Sheiker Detail
31.07.10 4054013 Detail
30.07.10 2968944 Detail
26.07.10 1841681 Very delayed connection. No fun playing. Detail
26.07.10 Favorite Detail
25.07.10 5195905 Very delayed connection. No fun playing. The opponent is ok thou.. Detail
23.07.10 4890636 Detail
22.07.10 Sheiker Detail
18.07.10 Buki Detail
18.07.10 4784302 Detail
Kurnik Kosci 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
04.03.10 NIII Detail
04.03.10 SHHEEEIT Detail
03.03.10 KarteKpL Detail
03.03.10 4881262 Detail
03.03.10 3481630 Detail
03.03.10 1466267 Detail
03.03.10 3548004 Detail
Kurnik Tysiac 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
03.03.10 4883405 Detail
03.03.10 3548004 Detail
01.03.10 Chmielu Detail
01.03.10 3671085 Detail
28.02.10 4044651 Detail
28.02.10 4879033 Detail
28.02.10 3322275 Detail
28.02.10 4284991 Detail
Intern Admin Ladder 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
09.11.09 Snowie gg Detail
FIFA 09 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
30.06.09 3207399 Detail
30.06.09 1611831 Detail
29.06.09 3092735 Detail
29.06.09 3993267 Detail
08.06.09 3956688 Detail
07.06.09 2862235 Detail
05.06.09 3738019 Detail
05.06.09 3785582 Detail
04.06.09 1392151 Detail
04.06.09 3068344 delay.. switches formation just before being rdy or in the very begining of the game. not fair Detail
04.06.09 Trooper Detail
04.06.09 Wlosek Detail
04.06.09 1797842 spanish delay.. 3 secs.. low player - luck based. Detail
03.06.09 2554509 Detail
03.06.09 3659523 low conn.. only running. Detail
03.06.09 2124813 Detail
02.06.09 3068344 low connection.. Detail
02.06.09 3614654 Detail
02.06.09 NeGrO Detail
31.05.09 3068344 Detail
31.05.09 4070751 DELAY CONN or LOW PC.. either way bad conditions for fifa match Detail
31.05.09 spirit watches highlights.. wastes other players time. Detail
31.05.09 4057295 Detail
30.05.09 3331745 delayed connecyion plus cries after loosing ;[ cr7 player.. only running, Detail
30.05.09 1660898 Detail
30.05.09 AZO Detail
30.05.09 Murzyn Detail
30.05.09 2744292 Detail
29.05.09 rodeo Detail
29.05.09 4056330 delay .. Detail
29.05.09 3102216 delay + manmarking cheater. He will change his formation in the last second to fool ur mm.. cries. Detail
29.05.09 2117720 Delay conn. Only corners and shots from a 30 meter. Cries after a bash. Avoid.. :[ Detail
28.05.09 4146385 bad conn. Detail
28.05.09 4032525 delay + long balls .. not following the rules. Detail
28.05.09 CamaRo Detail
27.05.09 3425750 Detail
26.05.09 2256833 Detail
29.04.09 1964812 Detail
29.04.09 3995945 gg Detail
29.04.09 1521822 doesnt know esl rules .. or doesnt follow them.. either way not fair. ;[ Detail
29.04.09 QueX Did not give the ball back after making a pause.. read rules. Detail
29.04.09 Dude bad loooser. Doesnt know the rules. Cry after the bash. Very Low connection or PC. Avoid. No ENG. Detail
29.04.09 1208557 Detail
27.04.09 1456652 Detail
27.04.09 3979492 Detail
27.04.09 WCG SenkaIvke Detail
27.04.09 VoVaN DELAY CONN or LOW PC.. either way bad conditions for fifa match Detail
27.04.09 3433821 Detail
27.04.09 3154130 Detail
27.04.09 3220304 GG Detail
26.04.09 3893926 delay, low player, only cr7 Detail
26.04.09 1570689 gg Detail
26.04.09 3237183 good conn Detail
26.04.09 Steve Detail
26.04.09 1490596 Detail
