v1taLee  id: 2357934
[ Match Ratings ]
[ ratings received ] [ ratings submitted ]

Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 AWPAIM
created to rating comment match
29.03.13 DIVE Detail
27.03.13 Erkan Detail
17.03.13 DerEchte Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder
created to rating comment match
27.03.13 2929413 Detail
01.03.13 NightMare gg Detail
21.01.12 1658072 Detail
03.01.10 2066303 gg Detail
29.12.09 1670196 lcuk more Detail
25.12.09 fl0w Detail
24.12.09 4168579 Detail
19.07.09 JUSTiN BiEBER Detail
16.07.09 2912701 d2 Detail
15.07.09 1781109 Detail
14.07.09 Shadow k Detail
30.06.09 1331849 Detail
27.06.09 3035233 gg Detail
26.06.09 2759169 Detail
26.06.09 Reeen why -- ? grund bitte? Detail
29.05.09 2523535 Detail
27.05.09 2419917 gg Detail
25.05.09 3674137 Detail
20.05.09 West-Berliner gg Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 Aim Cup #17
created to rating comment match
26.02.13 4808267 Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Turbo Germany
created to rating comment match
16.05.12 6852772 Detail
10.03.12 3791451 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 Aim Cup #13
created to rating comment match
29.03.12 Legit Detail
29.03.12 kBoom Detail
29.03.12 LoLeK Detail
CS:S Open Ladder 1on1 AIM Europe
created to rating comment match
25.03.12 3781434 Detail
17.03.12 mixme Detail
17.03.12 Michy Detail
17.03.12 6379858 Detail
17.03.12 3060848 Detail
17.03.12 4930477 Detail
03.03.12 Hyper Detail
03.03.12 6512455 Detail
12.02.12 5993774 Detail
05.02.12 6470851 Detail
20.01.12 tr0ll Detail
16.01.12 3084400 Detail
15.01.12 2032207 Detail
15.01.12 4012649 camp more Detail
06.01.12 yANNICK Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 Knife Cups 2012 #02
created to rating comment match
23.03.12 yha Detail
23.03.12 BuTch3R Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder
created to rating comment match
19.03.12 Legit Detail
15.03.12 6501914 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 AWP Cups 2012 #04
created to rating comment match
13.03.12 Devine Detail
CS:S Open Ladder 1on1 AWP Europe
created to rating comment match
10.03.12 NoLiFe Detail
03.03.12 pr1ma Detail
06.02.12 6582188 Detail
05.02.12 Der Architekt Detail
05.02.12 4705157 Detail
20.01.12 6501914 camper Detail
16.01.12 6448721 Detail
06.01.12 3699929 Detail
17.12.11 R1SE Detail
17.12.11 qlboiii camp more Detail
11.12.11 5009989 Detail
22.11.11 R4WR Detail
22.11.11 5876426 Detail
20.11.11 5812202 Detail
20.11.11 5291551 Detail
15.11.11 I'm 4lex Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 AWP Cup #11
created to rating comment match
08.03.12 FaiX Detail
08.03.12 PuRe Detail
08.03.12 3946717 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 Deagle Cup #6
created to rating comment match
07.03.12 3583317 Detail
07.03.12 adrianit0 Detail
07.03.12 messiaH Detail
07.03.12 6655038 Detail
07.03.12 3946717 Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
02.03.12 3205691 Detail
19.02.12 3205691 Detail
12.02.12 3205691 Detail
28.01.12 1135893 Detail
03.07.09 1852678 Detail
03.07.09 453044 Detail
03.07.09 3732225 Detail
03.07.09 2763962 Detail
03.07.09 1852678 schoNN Detail
02.07.09 453044 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 AIM Cups 2012 #02
created to rating comment match
23.02.12 4656851 Detail
23.02.12 3326781 Detail
23.02.12 L.uciano Detail
23.02.12 Hellboy Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 AWP Cup #10
created to rating comment match
23.02.12 5894150 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 AWP Cups 2012 #02
