Kai 'Bullyt' Nielandt  id: 2438417
[ Match Ratings ]
[ ratings received ] [ ratings submitted ]

FIFA 12 1on1 Teampool Ladder
created to rating comment match
08.02.12 BennyBenassi Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Synology Christmas Cup
created to rating comment match
27.12.11 5909773 Detail
27.12.11 2824529 Detail
FIFA 12 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
19.12.11 Eclipse Detail
19.12.11 k4ngo Detail
11.12.11 2517452 Detail
11.12.11 2382035 Detail
11.12.11 freeZ Detail
11.12.11 2187161 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 Knife Cup #7
created to rating comment match
21.07.11 4297387 Detail
21.07.11 2957142 Detail
21.07.11 2179627 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap 1on1 Knife Ladder
created to rating comment match
28.05.11 Redair Detail
14.05.11 4209090 Detail
14.05.11 edel Detail
14.05.11 hati Detail
14.05.11 Dave S. Weil du mit Kevler nur verliren würdest!!! Detail
08.05.11 5120187 Wenn Plugin Pflicht biste enpe Detail
08.05.11 4299479 Detail
08.05.11 Jack S Detail
08.05.11 hate Detail
01.05.11 3334235 Plugin updateten und weniger lucken pls Detail
26.04.11 2027495 Flame weiter Detail
26.04.11 n1QuE Detail
25.04.11 2593623 Flamed Detail
25.04.11 2789031 Detail
25.04.11 ornijunge Detail
25.04.11 rbNN Detail
25.04.11 izaax Detail
25.04.11 PRiME Detail
25.04.11 Mafioso Detail
25.04.11 4794401 Detail
25.04.11 MikeClitoris Detail
25.04.11 4853691 Detail
25.04.11 sp1nb0t Detail
25.04.11 akii nächste mit kevler damit du ne chance hast Detail
24.04.11 5120187 Sobald Kevler da is enpe Detail
24.04.11 Jack S Detail
24.04.11 KIFFBOHNE viel gecampe nich gut Detail
24.04.11 3004657 Detail
23.04.11 Mafioso Detail
23.04.11 rene Detail
23.04.11 4161868 Detail
22.04.11 Sk1x Detail
21.04.11 h4yN Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 Aim Cup #7
created to rating comment match
10.05.11 j0kerY Detail
HaxBall 1on1 Golden Goal Cup #7
created to rating comment match
08.05.11 LoCShot Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 Knife Cup #6
created to rating comment match
07.05.11 xxxxxxxxxxxxx Detail
07.05.11 5421843 Detail
07.05.11 luzo Detail
07.05.11 xeL Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 Knife Cup #5
created to rating comment match
14.04.11 FireStar Detail
14.04.11 2612012 Detail
14.04.11 4530781 Detail
HaxBall 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
02.03.11 945816 2sec fehlten mir zum ausgleich xD Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
14.11.10 3586130 Detail
13.11.10 1976571 Detail
13.11.10 2104277 Detail
07.11.10 moE Detail
07.11.10 3586513 Nur am Foulen und dann so son Luck Nc dazu NICHT ZU EMPFLEN!!!!!! Detail
07.11.10 2238791 Detail
07.11.10 2157012 Detail
07.11.10 1378703 Nur am Grätschen und Foulen kein Fairplay Detail
06.11.10 bgzu Detail
06.11.10 3997363 Detail
06.11.10 2362679 Detail
06.11.10 3293886 Detail
06.11.10 4694513 Bist der Beste xD aber hast mich gut Zersört! Detail
06.11.10 3352012 Detail
05.11.10 2040000 Detail
31.10.10 4694513 Detail
31.10.10 4425504 Detail
31.10.10 2104277 Detail
31.10.10 WhideBeard Detail
16.10.10 Dreeeamcatcher Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
07.11.10 TripReport Detail
06.11.10 1279704 Detail
06.11.10 LAN PANTERA 18 Detail
06.11.10 2897243 Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 1on1 Openingcup
created to rating comment match
30.10.10 4425504 Detail
25.10.10 watsinho10 Detail
Pro Evolution Soccer 2011 1on1 Test Ladder
created to rating comment match
02.10.10 2411737 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Cups 1on1 AWP Anti-Cheat Cup #1
created to rating comment match
27.09.10 1628221 Das is kein Rush cup! Detail
27.09.10 t0rnadoTONY Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Anti-Cheat Ladder
created to rating comment match
25.09.10 drown.x3 Detail
ICQ Games Pool 1on1 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
05.02.10 3613527 Detail
26.12.09 2840313 Detail
