Andrea 'Andry2' Falvo  id: 2151628
[ Match Ratings ]
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Autumn League 2010 PokerTH 1on1 Autumn League
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03.12.10 3666338 Detail
01.12.10 5455981 un pò lento ma nella realtà farebbe il culo a tutti xD Detail
30.11.10 4192184 Detail
28.11.10 3460187 La fortuna non gira xD Detail
27.11.10 4505511 Una Fortuna enigmistica ! Detail
24.11.10 3460187 so hard xD Detail
24.11.10 Eternity sculed xD Detail
23.11.10 Nesli Detail
23.11.10 jpk Detail
20.11.10 647719 fortunello §=P Detail
Autumn League 2010 War Rock 1on1 Autumn League
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10.11.10 4135010 Detail
10.11.10 Ricky Detail
08.11.10 2698191 è una macchina . Detail
08.11.10 4424886 Problemi di upload credo . Detail
08.11.10 3321169 Detail
08.11.10 patz raga , non crepa . Detail
07.11.10 4311108 PAZIENZA POWER ! XD Detail
07.11.10 4150544 Detail
07.11.10 4565086 Detail
06.11.10 4151244 Detail
25.10.10 2519088 Allucinato xD Detail
24.10.10 2371663 <3 Detail
24.10.10 4150544 Detail
23.10.10 4382916 Detail
23.10.10 4742355 Detail
20.10.10 4425556 Detail
20.10.10 2783249 Detail
19.10.10 Eternity a bit sculed xDDD Detail
Quake Live 1on1 Extreme Masters Season 5 International Qualifier
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10.09.10 1514602 Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Khyber Corner Ladder
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24.05.10 4446757 gg , ottima connessione :) Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Handgun Ladder
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25.09.09 3071010 Detail
20.09.09 3664834 Davvero una brava persona oltre che un grandissimo player . Detail
19.09.09 2489443 Gg anche se mi spiace per certi comportamenti Detail
18.09.09 3222206 Spero che la prossima volta sarà un match combatutto . Detail
Team Fortress 2 1on1 Soldier Ladder
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20.06.09 3126420 grande frag .. gg per le news XD Detail
06.03.09 3665525 Detail
Team Fortress 2 1on1 Soldier KotH Giugno 09
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20.06.09 715229 Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
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26.05.09 Liethy Detail
Quake Live 1on1 Opening Cup - Playoff
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19.03.09 2543557 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Ladder
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23.02.09 Predator Detail
23.02.09 3126420 un pro Detail
20.10.08 Mr. I n S Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Ladder Old
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22.02.09 3882180 gg Detail
29.07.08 Aiirstrike Detail
04.03.08 2395210 è Na Belva A Glitcha è troppo forte nn lo sfidate Detail
07.12.07 2783666 kira the best ma k2 rulez Detail
30.10.07 2566530 1 bravissimo glitcher Detail
27.10.07 2783666 Detail
26.10.07 2700132 Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Ladder
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09.02.09 3059956 a bit of lag but np^^ Detail
09.02.09 2940304 BOH ^^ Detail
21.12.08 3175827 wtf it was a draw. gg Detail
14.12.08 2916577 gg Detail
12.12.08 3701321 gg Detail
11.11.08 2181716 a bit of lag Detail
10.11.08 2943091 Detail
21.10.08 2696055 gg Detail
20.10.08 2916577 good player^^ Detail
16.10.08 3264467 Whine Detail
12.09.08 3409356 Detail
War Rock Open Ladder 1on1 CQC Quick Europe
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08.02.09 2470067 Detail
03.02.09 2811517 gg Detail
03.02.09 2698191 what a pr0 inf3 Detail
07.03.08 Dont NN LO SFIDATE è 1 BESTIA Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Quick Ladder Old
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09.11.08 3149637 lagga ma pinga basso ... boh Detail
09.11.08 luCivan Detail
20.10.08 2749715 pr0 player^^ Detail
20.10.08 2864691 Detail
19.10.08 siiNNN bella Detail
17.10.08 2772615 1 GRANDE Detail
17.10.08 2057994 Fair Player Detail
17.10.08 2439105 Fair Player Detail
14.10.08 2572649 ci vediamo tra 14 giorni Detail
13.10.08 Mr. I n S Grande Fair Play Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Opening Cup
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26.10.08 1078169 Detail
23.10.08 1634788 Detail
ICQ Games RPS Online 1on1 Ladder
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20.10.08 972594 gg Detail
13.10.08 DerRiDDi Something Opened During The Match Detail
Teeworlds Deathmatch 1on1 Ladder
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16.10.08 2347634 pro Detail
MSN Games Dama 1on1 Autumn Cup 08
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24.09.08 bLACKTIME è bravo : D Detail
17.09.08 Dart Warrior Detail
MSN Games Uno 1on1 SteelSeries Autumn League '08
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24.09.08 2888823 Detail
24.09.08 2162704 pr0 player^^ Detail
17.09.08 2220005 Detail
Team Fortress 2 1on1 Scout Ladder
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10.09.08 3341015 Detail
08.09.08 3346964 gg Detail
08.09.08 che good player^^ Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 Sniper Ladder Old
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29.07.08 Aiirstrike Problemi Di Pc In Mappa Mia Detail
23.05.08 3114760 Detail
24.04.08 2783666 Detail
19.04.08 2698191 Detail
War Rock Close Quarters Combat 1on1 QuickCup II
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28.07.08 Dont Xauen Mappa Di Merda Detail
Bomberman Online 1on1 Ladder
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14.07.08 3338067 beh 1 laggone Detail
12.07.08 illidas Detail
12.07.08 3301273 Detail
12.07.08 PapeZoor Detail
12.07.08 2376884 Detail
12.07.08 2388487 Detail
12.07.08 2240688 Detail
11.07.08 2630914 Ottimo Player Detail
09.07.08 Dont Pr0 Player Detail