26.04.09 3991780 Detail
26.04.09 Calli Detail
26.04.09 3700051 GG Detail
26.04.09 2183423 Time player.. Detail
23.04.09 Saddler gg although very delayed conn Detail
23.04.09 816286 Detail
23.04.09 3993267 Detail
23.04.09 3993267 Detail
23.04.09 2884908 Detail
22.04.09 3540374 very low connection + time play. no nutts! Detail
22.04.09 Kalas low conn + timeplay = avoid Detail
22.04.09 1708350 Detail
22.04.09 2045807 Detail
22.04.09 Calli Detail
22.04.09 1208557 Detail
22.04.09 3355374 neutral for giga luck and running with one player (cr7) on delay conn. Detail
20.04.09 3651137 Detail
20.04.09 2984367 Detail
16.04.09 3875650 Detail
16.04.09 3980021 Detail
16.04.09 daniel I give ++ but the game was very delayed. Detail
16.04.09 3642527 Detail
16.04.09 3979138 Detail
15.04.09 2926932 Very delayed connection so he uses only 1 player and runs with him. low brain. Detail
15.04.09 3604304 Detail
15.04.09 3980960 Detail
14.04.09 1660898 Detail
14.04.09 3746859 Detail
11.04.09 3952577 Detail
10.04.09 1790369 Detail
10.04.09 1312582 qw only + easo player.. delay Detail
09.04.09 3659523 Detail
09.04.09 1817465 gg ^^ Detail
09.04.09 1529623 Detail
09.04.09 2128802 Detail
09.04.09 Vasi Detail
09.04.09 Denis7 what a luck! what a drama! omg! lucky meeee! ;D Detail
09.04.09 3195689 Detail
09.04.09 853323 Detail
09.04.09 3666578 Detail
09.04.09 2391766 Detail
FIFA 09 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
21.06.09 1660898 Detail
19.06.09 3658293 Detail
14.06.09 3324036 Detail
14.06.09 hom3r Detail
14.06.09 3684503 robi pauze i nie da sie grac potem.. pff Detail
14.06.09 3546120 płacze po meczu.. słaby gracz i marne połączenie. Detail
13.06.09 3658293 .. Detail
13.06.09 2191829 Detail
09.06.09 3534042 Detail
08.06.09 2836954 Detail
08.06.09 3317334 conn szwankował.. Detail
07.06.09 2862235 Detail
05.06.09 3569579 Detail
05.06.09 badii nie wiesz kurwa gdzie sie plusiki zaznacza ? to i odemnie masz neutrala ;[ Detail
04.06.09 2759380 marny conn.. spory delay. Detail
04.06.09 Wlosek Detail
03.06.09 857577 Detail
03.06.09 3738019 Detail
03.06.09 3658293 cieło strasznie.. moze przypadek ale warto napisac. Detail
03.06.09 3534042 Detail
03.06.09 3693092 Detail
02.06.09 3684503 Detail
02.06.09 3624669 marny conn.. Detail
02.06.09 skowri marny conn.. Detail
02.06.09 3980960 Detail
31.05.09 3569579 Detail
30.05.09 1660898 Detail
30.05.09 Murzyn Detail
30.05.09 4095557 płacz po meczu. Detail
30.05.09 3646074 Detail
29.05.09 3324036 Detail
29.05.09 2909754 Detail
29.05.09 2862235 Detail
29.05.09 3658293 Detail
27.05.09 badii gg Detail
27.05.09 2113035 gg Detail
27.05.09 857577 gg Detail
27.05.09 3684503 gg Detail
27.05.09 2256833 gg Detail
27.05.09 2316476 gg choć fart. Detail
25.05.09 3952577 Detail
18.05.09 1520007 Detail
05.05.09 3952577 ;[ Detail
26.04.09 1570689 Detail
22.04.09 1660898 Detail
20.04.09 857577 Detail
20.04.09 3632190 Detail
16.04.09 3980960 Detail
15.04.09 3562512 Detail
14.04.09 3758987 conn zamulony to biega ciagle jednym zawodnikiem.. po meczu jakieś żale wylewa. pff Detail
14.04.09 1660898 Detail
14.04.09 3569579 Detail
14.04.09 3628302 Detail
14.04.09 3351818 do szkoły bo ortografia to chyba obca tobie jest.. Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
13.06.09 3064574 Detail