created to rating comment match
17.02.12 I'm 4lex cpl Detail
17.02.12 1754679 Detail
17.02.12 WITTEKIND gg Detail
17.02.12 InVersusWeTrust Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
04.01.10 3086300 Detail
03.01.10 2902629 Detail
16.07.09 zyx6077 gg Detail
16.07.09 2746554 Detail
16.07.09 1743960 Detail
15.07.09 3429127 Detail
13.07.09 2592354 gg Detail
12.07.09 2781626 Detail
12.07.09 3799487 Detail
03.07.09 1818369 Detail
30.06.09 1919841 Detail
29.06.09 schmalius jojo Detail
24.06.09 1711773 Detail
12.06.09 4058783 Detail
12.06.09 4097487 Detail
06.06.09 1372900 Detail
07.05.09 2518183 luck more Detail
30.03.09 2942641 Detail
ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
30.12.09 3273779 Detail
30.12.09 4625426 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
25.12.09 2639315 Detail
19.05.09 2136396 gg Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Map Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
25.12.09 3919575 Detail
24.12.09 2259658 Detail
24.12.09 MASS-BNM Detail
23.12.09 3364475 Detail
22.12.09 4318105 Detail
22.12.09 3777376 Detail
22.12.09 2298141 france Detail
22.12.09 2019301 Detail
21.12.09 2761671 Detail
20.12.09 3364475 Detail
20.12.09 SnyyydR Detail
19.12.09 mj Detail
17.12.09 patos-_ Detail
16.12.09 2472272 Detail
15.12.09 2453661 Detail
13.07.09 j0kerY gg Detail
13.05.09 803096 Detail
11.05.09 1591515 hahahha kassiert Detail
11.05.09 924649 Detail
11.05.09 3662101 gg Detail
11.05.09 4102303 Detail
11.05.09 3967600 Detail
09.05.09 3159780 lucvk more Detail
06.05.09 2044725 luck more Detail
05.05.09 3128451 Detail
05.05.09 2505462 Detail
03.05.09 shawn gg Detail
02.05.09 1591515 Detail
02.05.09 Vinci Detail
02.05.09 3987481 Detail
02.05.09 3155268 Detail
31.03.09 fLn Detail
31.03.09 ToaDy gg Detail
30.03.09 deHEHEspair mapskilled Detail
28.03.09 leNNNy_- gibst eh -- Detail
28.03.09 1236542 gg Detail
28.03.09 610703 starq @ map Detail
26.03.09 sash luckyboy Detail
26.03.09 huaroo Detail
26.03.09 3264129 Detail
26.03.09 2562343 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 AWP Ladder
created to rating comment match
24.06.09 2327826 gg Detail
12.06.09 3825353 Detail
06.06.09 2034391 Detail
02.06.09 3189887 Detail
02.06.09 3755711 Detail
19.05.09 3081577 Detail
14.05.09 clear Detail
13.05.09 2707096 gg Detail
13.05.09 3889749 Detail
12.05.09 3561978 Detail
10.05.09 2533501 Gabe :x spielt für omQ <3 Detail
08.05.09 3117658 gg Detail
08.05.09 3018057 gg Detail
07.05.09 domii666 gg Detail
07.05.09 3747779 gg Detail
07.05.09 3633231 Detail
06.05.09 3947634 gg zu gut für ein mädchen :) Detail
06.05.09 siQ Detail
05.05.09 Max. Detail
04.05.09 2697528 ich sag nur krystal Detail
04.05.09 3053174 Detail
04.05.09 3610784 Detail
02.05.09 Rationer Detail
02.05.09 3829760 Detail
31.03.09 dale phukzalot Detail
31.03.09 Torerro1337 gg Detail
31.03.09 2275260 Detail
30.03.09 1765870 Detail
30.03.09 2902313 Detail
30.03.09 2462277 luck dir einen Detail
30.03.09 2548585 :D Detail
30.03.09 SLAM DUNK fan Detail
30.03.09 shawn Detail
30.03.09 2997868 Detail
30.03.09 2135446 Detail
30.03.09 3412836 luck mehr Detail
23.03.09 juRizza Detail
23.03.09 hypechuNii Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Rush Ladder
created to rating comment match
19.05.09 1634367 gg Detail
16.05.09 n3train0r luckt ab und zu Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 AWP Cup #12
created to rating comment match
14.05.09 2681401 Detail
14.05.09 3330785 Detail
14.05.09 2286454 Detail
14.05.09 2897784 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
06.05.09 3170626 Detail
06.05.09 1990992 Detail