23.12.09 jaN Detail
23.12.09 highdeR Detail
20.09.09 CROVEK Detail
08.04.09 1002551 Detail
08.04.09 1751300 Detail
08.04.09 3303777 Detail
08.04.09 238452 Detail
30.11.08 2576255 Detail
04.11.08 Wow0R Detail
03.11.08 1643456 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap 1on1 Knife Cup #1
created to rating comment match
27.01.10 3348560 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Heads-Up Ladder
created to rating comment match
16.01.10 2225333 Lucker reeeee Detail
23.02.09 Mafioso Detail
15.01.09 1154587 Detail
15.01.09 benJi Detail
15.01.09 2438436 Detail
15.01.09 2857279 Detail
15.01.09 287368 Detail
15.01.09 1423459 Detail
PokerTH 1on1 Fixed Ladder
created to rating comment match
02.01.10 Mafioso Detail
Blub Game 1on1 1on1 Spontanizzle Cup #4
created to rating comment match
27.12.09 1468703 Detail
Blub Game 1on1 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
01.12.09 2059358 Detail
07.10.09 2118596 Detail
03.05.09 Mafioso Detail
10.04.09 3331745 Detail
03.03.09 3401209 Detail
01.03.09 robbynat0r Detail
01.03.09 Mafioso Detail
28.02.09 2583409 Detail
28.02.09 1672449 Detail
28.02.09 Mafioso Detail
28.02.09 1966835 Detail
25.02.09 3401209 Detail
25.02.09 1966835 Jumpover is kacke Detail
25.02.09 scratchy. Detail
25.02.09 robbynat0r Detail
24.02.09 Roctay Detail
24.02.09 1966835 Detail
24.02.09 robbynat0r Detail
24.02.09 3401209 Detail
24.02.09 Mafioso Detail
24.02.09 Mafioso Detail
24.02.09 3401209 Detail
24.02.09 Mafioso Detail
23.02.09 1858390 Detail
23.02.09 3401209 Detail
23.02.09 Mafioso Detail
23.02.09 1858390 Detail
23.02.09 1966835 Detail
23.02.09 Mafioso Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Aim Map Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
18.10.09 jK Detail
25.07.09 2213555 Detail
16.07.09 2395237 Detail
29.03.09 dontmessagemebb Detail
25.03.09 2255269 Detail
25.03.09 luCky duCk Detail
25.03.09 2085382 Detail
25.03.09 fLn Detail
24.03.09 3398293 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
18.10.09 1400446 Detail
17.08.09 2705602 Detail
15.07.09 2438436 Detail
11.06.09 3157079 Detail
30.05.09 4058783 Netter gegner Detail
27.05.09 cronic Detail
27.05.09 iMODRAGE Detail
02.05.09 1627939 Detail
02.05.09 2462850 Detail
07.04.09 1534593 Detail
25.03.09 Mafioso Detail
10.03.09 Hardl1ner Detail
21.02.09 3058653 Detail
21.02.09 2745620 Detail
21.02.09 Natu Detail
20.02.09 Mafioso Detail
20.02.09 2292035 Detail
19.02.09 3114160 Detail
19.02.09 3670540 Detail
19.02.09 3334305 Detail
19.02.09 2887736 Detail
16.02.09 3379159 Detail
16.02.09 2361484 Detail
16.02.09 3674137 Netter Gegner Detail
21.01.09 2449982 Detail
18.01.09 Mafioso Detail
15.01.09 2796989 Detail
04.01.09 2449982 Detail
30.12.08 Mafioso Detail
18.12.08 diamoNde Detail
30.11.08 3289004 Detail
28.11.08 2134022 Detail
28.11.08 2252583 Detail
24.11.08 2438436 Detail
04.11.08 CROVEK Detail
04.11.08 chRizZoR Detail
03.11.08 2692352 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source Funmap Aimmap 1on1 AWP Ladder
created to rating comment match
03.10.09 jK Detail
02.05.09 kiste Detail
29.12.08 Mafioso Detail
22.12.08 2719634 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder
created to rating comment match
15.07.09 2017610 Detail
11.02.09 2059358 Detail
29.01.09 2830821 Detail
30.12.08 2053244 Detail
PokerTH Open Ladder 1on1 Europe
created to rating comment match
24.04.09 2057469 Detail
06.02.09 Mafioso Detail
29.01.09 Mafioso Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Amateur Series
created to rating comment match
07.03.09 CROVEK Detail
Playray Billard 1on1 Ladder
created to rating comment match
24.01.09 2059358 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Handgun Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
30.12.08 Mafioso Detail
Kart n Crazy 1on1 Item Cup n' Crazy
created to rating comment match
27.12.08 2633446 Detail
Counter-Strike: Source 1on1 Ladder Old
created to rating comment match
12.12.08 1199276 Detail
14.11.08 masterACE Detail